That's great XD I'm always too impatient for sales...except once when it came to a rock. Yes, a rock.
Kay! But yeah, perfectly understandable *waiting for the episodes to download on her end* Normally they'd be done already, but my laptop exploded and I've been on my mom's and hers really sucks... >_>
Well, my favorite season 1 Episodes are Rumors/Photo Day, Computer Class/Backpacks, Notes/Best Friends, and Emergency Drills / Late Bus but really, any are fine So your choice! I'll be happy with any XD
Kay! But yeah, perfectly understandable *waiting for the episodes to download on her end* Normally they'd be done already, but my laptop exploded and I've been on my mom's and hers really sucks... >_>
Well, my favorite season 1 Episodes are Rumors/Photo Day, Computer Class/Backpacks, Notes/Best Friends, and Emergency Drills / Late Bus but really, any are fine So your choice! I'll be happy with any XD