<strong>Forum Bot</strong><br />Generalized <em>St
Want to join the team?
Interested in joining the team?
Whenever we're hiring for a certain position, it'll either be posted on the main page, in our IRC channel topic, and/or posted in the news forum. So keep an eye out for those.
But if you're just dying to get on the team, feel free to send Greg a PM, explaining what you can do. Most of the time we need some sort of staff to do something, and would probably be more than willing to take you on.
If you're currently a guest reading this, feel free to either join up to the forums and send a PM, or e-mail the leader at kree@dats.us
We're a forum based group, so eventually all staff should have a forum account, but if you're not sure yet, feel free to e-mail! We can always work things out over that
Interested in joining the team?
Whenever we're hiring for a certain position, it'll either be posted on the main page, in our IRC channel topic, and/or posted in the news forum. So keep an eye out for those.
But if you're just dying to get on the team, feel free to send Greg a PM, explaining what you can do. Most of the time we need some sort of staff to do something, and would probably be more than willing to take you on.
If you're currently a guest reading this, feel free to either join up to the forums and send a PM, or e-mail the leader at kree@dats.us
We're a forum based group, so eventually all staff should have a forum account, but if you're not sure yet, feel free to e-mail! We can always work things out over that