Well, that was annoying...


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Well, that was annoying...

So, how many of us regulars and vets get the occasional n00b to deal with? I don't mean newb, they're supposed to be embraced with open arms and welcomed into the community. I mean n00b, the type of person who seeks us out and causes grief.

I just dealt with one, whom apparently didn't read the rules. He just went poof, if I'm not mistaken.

The thing is, though... am I the only one? I dealt with someone else a while back on Crunchyroll who foolishly admitted to being only 10, when the minimum registration age is 13. The thing is, they're a headache. They think they know best, but it doesn't cross their minds that they may want to be nice and respect people's wishes. I don't know how many times I've said that I'll only add a friend to my friendslist, and that if you're a stranger I will tell you to go away, but they still come.

/me sighs...

Sometimes, I wish people would just use a bit of common sense on the interwebs. I mean, seriously, how hard is it to respect people's wishes? When they say "no, I don't wanna be friends with you, I've never even seen you before", why must some of them get all whiny and offensive? It just means "hey, if you wanna be friends, try talking to me in the forums first and actually befriending me".

Am I the only one? Does anyone else here have some other issue that they have as a pet peeve that they warn people about, but then are blatantly ignored and annoyed? Anyone else have to go so far as to report a TOS violation? Which forum it was on matters not, it just has to have happened to you...

Also, try to avoid using names, if at all possible. After all, people tend to wisen up with age and experience, and they might come back as a respectable person... They'll know who they are by who you speak of, but no need to embarrass them in front of everybody.