Top Chef! Season 5 New York


THE all-high-and-mighty
I loved ep 5. Only watched the quickfire but it was awesome to see Stefan and jamie's interactions.

"Does the word lesbian mean anything to you?" XDD


Sub Editor & RAW Scan Provider Purdy Thing
Lolol. Yeah. It was a good episode. The main challenge was so-so.

Are you like me when I say that I enjoy the quickfire more than the rest of the show sometimes? :3


THE all-high-and-mighty
Yeah! This elimination challenge.... I felt bad that some of the dishes Gail and her colleagues had to eat were bad... XD


THE all-high-and-mighty
Quickfire was... eh. Leah and Hosea are not my favorites... I'm rooting for Jamie still.

I mean... yah I wonder how leah's and Hosea's home lives are going now. :-O I probably would've liked to eat at Sahana. Even with poor service. Sometimes I can overlook that when the food's pretty nice (AND KINDA CHEAP).


Sub Editor & RAW Scan Provider Purdy Thing
Have to say that everyone that I'm rooting for was in the Sahana team. (and maybe Fabio) Was sad to see that team lose. And I hate it when someone goes home for something that is not part of cooking. Didn't like the elimination this time around.


THE all-high-and-mighty
Though isn't part of the winnings money to start up their own restaurant? One part of being a restaurant owner/chef is knowing how to be a host and executive chef. If she was good at that, Sahana wouldn't have been even up for elimination. Carla asked her if she wanted it [the cake] changed, but she said it was fine. Yes Carla should've known herself it was bad, but a team can only do so well if their leader... leads. I don't support it 100 percent but I understand why. I definitely would've liked to see Leah go. She... really doesn't have the drive or passion for the competition I see in others.

Now, what was the black stuff in Stefan's lemongrass stuff???? I looked at the recipe and they didn't mention anything like that.


Sub Editor & RAW Scan Provider Purdy Thing
I love Carla, she's so upbeat and funny. But yeah, I agree with you on the managing part.

And I dunno. I never look up the recipes. xD


THE all-high-and-mighty
I like Carla, but I don't think she'll get to final four. The whole spirits thing made me go... Er.... and last ep was O.O?;

But I'd definitely like to eat her tarts. TwT;

It's bothering the hell out of me

1 liter cream
5 1/2 sheets gelatin
1/4 cup sugar
1 T tumeric
10 stalks lemongrass
5 whole ginger root

6 oz. honey
2 oz. ginger


Sub Editor & RAW Scan Provider Purdy Thing
Wtf?! Why'd the send Jamie home? I swear I think some of their decisions are just god-awful. I mean, come on, you could clearly see that Leah should have went home. From the fact that she gave up in the quickfire, but also because Jamie was clearly superior in her cooking. Idiots.


THE all-high-and-mighty
I watched this from surfthechannel.

I'll start this off with T____________________________________________________T

The thing is, Leah's was edible. Nothing on her plate made the judges not want to eat it. She actually did "OK" on recreating the food... at least better than Jamie did. Jamie rendered that celery completely inedible.

I knew things were going bad as soon as Jamie started to talk about how she didn't like the dish. And I mean, they're eating with Andy and Tom. They're AT Andy's restaurant eating lunch. Six courses... fuck they're going to recreate the dishes. Fuck Jamie's getting black bass.

Back to the Quickfire. Leah you suck. Big time. She fucking gave up. She specializes in FISH? I'm sorry but the way the char is fileted looks like the way you do any other fish. The fact that she couldn't do that... :> Are you really the one that specializes in fish??? Poor Jamie. I bet she could've done the char if the char was first and would've moved on.

Back to the Elimination Challenge. Go Carla go. Stefan had the most straight up dish. It wasn't subtle in its flavors or tastes and I think that's also how Jamie met her downfall. She let that celery reduce too much and at that point she couldn't do anything. All the judges had at least one good thing to say for the dishes, criticism and a little harsh for leah... but Jamie's was the worst dish of the night. And everyone knew it. twt

I would like to go eat at the Absinthe one day. \o/


THE all-high-and-mighty
How do you think I feel? Jamie is my NUMBER ONEEEEE!!!!!! pick. Plus I mean.... my team rainbow twt