Hmm... Really am gonna go lay down now. Gonna watch... something. Probably Ao no Exorcist since I'm a few episodes behind. Catch up til I fall asleep ;D... G'night all.
Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto -- I cheated. Looked at sig name and used Google ... I've noticed a few times in past that Kaitou's stuff is generally partially named, so bwhahaha.
I wonder if it's gonna be a typical 2-4 hour thing or if it's gonna be like Walmart's was... A full 8 hour shift. I want the full 8 hour money, but at same time I want to get back home to sleep during the day. I don't feel right sleeping at night >_<
I fell asleep at Walmarts orientation for that very reason... Nobody noticed 'cept co-workers who woke me up when the lady was about to walk by. (Would poke me with pen under table) -- It was kind-a nice ;o
Star Driver Kagayaki no Takuto -- I cheated. Looked at sig name and used Google ... I've noticed a few times in past that Kaitou's stuff is generally partially named, so bwhahaha.
You would be right. Yeah, I generally name my things what they are. Makes it easier to find them. Rather than naming them stuff like "Sig2" or "avie" it's boring...
=o Thanks. Was only a 2 hour orientation, but looks like it'll be a few days worth of computer training at 2-3 hours a day o.o I officially start my job / hours on Monday ...
TF2 story:
I played spy and kept backstabbing a sniper, to the point where he holed up in a doorway which to get to required me going directly into headshot territory to get to. I however cloaked, ran around him, uncloaked, and as I backstabbed him declared in a very creepy voice, "I'm right behind you."