The big question!

What's your sexuality?

  • Fully straight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mostly straight, but the same sex is okay

    Votes: 31 63.3%
  • 100% bisexual

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • I prefer the same sex, but the opposite sex can be okay

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Fully homosexual (gay/lesbian)

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • I'll fuck anything that moves. And some things that don't.

    Votes: 8 16.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
Mostly straight, but the same sex is okay

It's hard to express your sexuality in a town full of rednecks and homophobes. But anyway I consider myself for the most part straight, butI do at time have gay fantasies.


Detective Conan God
I'm 100% straight, which surprises alot of people (I "act gay" in their eyes.) The odd thing about it is that almost everyone around me is either bisexual or gay to point where I think I'm the only one in my circle of friends that's sraight (bit of irony:rolleyes:) I don't really care if a person is or isn't straight, which again surprises people (partially because I don't care if they are or not, and partially because I've heard people tell me that they were bi/gay that it doesn't surprise me anymore.

Hagaren Gao

Guess I'm fired now
I'm straight, though I've always wanted to hug Leomon for no apparent reason XD

Mebbe because they all die in three weeks....

And I'm certaintly not someone who thinks all gays are child molesters or whatever o_o;


That one guy
Straight through and through. I just never got the whole gay thing, but I'm cool with people who are.

I also never got why some people go 'omg if ur not strait ur goin 2 hell lololol'. :p


Digimon Emperess
Im completly straight. I like boys. I dont like girls. I think girls are very beautifull aestheticly, but would I want to sleep with a girl? No, not really, no.


Fully straight
Other details:
--Virgin (How do I know I'm straight? I just know.)
--Will wait until after college to get married (just graduated HS)
--Sworn to abstinence and monogamy
--Refuses to judge people by sexual orientation
--If I was bi or gay, I would not be ashamed to admit it

conankudo4;2008 said:
I'm 100% straight, which surprises alot of people (I "act gay" in their eyes.)

I've got the same thing happening here. I've actually been asked out by more guys than girls (about a 15:1 ratio, including shy guys and "outgoing" girls). When I'm not mistaken for a gay man, I'm mistaken for a woman (with a moustache coming in quite nicely, I may add) which is a real kick for my fiancée. Mostly this confusion occurs over the phone or other audio-only communication, but this occurs frightfully often in face-to-face conversation. When this happens, I'm not addressed as "miss" or "young lady", always "ma'am" or "lady" or "woman". Evidently my facial hair points out a post-menopausal state rather than the presence of a Y chomosome. Could my behavior, voice, and body shape (I'm not talking about the "my face is up here", more overall) be that much of a red herring?


New Member
I'm gay, and I have no problem with straight people. :D (That's meant to be a parody of "I'm straight but have no problem with gay people")


Savers Girls Fanboy
Straight. But I don´t have problems with Homosexuals. Especially not with Lesbians. *points at Roomies*
I think I´m also into Shojo Ai.


THE all-high-and-mighty
T'was given the ok to necro a wonderful thread. Anymore people wanna give input~ Well... express themself? XD


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
The big question? Bull. Everyone knows that your favorite pizza topping is the BIG question.

Boobie-loving male, BTW.