Oh. Tomorow's Kyouko?
Never though 今日子 would be a name.
Makes sense.
Because I was like... tomorrow's today 子???
You have no idea how long not knowing the name of this series has bothered me....
Oh. Tomorow's Kyouko?
Never though 今日子 would be a name.
Makes sense.
Because I was like... tomorrow's today 子???
Franky House Suspended Due to Copyright Violation!!! We are working feverishly to get the site open to our fans again.
Information of how this process is going, our possible course of action, updates and upgrades will be provided as this process transpires or hopefully when the site is back online. We do ask for your patience now and will Need your support for this to succeed. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks.
Oh Franky House.I used to get a lot of manga from them... back when I read manga.