Subaru X Luna Fan Art Thread


New Member
I should stop posting arts from my treasure chests
Since i'm afraid any staff could ban me anytime soon, if i keep doing that

So, i need time to search for some new picts


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
AoBfrost;48510 said:
I thought hentai wasnt allowed, dont post that crap on a forum where kids visit.

That isn't hentai.....

@ Trivial, as long as it isn't from people on the banned art list then it's fine.


New Member
It won't be that easy for me to post hentai things
I know my manner

It was just..... the art is good
So, i post some of the normal ones here
And all of those are from some of my buddies in a hentai forum

But since lately, it feels kinda inappropiate to post something came from a hentai forum, so i decided to stop posting them