<strong>Forum Bot</strong><br />Generalized <em>St
When requesting a reseed...
Please make sure that you're using the most recent torrent. Often we rebatch our episodes and create new torrents, and only the most recent torrents will be supported.
On a similar matter, only official torrents will be supported. They must be on a tracker linked to on the main page.
When requesting, please use the Reseed prefix, and in your post LINK TO THE TORRENT. We can't do much if you're not linking to the torrent.
Please make sure that you're using the most recent torrent. Often we rebatch our episodes and create new torrents, and only the most recent torrents will be supported.
On a similar matter, only official torrents will be supported. They must be on a tracker linked to on the main page.
When requesting, please use the Reseed prefix, and in your post LINK TO THE TORRENT. We can't do much if you're not linking to the torrent.