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Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Is Fairy Tail good?
I love that manga. At least up until the time skip (which takes a while to get to). I sort of put it on hiatus for a while because I really didn't like the tournament arc....

It's a really fun series though. I highly recommend it.


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
Is Fairy Tail good?
What about the anime adaption?
Yes. It's good. The anime is good too. While it follows the manga pretty closely, the original anime lacked blood. Which can make things feel off sometimes, when someone gets cut, and there's no blood. But you get used to it. There's also filler in the anime. Obviously. But you can skip it anyway. As for the new anime that just started, they shifted the art to match with the manga, which I appreciate, and the animation is great. I think there's blood now. But I can't say for certain. There was only one quick scene in the first episode where I thought I saw blood.

As an art an animation comparison. Here's the first OP from both series.



Staff member
I went to the Lupin III vs Conan movie in December. I got something interesting.


I call it コナン三世 lol
I saw it opening night since it was my birthday \o/



New Conan movie opens next weekend though. Will be going to see that too~

I've seen these movies since being here:
The Wind Rises
The Tale of Princess Kaguya
Lupin III vs Detective Conan
Hunter x Hunter: The Last Mission

Not sure if I'll see any others before I leave. Was hoping the final Evangelion movie would come out, but nope.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Cherry blossom festival was great. I also got to explore Chinatown with friends. Today was good.