So my original Xbox Live Gamertag was "Ligex" because some fail-ass had Lige. People prouncounced my name "Lig-ex" so I changed it to MysticLige (an old alias from wayyyyyyyyy back) -- Then people called me Mystic, which, was so-so. Didn't really bother me, but, I still didn't like having a name like that. So I changed my name to Shiro Seijun for a while. (Was using as e-mail... Since Shriou was my alias for a while.) Well, despite the fact it was personal / family / my own life reasons for the name, a lot of my friends kept joking / calling me racist since it's "White Innocence" or w/e. (I was actually
born Jason White btw) as such, I disliked my name still, plus, I don't do the name Shiro/Shirou anymore. Soo... I tried for shits and giggles today.
LIGEY was available. My gamertag is Ligey