Basic Info Post
I'll be editing in tons of info here, as opposed to the previous one, which will be the introduction post.
--I'll be using a slightly modified version of the EXE elements, rather than the Zero/ZX elements, to allow for more versatility.
--Characters are either 'Specialization Based' or 'Equip Based' for both their weapon and element. They CAN have one be specialization, and the other be Equip, if that is their desire.
--Equip types will have a selection of weapons and elements to choose from, and will be able to equip them AS THEY ACQUIRE THEM. Limit of 9 (default +

. Skill in the individual weapons, though, will be less than specialists.
--Specialists will be able to anything they can think up (so long as it is within reason). They could even MAKE UP a weapon, if they so choose (but they must stick with one of the 9 elements). They have a higher skill and power with that weapon/element, but lack the versatility available to those that are equip types.
--Story will be mission based. Mission will be defined, objectives will be explained, and then will be carried out as a team. When equipment is recovered or found, all those whom are 'programmed' with the knowledge of its use will be able to utilize it after the mission (as more will be made). During the mission, though, only those currently in possession of the item may utilize it. The exception is base equips, which are always unique to the user (i.e.: If the repliroid uses twin daggers, it's a variety exclusive to them. Only when a 'generic set' is found may the others whom can utilize daggers wield them).
--As always, no canon characters in my games.
The system is in its alpha version. I'm thinking of sort of emulating the DS controls for Rockman ZX/Advent. Basically, you have a position for A, B, X, Y, L, and R. With the exception of L and B, which are Dash and Jump respectively, they get the choice between Variability or Specialization, though one must be set up with capabilities for attack. For example, i's setup would be:
A - Change Program
B - Jump
X - Change Weapon
Y - Change Element
L - Dash
R - Use Weapon
Also, each character is encouraged to have some kind of defining aspect of them. In i's case, it would be her 'Change program' ability. This ability allows her to change her fighting style - an all out defensive style, all out offensive style, a style emulating X, a style emulating Zero, and a style emulating each of the guardians (and of course, her base style, the Iota program). Let's have another sample character, one who's a pure Specialist (for the sake of the suggestion, we'll call them Infinity, keeping with the numbers jokes). For the sake of element, we'll use the Sword element.
A - Slashing attacks
B - Jump
X - Thrusting attacks
Y - Wave attacks*
L - Dash
R - Signature strikes
*Example - Model H's triple strike, most of Hurricaune's attacks, some of Zero's EX Skills
In this case, the character has a wide variety of skills and abilities that the equip-type wouldn't have. Pretty much all of the bosses encountered in Rockman games are pure specialists, with a few notable exceptions (Sigma, Omega, Pandora, etc...). Infinity's signature skills in this case would be user defined, and would be the defining aspect of the character.
Then, let's say you're like MOST reploids out there (including the canon heroes - Rock, X, Zero, Vent/Aile (and the rejects, Ashe/Grey, but nobody cares about them)). For this one, we'll keep with the number's theme for the characters - Theta. For the sake of the character, we'll say they use long range weapons.
A - Elemental Special
B - Jump
X - Change Weapon
Y - Change Element
L - Dash
R - Use Weapon
In this case, we'll see the most common type of reploid - namely because most people would try to apply with this type of character, so as to take advantage of both Variability and Specialization. They're also the easiest to make.
It is to be noted, though, that though the specialists would seem to outclass the versatile types at first (as they types must find their equipment before they have access to it), they have limits to their power. Basically, it's like Weapon Energy from Rockman and X, and Livemetal Energy from ZX and Advent, as well as some influence (though minor) on power and technique, such as the wepon levels from Zero 1 and 2. However, as each mission is completed, they'll become more efficient at the use of their abilities, as more techniques are mastered and old ones take less energy to use.
There won't he HP or EP (Health Gauges and Energy Gauges), as it IS a freeform RP, but they'll be expected to act within reason, less they face my banhammer. And my banhammer is coated in ESSENCE OF INSTANT DEATH SPIKES.
Cyber Elves:
Nurse Elves - These are cyber elves that have to do with a repliroid's health and energy. They are able to increase a repliroid's vitality or energy, as well as gradually restore it as well.
Animal Elves - These are cyber elves that support a repliroid. This includes increasing their speed, defense, jumping/climbing ability, etc...
Hacker Elves - These are cyber elves that empower a repliroid. This includes increasing the damage of certain weapons and attacks, as well as increasing the effectiveness of elemental effects.
Special Elves - These are cyber elves that share a special relationship with a specific repliroid. These are character specific, and improve qualities of the repliroid to which they are linked.
Each character is able to equip ONE cyber elf at a time as a satellite elf. When their special elf is found/developed, they may equip that one at the same time as the other elf, for a total of two.
Other than the Special Elves, which are acquired differently depending on the character in question, Available Cyber Elves are shared within the group. The game will start with three very basic Elves--
A Nurse elf that provides a very minor Vitality Repair function
An Animal elf that mildly increases speed
A Hacker elf that slightly increases damage dealt by attacks if the character is using their base equipment.
All weapons are able to utilize the Neutral and Natural elements, but are unable to utilize one of the mechanical elements. Mechanical Elements that are usable by the weapons are provided.
(Weapon sprites in the works)
- Saber
- Knuckle
- Recoil Rod
- Triple Rod
- Chain Rod
- Boomerang Shield
- Spear
- Double-Ended Spear
- Kunai/Throwing Star
- Twin Daggers
- Twin Pistols
- Laser Pistol
- Buster Pistol
- Arm Buster
- Scythe
- Wand
- Axe
- Arm Laser
- Lance
- Rapier
- Hammer
- Club
- Mace
- Claws
There are three types of elements: Neutral, Natural, and Mechanical.
Neutral Elements are Null (
Natural Elements are Fire, Aqua, Lightning, and Wood (
Mechanical Elements are Breaking, Slashing, Wind, and Targeting (
Element is neutral in nature. Has no special effect. Has no attributed color.
Element is comprised of flames and heat. Effect melts ice, and burns foliage and enemies. Burnt enemies take prolonged damage. Effect is disrupted by Aqua, which extinguishes the flame. Weakness is Aqua. Attributed color is
Element is comprised of water and ice. Effect extinguishes flames and freezes enemies in place. Effect is disrupted by Fire, which melts ice. Weakness is Lightning. Attributed color is
Element is comprised of lightning and electricity. Effect restores power to certain objects, stuns enemies and deals prolonged damage. Effect is disrupted by Wood, which grounds the target. Weakness is Wood. Attributed color is
Element is comprised of Wood and Plants. Effect disrupts high voltage barriers and binds enemies to the ground. Effect is disrupted by Fire, which burns through the wood. Weakness is Fire. Attributed color is
Element is slow yet strong by nature. Effect breaks through certain barriers and breaks guards. Effect is disrupted by Targeting, which pre-empts the slow but strong attack. Weakness is Targeting. Attributed color is
Element is innately close range by nature. Effect cuts through certain materials and slices through enemies. Effect is disrupted by Breaking, which is too durable to slice through. Weakness is Breaking. Attributed color is
Element is quick but weak by nature. Effect blows away light objects and knocksback/blows the enemy away. Effect is disrupted by Slashing, which cuts through the strong winds. Weakness is Slashing. Attributed color is
Element is innately long range by nature. Effect hits certain objects that are out of reach and may not be hit otherwise, and automatically aim/hone in on an enemy. Effect is disrupted by wind, which throws the auto-aiming off. Weakness is Wind. Attributed color is
Ranking System:
Similar to the Zero series, after the end of missions, the team will be ranked as a whole depending on how they preformed. This influences how much they're paid for the missions. Missions in which they operated horribly will result in low pay, whereas missions where they acted superbly will result in a very generous paycheck. Teams are graded on the following:
30% - Mission Objectives
25% - Teamwork
20% - Efficiency
15% - ?
10% - ?
Still working on what the other two are...
Main Character:
As always, in games that I start, I create an NPC to have the specific role of "Main Character". This is so that all you people out there get it in your heads that you're NOT SUPPOSED TO BE COMPETING FOR THAT POSITION. I've had to many games ruined by MORONS Godmoding because all of them think that they're the main character. At least when I join a game, I join knowing that my character is part of the supporting cast!
Anywho, the main character is known as
i. Kudos to you if you understand the joke that is her name.
. . . . Name:
. . . Gender: Female
. . . . Type: Pure Equip
Base Element: Null
.Base Weapon: Unarmed/Fist
i is a Repliroid whom served under the command of Zero during the Elf Wars. During that time, she gained great respect for him, and became one of the most loyal repliroids under his command. After he sealed himself away, she hesitantly followed X instead, though after the creation of Neo Arcadia and Copy X, she grew more and more wary of them, questioning their methods. As rumos that Zero had returned surfaced, she deserted the Neo Arcadian forces in order to try and find Zero and join the resistance. In the end, she was unsuccessful, and joined a militant group similar to the resistance, in hopes that one day she'd cross paths with Zero.
After Ragnarok was destroyed by Zero,
i began to hear rumors that Zero had sacrificed himself to take the satelite down, and had died. Refusing to believe the rumos that the person she idolized was dead, she continued on in hopes that she would meet him again. This redoubled her efforts, and the group began to notice her achievements in the missions she was given. With this, they decided to create a new mission team, and appoint her leader. This surprised her, as she was more content to follow than lead, but orders were orders.
Now she leaves her position in her old team, and although insecure as a leader, she puts together a team with the purpose of going out on special missions, unaware what fate has in store for her team...
A - Change Program
B - Jump
X - Change Weapon
Y - Change Element
L - Dash
R - Use Weapon
Full Potential:
Elements: Similar to Zero's Armor,
i's hair color changes to match the element's representative color. Natural hair color is dark lavender/light purple. (Base Element is Null)
- Breaking
- Fire
- Aqua
- Wood
- Null
- Targeting
- Slashing
- Lightning
- Wind
Program Styles: These are programs containing various fighting styles that
i can equip and use. Her base Program Style is
ι (Iota)
- α (Alpha)
- β (Beta)
- γ (Gamma)
- Δ (Delta)
- ι (Iota)
- Χ (Chi)
- Ζ (Zeta)
- Σ (Sigma)
- Ω (Omega)
i is able to adapt to a wide variety of weapons, and is skilled in hand to hand combat and martial arts. (Base is Unarmed)
- Boomerang Shield
- Dual Pistols
- Spear
- Kunai
- Unarmed
- Arm Buster
- Saber
- Dual Daggers
- Laser Pistol
Program Styles:
An aspect that
i's base programming was built around, she is able to change her combat programming to alter her fighting style and even emulate the fighting style of other repliroids. These styles are very detailed, though, and as such take up much memory, causing her to be able to store no more than nine styles at any one time. What's more, she cannot override her own base program. With this in mind, she is able to utilize her own style, as well as 8 others. These programs must be compatible with her own programming, however, and as such, a skilled programmer is required to convert incompatible programs into programs that she can use.
Program Styles that will be utilized in the RP are:
α Style - Style focuses on powerful strikes. Weapons charge slower, but have increased power. Most techniques have recoil, and are best preformed on the ground, as the energy from recoil is transferred to the ground. This recoil diminishes the effectiveness of techniques in the air, and makes them almost useless underwater. Favored weapons are Dual Pistols and Arm Buster. Favored elements are Heat, Cursor, and Breaking. Unfavored weapons are Spear and Saber. Unfavored elements are Electric, Sword, and Wind.
β Style - Style is focus on rapid-succession attacks. Weapons charge faster, and have quick, multi-hit charge strikes. Techniques operate efficiently on land, in air, and underwater, without bonus or penalty, though which techiques are used vary. When unarmed, weapons may be temporarily taken from mechaniloids upon finishing blow. Favored weapons are Kunai and Laser Pistol. Favored elements are Plant, Wind, and Cursor. Unfavored weapons are Spear and Boomerang Shield. Unfavored elements are Aqua, Break, and Sword.
γ Style - Style focuses on attacks that flow well together, allowing for nearly endless strings of combos. Weapons charge slower, and have lower charge attack power. Many techniques are preformed best in water, allowing for an endless stream of attacks. This fluid nature of the attacks is lessened on land, and doesn't work well at all in the air. Favored weapons are Spear and Boomerang Shield. Favored elements are Plant, Break and Sword. Unfavored weapons are Kunai and Laser Pistol. Unfavored Elements are Heat, Wind and Cursor.
Δ Style - Style focues on quick execution of attacks. Weapons charge faster, though at a slight loss of power. Most techniques are arial in nature, and not many can be preformed standing on the ground, and do not preform as well underwater. Favored weapons are Dual Daggers and Saber. Favored Elements are Electric, Sword, and Wind. Unfavored weapons are Dual Pistols and Arm Buster. Unfavored Elements are Heat, Cursor, and Break.
ι Style - Style is focused purely on balance. No specilization in any particular field, nor any favor for standard or charged attacks, nor weapon or element.
Χ Style - Style is focused on Long Range combat. Ranged weapons charge in half the normal time and hit stronger. The Arm Buster can charge to a third level. Melee weapons take twice as long to charge and have half the power. Saber cannot charge at all. Favored weapons are the Arm Buster and the Double Pistols. Favored elements are Cursor, Plant, and Heat. Unfavored weapons are the Saber and Double Daggers. Unfavored elements are Sword, Aqua, and Elec.
Ζ Style - Style is focused on Melee combat. Melee weapons charge in half the normal time and hit stronger. The Saber can be charge to a third level. Ranged weapons take twice as long to charge and have half the power. Arm Buster cannot charge at all. Favored weapons are the Saber and Double Daggers. Favored elements are Sword, Aqua, and Elec. Unfavored weapons are the Arm Buster and Double Pistols. Unfavored elements are Cursor, Plant, and Heat.
Σ Style - Style focuses on defense. Damage dealt is half normal, but damage recieved is halved as well. Charge attacks cannot be preformed, instead, a defensive stance is taken. Should the enemy attempt an attack, a counter is preformed, doing standard damage for that weapon. Favored weapons are Boomerang Shield and Spear. Favored Elements are Breaking, Heat. and Aqua. Unfavored Weapons are Laser Pistol and Kunai. Unfavored Elements are Wind, Electric, and Plant.
Ω Style - Style is focused on pure power. All damage dealt is doubled, but as defense is halved, all damage recieved is doubled as well. Weapons cannot be charged. Instead all combos are finished with the standard weapon charge attack. Boomerang Shield cannot be used to defend with, and will always be thrown as a boomerang. Favored weapons are Laser Pistol and Kunai. Favored elements are Wind, Elec, and Plant. Unfavored weapons are Boomerang Shield and Spear. Unfavored elements are Break, Heat, and Aqua.