I should just wait til April... Price might go down a bit by then on some games 'n shit, and or they might have *cough* Homebrew *cough* type stuff. By then I should be completely debt free. Even if my mom moves out (or if I do if I need my spayce) I already know somewhere in town I can go temporarily. Rent out a storage place to hold my shit, and then I can save up $400/month for a year so I'll have $4k or so to fall back on before I get a new apartment anywhere.
Basically I'm not doing that bad financially for just myself. It's just the town I live in that is 'spensive for rent 'n shit. (More so than most of the state) I need to find a roomate (was trying to get previous mentioned friend to do it, but he's a bitch =/) or something p.q
If not, I'll move away from this town and lose my other friend (yes, I only have 2 IRL \o/) -- Well, not lose, but, never get to see. =/