Hub;36472 said:
DEMASUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! No ones giving me a striaght answer here!
This is how it chills, although it has already been explained countless times.
When someone puts in the [ you ] tag (without spaces of course)
it will change the the username of whoever views it.
Like in Rocknote's post above, I see:
I want to eat ToadMan.EXE.
I want ToadMan.EXE's blood.
I want ToadMan.EXE's flesh.
I want...pills...(urgh...)
While you see:
I want to eat Hub.
I want Hub's blood.
I want Hub's flesh.
I want...pills...(urgh...)
I also see the title of the thread as: "ToadMan.EXE's been spotted," while you see it "Hub's been spotted."
In conclusion, if you use the [ you ] tag, it changes itself into the name of the user viewing it.
~Hope I ended some of the confusion~
EDIT: Oh snap, celestial_sacred beat me to the explanation.