Star Force RPG Character Info

Aurora Tenkara

Caught by an angel!
Star Force RPG Character Info

This page was recommended by Role.

I recommend we all post our own information on this page so we can edit our info should the need arise.

Current Player List:

Role, being GMed by Enigma Supernal.
Enigma Supernal, being GMed by Role.
Galikan, being GMed by Enigma Supernal.
Celestrio, being GMed by Galikan.
Starline, being GMed by Galikan.

We also have DrakeMercySP, who is our... advice person.

Aurora Tenkara

Caught by an angel!
Name : Enigma Supernal
Age : 16
Gender : Male
Personality : Quiet, Stubborn, Logical thinker, Suffers from depression. He lives on an old abandoned satellite in orbit after running away from home. He sticks to using a Transer. He has his own visualisers which he usually keeps in a sunglasses case strapped to his belt. They look like the glasses Neo wears in the Matrix. He stole them from AMAKEN.

- EM Partner
Name : Aura
Point of interest : She (yes, she) met Enigma at his high school. He was being bullied at the time. Aura is a runaway from Planet AM. She was sent to scout Planet FM when she was captured and tortured. When she returned to planet AM, she was attacked and fled to planet earth.
Element: None

- Denpa Human
Name : Aurora
Point of Interest : He looks much like Rockman, but without a helmet and black armour. He wears a robe over the top of his armour, and he has a left hand.
Element: None

Abilities :
- Staff = An alternate attack style. Uses a staff which is used in the same way as a big stick. To change weapon there is a 2 second delay. When staff is out, normal attack can still be used, however, cooldown time will still take effect. The staff can make 1 attack with a 2 second cooldown time before the next attack can be made. If Aurora attacks with a staff, he cannot attack with the staff or normal attack until the cooldown time ends.
- Buster = Standard buster attack. Continues stream of energy flowing from his hands.
- Paralyse Buster = Adds paralyse to buster, but halves attack power.
- Dematerialise = Can dematerialise into a ghostlike figure that cannot attack. This is his shield in a way. When dematerialised, he looks similar to Alpha-152 from DOA4
- Absorb = Absorbs EM energy from his foe, resulting in instant death. The process is very slow though. Takes 10 seconds to complete and only works when foe is completely stationary. Aurora gathers 1 energy point for every 1 HP of the foe.
- Energy Release = Releases gathered energy causing catastrophic damage to foe. Deals 1 damage for every stored energy point plus half his own HP. His HP drops to 1 when this ability is used.
- Recover = Slowly recovers HP allowing for a faster recovery rate. Cannot be used during battle.

Buster Stats :
Attack = 2
Charge = 1
Rapid = 5

Stats with Staff:
Attack = 20
Charge = 1
Rapid = .5

In game stats:

Max HP: 100

Equiped Weapon: None

LP abilities: None


Card Pack:

Current Zenny: 500


Unequipped LP Abilities:


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member


. . . .Name: Shinseimori Anisa
. . .Gender: Female
. . . . Age: 13
Personality: Shy. She prefers not to talk to people if she doesn't have to. She usually avoids human contact. It's hard for her to talk to people, even though what she wants most is to be friendly with everyone.
. Residence: Echo Ridge (two houses from Vista Point)


. . . .Name: Nova
. . . .Home: Planet XM
Personality: Generally kind and consoling, though she does have a little bit of a mean streak if you get push her buttons too much. She shifts in color between seven colors, reflecting her mood - Green for envy/longing, Yellow for fear/surprise, Red for anger/irritation, Blue for sadness/depressed, White for happiness/cheerful, Black for scheming/mischievous, Gray for emotionless/bored. Attracted by the loneliness generated by Anisa's inability to mingle well with people.



. . . . . . . Name: Goddess Nova
. . . . . Elements:

Points of interest: Six 'wings' of denpa energy on back, each a different color, representing different elements, with opposites opposite each other. Red for heat, Blue for aqua, Yellow for elec, Green for wood, White for stun, Black for bug. Heat and Aqua treated as opposite, Elec and Wood as opposite, and Stun and Bug.


. . Level: 1
. .Max HP: 100

. .Charge: 0 (Cannot Charge)
. . Power: 5* (5 HP damage per shot, *shots are elemental)
. . Rapid: 1 (Very slow rate of fire)

Equipment: Nova Ring
. .Effect: Base Equip -- No effect.

Additional notes:

On her own, Goddess Nova isn't all that impressive. However, when paired with people, she will power them up. She's most effective in team combat. What's more, she's a novice in combat, and very insecure about her ability in battle, so she's prone to making mistakes.



Element Shift: When a chip is used, all the wings turn the color of the chip's element. If the chip had a stun effect, they turn white, regardless of element. If the chip causes an HP bug, they turn black, regardless of element. If the chip has no element, or does not cause stunning or an HP bug, the effects of Element Shift do not take effect. If Element Shift is in effect and null element chip is used, nothing happens.

Normal - Goddess Nova is
element. This is her basic form, while Element Shift is inactive.
. .Red - Goddess Nova is
element. Double damage taken from Aqua. Reverts to normal mode upon Aqua damage.
. Blue - Goddess Nova is
element. Double damage from Elec. Reverts to normal mode upon Elec damage.
Yellow - Goddess Nova is
element. Double damage from Wood. Reverts to normal mode upon Wood damage.
.Green - Goddess Nova is
element. Double damage from Fire. Reverts to normal mode upon Fire damage.
.White - Goddess Nova is
element. Reverts to normal upon HP damage.
.Black - Goddess Nova is
element. Reverts to normal upon HP damage.

Element Shot: At the cost of the ability to charge a shot, and any rapid fire capabilities, all buster shots correspond to the shifted element, noted by the color of the wings. For White, shots stun for a short period. For Black, shots cause an HP bug that lasts until Goddess Nova reverts to normal.

Nova Wave: When using a melee card that has BOTH a Nature Cycle attribute (Heat, Aqua, Elec, Wood) as well as a Weapon Cycle attribute (Sword, Break, Cursor, Wind), Goddess Nova can opt to send a wave of that element in front of her, turning the Melee attack into a ranged attack. It only works straight ahead, and stops upon impact with an enemy. The attack retains the range, damage, element, and weapon type for the card. (i.e. FireSlash would have a range of three - directly in front and to both sides - still do the normal 200 damage, be Heat elemental - doubling damage to wood element, and burning grass- and have the Sword effect - Doubling damage to Wind element and cutting through shadow status.)This does not work if the card does not have BOTH a nature AND weapon attribute.

Aura Guard: Puts up a temporary Aura, defending from all attacks under 20% her Max HP (ignoring LP abilities). If Element Shift is in effect, she effects of the aura are doubled, but as the aura is elemental, any attacks it is weak to break through. If the element is Stun or Bug, then the effects of the aura 1.5x normal, however attacks that inflict Bug status (for stun form) or Stun status (for Bug form), which will pierce the Aura. Attacks stronger than the aura will remove the aura, but leave Goddess Nova unharmed. Attacks that the aura is weak to will pierce the aura, and damage Goddess Nova. When her aura is broken, she cannot immediately use it again, as the denpa energy that was knocked away takes a bit of time to return. As the guard is of an Aura nature, any Wind attack will pierce through it.

Goddess Aid: Goddess Nova can lend her power to anyone who's helping her, depending on her form.

Normal - No effect.
. .Red - All allies +50 for
. Blue - All allies +50 for
Yellow - All allies +50 for
.Green - All allies +50 for
.White - All allies +paralyze effect for all cards.
.Black - All allies +HP Bug effect for all cards.

She herself is not affected by Goddess Aid, though, only those aiding her in battle.



Color of Number denotes Card Rank - Orange is Standard, Blue is Mega, Red is Giga, Black is White Card.
Color of Text denotes Element Shift that occurs when card is used.
** at the end denotes Favorite.

01[Cannon . .]**
02[Cannon . .]
03[Cannon . .]
04[AirSpred1 ]**
05[AirSpred1 ]
06[AirSpred1 ]
07[HeatBall1 ]**
08[HeatBall1 ]
09[HeatBall1 ]

10[PlsmaGun1 ]**
11[PlsmaGun1 ]
12[PlsmaGun1 ]
[Gatling1 .]**
[Gatling1 .]
15[Gatling1 .]
16[Recover10 ]
17[Recover10 ]
18[Recover30 ]**
19[Recover30 ]
20[Barrier . ]
21[Barrier . ]
22[Invisible ]
23[IceStage .]
24[IceStage .]

29[Attack+10 ]
30[Attack+10 ]


Brother Card:

Depending on her level, the following cards are available when using her Brother Card:

Level 01 - 20: [Cannon . .][HeatBall1 ][IceMeteor1][PlasmaGun1][VulcnSeed1][GoddesNova]
Level 21 - 40: [PlusCannon][HeatBall2 ][IceMeteor2][PlasmaGun2][VulcnSeed2][GodesNvaEX]
Level 41 - 60: [HevyCannon][HeatBall3 ][IceMeteor3][PlasmaGun3][VulcnSeed3][GodesNvaSP](Min)
Level 61 - 80: *[GodesNvaSP](Med)
Level 81 -100: *[GodesNvaSP](Max)

*Depending on your character's combat style, the randomization will be either:
[AirSpred3 ][HeatGrnde ][IceGrnde .][ElecGrnde ][WoodGrnde ] for long range fighters
[BreakSabre][BlazngEdge][TidalEdge ][StrikeEdge][ArboEdge .] for melee fighters.
Along with the GoddessNova SP Card.

Goddess Nova Mega Card:
Element Card. Card Summons Wave Data of Goddess Nova's Goddess Aid, cycling through 7 forms. This is shown visually by six colored 'winglets' floating behind the user. What form you stop at determines what happens:

| . Form . |Basic Card Effect |. EX Card Effect .|SP minimum Effect |. SP medium .| SP Maximum .|
|Null Elem | Null Element +10 | Null Element +20 | Null Element +30 |. Null +40 . |. Null +50 . |
| . . . . .|Until battle's end|Until battle's end|Until battle's end|Rest of battl|Rest of battl|
|Heat Elem | Heat Element +10 | Heat Element +20 | Heat Element +30 |. Heat +40 . |. Heat +50 . |
| . . . . .|Until battle's end|Until battle's end|Until battle's end|Rest of battl|Rest of battl|
|Aqua Elem | Aqua Element +10 | Aqua Element +20 | Aqua Element +30 |. Aqua +40 . |. Aqua +50 . |
| . . . . .|Until battle's end|Until battle's end|Until battle's end|Rest of battl|Rest of battl|
|Elec Elem | Elec Element +10 | Elec Element +20 | Elec Element +30 |. Elec +40 . |. Elec +50 . |
| . . . . .|Until battle's end|Until battle's end|Until battle's end|Rest of battl|Rest of battl|
|Wood Elem | Wood Element +10 | Wood Element +20 | Wood Element +30 |. Wood +40 . |. Wood +50 . |
| . . . . .|Until battle's end|Until battle's end|Until battle's end|Rest of battl|Rest of battl|
|Lite Elem |. All cards this .|All cards next two| All cards next 3 |Lasts 3 turns|Lasts 3 turns|
| . . . . .|turn inflict stun |turns inflict stun|turns inflict stun|All elemt +10|All elemt +20|
|Dark Elem |. All cards this .|All cards next two| All cards next 3 |Lasts 3 turns|Lasts 3 turns|
| . . . . .| turn inflict bug |turns inflict bug |turns inflict bug | Bug Level 2 | Bug Level 3 |

Like all Mega Cards being used by those whom they are of, Goddess Nova cannot use her own card. It goes poof when she would try.



Justice Bringer
Name: Tom Macca
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet, Suffers from depression. He lives in the house next to Geo's, his parents are never around so he has to fend for himself, he gets picked on at school by bullies at school, He try’s to avoid being scene. He uses his Transer to fell save from other people around him, since everyone has Star Carriers exept him (as far as he knows) His Transer keeps him isolated from everyone, people with Star Carriers can't follow his Transer signal meaning he can avoid bullies at school.
One day he got a call from his parents telling him that they wouldn’t be coming home and decided to move back to New York were they were originally from, Tom got told that he had to live alone. Tom had enough and when out to the park in the middle of a storm were he was going to end it all.

- EM Partner
Name: Gikan
Point of interest: He was one of the first Net Navi twins Gikan & Gambet. Who were part of a secret facility and programmed to destroy other programs, he became to powerful, killed Gambet and escaped Earth with his followers, Goyle, Patch and Shadow. The four Rouge's were followed by two navi's designed to hunt down and destroy them the two were Drake and Knight. Knight is Gikan's brother and was desinged to kill him. The four lead by Gikan travelled to the planet FM were they were turned into wave forms then travelled back to Earth on a mission to destroy human life as the Dempa Comet was passing Earth. Gikan was wounded by Drake and fled into Tom Macca’s Transer as he going to eat lightning. (Kill himself.)
Element: Eletric

- Denpa Human
Name: Galikman
Point of Interest: He has a shoulder pad on his left shoulder but not the right. He is white with a red visor on his helmet covering his eyes. He is kind of Similar to Rockman in looks.
Element: Sword

- Sword = His main weapon, it is a medieval sword that has the functions of a wide sword.
- Buster = A normal buster attack but isn’t used as much as the sword.
- Energy Shield = Galikman’s shield absorbs enemy attacks and can choose to ether fire the attack back to his opponent or heal himself with the blast.
- Spiral Thunder = His charged attack, he spins down one row with his sword slashing wildly
- Transformation
Minor (not real transformation) = When Galikman is enraged he can transform into Dark Galikman.
Full = When Galikman is enraged and is about to be deleted Gikan’s old functions activate and they Transform into GikanWar. (Note: Galikman loses control of his body and can only stay in GikanWar form for 50 seconds.)

Transformation Abilities:
- Nexus Gate = GikanWar’s shield releases energy that creates a gate to the Nexus world (Nexus meaning under.) The gate is locked and cant be opened without the key.
- Dragon Force = GikanWar strikes the Nexus Gate with his sword, (the sword being the key.) out of the gate flies three dragon spirits flying through the enemy no matter where they are.
- War Cry = GikanWar’s increases his will to fight. (will move fasted and strike stronger.)

Attack = 2
Charge = 3
Rapid = 3

In Game Stats

Max HP 100

Cannon, HeatBall1, BraveSword, LongSword, Barrier,
Cannon, HeatBall1, Sword, LongSword, Invisible,
Cannon, HeatBall1,Sword, , BrsrkSword1,
PlsmaGun1, Gatling1, WideSword, Recover10, ParlyzPlus,
PlsmaGun1, Gatling1WideSword, Recover30, Attack+10,
PlsmaGun1, Gatling1, WideSword Recover30, Attack+10
Cards in black are favorites

Zennys: 200

Brothers: None

Equiped Items


Wearer of Purple


Name: Takeshi Lumine
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Personality: Calm and Calculating. He is a brilliant strategist and a expert swordsman, but his aim with any kind of ranged weapon is horrible. He is somewhat of a perfectionist and constantly seeks the opportunity to better his abilities. He has a horrible fear of spiders.
Appearance: Blue Spiky Hair with the back pulled into a Ponytail. He has emerald green eyes and lightly tanned skin. He wears one of two outfits - Either a Black Jean Jacket, Blue T-Shirt, and Tan Cargo Pants; or a Blue-and-White Kimono. Either way, he wears a pendant shaped like is emblem (A diamond-shaped crystal with a pair of gold wings around it.). He has a silver Star Carrier with his Emblem on the Lower Portion.
Residence: Times Square (An apartment near the Store)


Name: Lux
Home: Planet FM
Personality: Like his human partner, Lux is calm and collected, preferring to think out his actions before he carries them out. He is extremely moral and was one of the few FM-ians who dared to stand up against their King and the War-Like tendencies of their race. For this, he was shunned, and eventually exiled.
Appearance: Gold Energy in the form of a Phoenix. His face, chest, and parts of his wings are covered in silver armor.



Name: Lux Aeterna (Latin for "Eternal Light")
Points of interest: Humanoid Appearance. Gold and White Armor with a Silver Katana surrounded by a Light Blue Aura. A Crystal and Wing Motif is apparent throughout the armor. When he dashes forward to attack to a locked on target, wings of Gold Flame appear just slightly off his back.


. . Level: 1
. .Max HP: 100

. .Charge: 2
. . Power: 5
. . Rapid: 0

Max HP: 100

Equipment: Shining Gauntlets
. .Effect: Base Equip -- No effect.

Additional notes:



Lock-On: Lux Aeterna is able to lock onto an enemy, then dart forward and slash them. (Unless, of course, an obstacle is in the way.)

Celestial Starlight: Lux Aeterna is able to use 3 Cards of the same name to consume and instead use one attack. In this attack, Lux Aeterna leaps up, and two-large, glowing golden wings appear behind him. He flaps these once, then the wings shatter into thousands of tiny pieces of crystalline stardust. These shards are forcibly hurled forward into any enemies. Reduces an enemy's HP by 50%. The downside to this, is that it can never be a killing strike.

Winguard: Rather than a forcefield or aura shield, Lux Aeterna can use his golden energy wings to shield himself from harm. While doing this, he cannot attack, nor charge, and the Custom Meter does not increase. No attacks can penetrate this, not even Breaks.

Phoenix Flame: If Lux Aeterna's HP drops below 10% of it's Max, the Katana is covered with golden flames, rather than a blue aura. This doubles it's Power. The power is returned to normal if his health is restored to 11% or higher.



04[WideSword ]
05[WideSword ]
06[WideSword ]
07[BreakSabre ]
08[BreakSabre ]
11[ArborEdge ]
14[Gatling1 .]
15[Gatling1 .]
16[Recover10 ]
17[Recover10 ]
18[Recover30 ]
19[Recover30 ]
20[Barrier . ]
21[Barrier . ]
22[Invisible ]
23[IceStage .]
24[IceStage .]
29[Attack+10 ]
30[Attack+10 ]


Brother Card:

Depending on his level, the following cards are available when using his Brother Card:

Level 01 - 20: [ArborEdge][TidalEdge][BlazngEdge][StrikeEdge][WideSword][LuxAeterna]
Level 21 - 40: [ArborEdge][TidalEdge][BlazngEdge][StrikeEdge][WideSword][LuxAtrnaEX]
Level 41 - 60: [BreakSabre][TidalEdge][BlazngEdge][StrikeEdge][ArborEdge][LuxAtrnaSP](Min)
Level 61 - 80: *[LuxAtrnaSP](Med)
Level 81 -100: *[LuxAtrnaSP](Max)

Lux Aeterna Mega Card: Lux Aeterna's Special move: Celestial Starlight. Reduces all enemy HP by 50%



Genius Khan
Character -
Name: Dray Shayden
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Personality: Serious most of the time, naver freaks out in a critical situation.
Residence: Dream Island

Partner -
Name: Reafu
Home: Planet Z-Plus
Personality: Practicaslly the exact opposite of Dray. He likes to go "Buck Wild" on all of his opponents ,and likes to fight. Sometimes, if you try and chicken out, he will literally drag you some way, some how to the fight, no matter what you hold on to. Despite all of that, He actually has feelings for people that has the same ambition to be strong.

EM Wave Form
Name: Reafu Woods
Points of interest: Similar to Megaman's Ninja Tribe forme, except that where green is it's orange, and His hair is Em waves. The star on his head is actually a real Shuirken, that he uses in his most powerful attack. Reafu's head is Dray's left hand. His weak point is of course, Fire.

Abilities: Duplication (5 the most) Feint, Lock on, and Nature's Rage.

Duplication: Reafu Simply tuirns into 5 of him, and t hey do a flip in mid-air, and a toss of One shuriken each the size of a laptop screen.

Feint - If Hit with a very powerful move, or a super effective hit, he can make a clone body to take the hit, and do a lock-on Counter attack with 2 kunais

Lock On: Reafu simply homes in on an opponet and gets a good shot, even if the opponet moves around.

Nature's Rage: The Shuriken on his head is taken off and It is surrounded By a green aura, and explands booger than all of his shurikens. Leaves and such souuround it, and it is tossed, making a sharp spinning sound, that si so fast, it's hard ot dodge. And Blocking just won't do.

Buster stats:

Charge - 2 (Re-Load of Kunais, t hen shoot 4 Kunais at a time)
Power - 3 (3 HP damage per shot)
Rapid - 4 (Rapid Fire Kunais)

Additional notes: His speed an acuraccy is very good, except he lacks defense. A few good hits and he's Reafu Woods is down for the count. That is if you catch him first!

13.Recover 10
24.Recover 30
28.Heatgrnde 1
29.Heatgrnde 1
30.Heatgrnde 1


New Member
Name: Choni
Age: 22
Infomation: Suffers from deprestion, she uses a Transer, she tends to shop a lot. She finds it hard to make friends.

EM Partner
Name: Star
Planet: XM
Infomation: The last of her kind, she was said to be the light that brightenss the darkness in peoples hearts she hasn't lived up to her destiny yet.

Name: Starline
Aperence: Looks like Roll form Megaman NT Warrior but yellow and has a wand.
Stats: Attack 3
Charge 2
Rapid 2

Attacks: Star Wave, Shots stars from the heavens destroying all who apposes the user.
Wand, normal attack shoots out stars inflicting the opponent.
Iris Star, her charged attack. She turns into the godess Iris and swipes down the opponents she is
facing and srtikes them with lightning.

Game Info

1# Plasma Gun 1
2# Plasma Gun 1
3# Plasma Gun 1
4# Sword
5# Wide Sword
6# Long Sword
7# Heat Ball
8# Heat Ball
9# Cannon
10# Cannon
11# Cannon
12# Air Spead
13# Air Spread
14# Air Spread
15# Recover 10
16# Recover 10
17# Recover 30
18# Recover 30
19# Recover 30
20# Barrier
21# Barrier
22# Barrier
23# Attack +10
24# Attack +10
25# Attack +10
26# PralyzPlus
27# PralyzPlus
28# Invisible
29# Invisible
30# Invisible