What will you be doing over Christmas?


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
What will you be doing over Christmas?

*pokes the title*

I will be finishing off Manga stuff and not working (yay) i have from Mon 23rd Dec to 2nd Jan (well go back on) off work :D


Staff member
Eh... I go back on January 2nd also :p and I got out this past Wednesday(Actually, today, but I didn't have to take exams :D).

Only thing I have planned is my usually family things on my mom and dad's sides D= On the Saturday and Sunday before Christmas...

and along things of subbing... uhm. Whatever comes up ;o


DC Comics Enthusiast
For Christmas, nothing. After Christmas, I will be going up to Lake Tahoe and will be staying there till after New Years.


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
Working on some Photoshop projects I've been meaning to finish, summarize the rest of Ryuusei no Rockman for GRN, grab those last ten RNR subs I've been missing, and catch up on Digimon NEXT.


Grand Saboteur
I'm going to start going to the gym again. It's been months, and my muscles need to rework themselves I guess. I won't be there everyday, maybe I'd go visit twice or thrice during the break.

Oh! I'll buy myself an electric guitar (at last)!


<b>Super Moderator</b><br>♥ TOMATO ♥
Freezing at home, chugging through commissions, Nintendo DS gaming, attempting to draw in the cold (don't think much will happen there), playing with cats, socializing with family and hopefully hometown friends.

Oh yes and also hopefully lots of Adventure subbing goodness~


Active Member
Splash;17871 said:
Oh yes and also hopefully lots of Adventure subbing goodness~


Hmm.. I'll be going for a Christmas eve's party over at my mum's friend's house.. >_> Christmas is...just not planned. (I'm in the middle of a long holiday now) Probably playing Digimon Christmas songs the whole day. XD


I will be spending the day with my friends, we'll most likely go to Rockefeller Center and Ice Skate or Enjoy the View. After that, i will be going to my Parents house for some family time. Not much here either, i have off the 22nd and return the 5th to School, but from work, i don't have days off. Except for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, i might even work on New Years Eve, but i haven't quite confirmed it yet.


New Member
I'll be warming myself in Jamaica for your guys' Christmas, but since I'm Orthodox, and I celebrate Christmas on January 7th, and I'll be skipping school on that day and celebrating (since it's supposed to be the first day of school, and why should I go to school on Christmas?).


THE all-high-and-mighty
January 7th. A SUNDAY. ;-;

I'll be at home. Or helping with the the family do stuff if relatives are over. Marathon anime. marathon fanfic reading (GO Lightning of the Wave... must read). Marathon books. Read books for school. Read books.


&hearts; Webcomic Fiend &hearts;
I'll be staying at home, watching television, and opening presents. :)
I'm getting a Nintendo DS and four games. Can't wait to play it~


<b><font color="#4e7d40">Head Scanlator</font><br>
Sleeping, Eating, and working. Hopefully driving the latter half >_>


New Member
Christmas Eve I'll be at our family get together. Christmas day I'll be staring at presents and not wanting to open them because they're so pretty XD and then the day after I'll be celebrating my birthday. I may work on some fanfiction or AMVs from now till then as well if I get off my lazy butt lol


私語が多いって言われるよ。でもそんなの 関係ねぇ
I'll be working for no pay on the 23rd and 24th. Meh, but it's all good because お客様からご注文いただいた商品を本日発送させていただきました~~~~~ 25th is family day and on the 26th, I'll be going into conniptions. xD