But then I took this:
My response to the first thought would be, "I bloody don't have the time to read manga. Heck, I barely have time to read the books I need to read for class. You can call me that all you want, and I still won't read it."
My response to the second thought would be, "Nobody is allowed to call me 'Tentacle Monster, because no matter how I look at it, Megumi does not equal to Megurine."
What's worse is that my parents want me to have a date quickly. But I have no time to spend on girls. Work, study... That cost me a lot of time. I return home 22:00 everyday and there are still some revision work to do. I have classes even on Saturday and Sunday. After that, what I want to do is only rest or I can't keep my health anymore.
Tthe chatbox on the old vB forums....Since when were you started to be referred to as tentacle monster?