...what happened to Pages?

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Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
It´s no curse, it´s an insult. I would translate it to fool (it´s made up from 2 word, "dumm" (means "stupid") and "kopf" (means "head") - She basicly says that he is "stupid in his head")

Technically curse implies it being directed at someone, and you can curse at someone, so I'm not exactly wrong in my usage here. Although I don't know if by your definition it's heavy enough to be defined as a curse.

Anyways, thanks for translating the gratuitous German for me.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
It's cute....

But the furry almost ruins it....

Oh well, as long as it doesn't turn fanservicey I should be fine.
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