Shooting Star Rockman: Celestia
Hi, I'm guyinblack and I've recently just joined. Since my new friends here at dats told me I could post my fanfic here I decided to try it. Each chapter is a bit long so you might want to read it at instead. http
Here goes the 1st chapter.
In an unknown place…
“So, how are the plans?” asked a female voice in the darkness.
“They are ready to be put into action ma’am” Said another female voice in the darkness.
“Good, now contact everyone so that we may begin” said the first voice
“Right away ma’am” replied the second voice.
“Now, let’s see what the human race is capable of…” Spoke the voice softly.
4 Years have passed since the events of Ra Mu. Since then there has been peace on both earth and planet FM. After the incident, EM viruses started disappearing until they were finally gone. A year after the incident, FM king Cepheus saw that there were no more threats to the human world and called back all FM beings back to the FM planet to help repair the destroyed Planet AM. Geo and the others were sad at first but eventually got over it. Technology has advanced quite a bit with the development of a prototype shuttle that can travel to the other planets and the newly made MPWS (multi-purpose wave system) which is said to be 6 times more efficient than star carriers.
“Geo, breakfast is ready” called a woman in her early 30’s. “I’ll be right down mom” Replied a 15 year old boy with spiky hair as he went down the stairs. When he got down he entered the kitchen and greeted his mother. “Morning mom” Said the boy, “Good morning Geo. Can you believe it, you’re already in high school. Oh I remember the days when you were in elementary and you were still much shorter than me but now you’re already taller than me” Hope said while comparing their heights.
“Yeah, it’s already been 4 years…” Said Geo while remembering all his past memories. “I’m sure your Dad would be very proud of you for what you’ve done 4 years ago” Hope said while looking at a picture of Geo’s father. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before that I was Rockman.” Apologized Geo and Hope smiled. “That’s ok. You had your reasons. Now you better start eating or you might be late for your first day in high school” She reminded Geo and he nodded.
Geo was now in first year high school. He was now 5’6 and a half in height and his hair was still spiky but his bangs now reached slightly below his eyebrows. He now wore a white unzipped jacket with red striped sleeves, a red undershirt, black long pants and red shoes but he still had his visor and the pendant around his neck.
As Geo was walking to school he remembered the events that took place during those 4 years. “Mega…I wonder what you’re doing now. It’s been 3 years since you went back to planet FM to rebuild planet AM. Things sure have been quieter ever since you left…” He said to himself but was distracted from that thought by a female voice that called out to him from behind.
“Hey Geo! Wait up!” the voice said and Geo turned around to see Sonia Strumm A.K.A. Harpnote four years ago. Like Geo, she also looked a lot older now. She was now 5’4 and a half in height and had longer straight hair reaching the middle of her back. She wears a pink jacket similar to the one before but sleeveless, a green denim skirt and blue boots also similar to the ones before but thinner and with small heels. She also had a yellow hairpin in the shape of a music note and pink bracelets on each wrist.
The two were currently walking to school while reminiscing about the past. “It’s kinda weird how time flies by so fast…I mean just a year and a half ago I decided to take a break from singing to live a normal schoolgirl life and eventually moved here. It kinda feels like it was just yesterday when that happened.” she said while looking at the sky. “Yeah, I know what you mean. The time when Mega, harp and cancer went back to planet FM feels like it just happened yesterday too” Geo said and Sonia looked back in front.
“I wonder how they’re all doing…I’m still hoping they’ll come back sometime.” Sonia said and Geo nodded. “Yeah, same here” He replied before speaking again. “By the way, isn’t a year and a half a little too long for a break? When do you think you’ll go back to singing again?” He asked and Sonia looked at him. “Well…I’m not really sure actually…I just don’t feel like it yet.” She replied. “Just take your time. I’m sure you’ll get your inspiration back someday.” He said with a smile and a slight pink blush appeared on Sonia’s face. “Th-Thanks Geo. I really hope it will” She said looking away.
At planet FM, Mega was currently on the balcony of king Cepheus’ palace staring at the newly rebuilt planet AM from afar. “It’s finally back. Even though I’ve lived on planet FM for as long as I can remember it feels like that planet’s welcoming me back.” He said to himself. Suddenly an FM being got on top of Mega’s head and started opening his mouth as wide as it could go. “Ow oww! Leab my preakin’ mout alone!” He tried to say and he shook off the FMian with a force strong enough to make the FMian fly unto a wall. “Oww….is that any way to treat a lady?” The FMian said and Mega turned around to see the instrument FM being known as harp.
“Tch…I don’t think dislocating my jaw is lady like at all” Mega said with an annoyed tone. “aww c’mon I was just saying hi…a little differently anyway” Harp said with a smile on her face and she continued. “Anyway, King Cepheus is calling us. He says it’s important. He also contacted Ophiuca, Taurus and Alpha.” Harp said earning a confused look from Mega. “Hmm…I wonder what he wants. Let’s go” Mega said as he left the balcony with Harp following behind.
When they entered the throne room, they immediately saw Ophiuca, Taurus and Cepheus although Alpha wasn’t present yet. “Good, now everyone’s here” King Cepheus said but was interrupted by Taurus. “Sorry king Cepheus but that idiot Alpha ain’t here yet” Taurus said and Cepheus realized that Alpha wasn’t there yet. Seconds after a loud thud was heard behind the throne room door and the door was opened slowly after revealing a kid like FM being with half of his body red and the other half was blue which was also the same for his eyes and armor.
“Oww…Stupid door ,buku” The FMian said as he rubbed his head. “Well, that’s what you get for running around like an idiot” Taurus said with an insulting tone. Cepheus cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention. “Now that everyone’s here I have something important to discuss with you. Are you aware of the Celestial Squadron?” Cepheus asked and Mega rubbed his chin. “You mean those guys that suddenly popped up a year ago and started helping this planet in their own way?” Mega replied and Cepheus nodded. “That is correct. As you all know that group is not part of this army but instead is a like voluntary brigade that helps in their own way and procedures” Cepheus paused then continued
“We have never planed to interfere with them because of the fact that their actions have always benefited this planet” He said and images were flashed on a monitor. An image of captured criminal FM beings was one of the images that could be seen and after a few seconds the image disappeared. “However, recently their actions have become more assertive and their procedures more dangerous…” He said and images were once again flashed on the screen. This time, the criminals were killed instead of captured. Alpha’s jaw dropped when he saw this. “W-whoa…did someone piss off the squadron or something?” He muttered and the images disappeared. “We don’t why their methods have become extreme but sources tell us that Earth is going to be their next target” Cepheus told them.
“So what do you want us to do king Cepheus?” Ophiuca asked and Cepheus stood up from his chair. “I want you to go to earth in order to observe their next actions. I trust you all and am giving you the authority to intercept if necessary” Cepheus said and the other’s eyes widened.
“Y-you mean we can go back to earth!? Sweet!” Mega said happily and the others were happy as well. Cepheus cleared his throat. “I know you’re all excited to see earth again but you must also focus on your mission.” Cepheus warned and all of them nodded. “You may leave as soon as possible. Good luck to you. Dismissed” Cepheus concluded and they exited the throne room.
“Heh…I’ll finally get to see Geo again. Wonder how much he’s grown” Mega said. “I’m just as curious about Sonia. I can’t wait to go back to earth!” Harp said happily. “Same here ,buku!” Alpha said with the same mood. “Heh, I’m sure they won’t recognize you anymore. You’re not the same crab you used to be…although you still talk the same” Mega said and Alpha frowned but harp reassured him. “Well I’m sure that once they hear you speak they’ll recognize you right away” She said and Alpha smiled and nodded.
Back on earth, Geo and Sonia just arrived at Echo ridge high school. Both were impressed by the structure of the buildings and also the size of the campus. “This is…really something” Sonia said in amazement. “It looks…way better than Echo Ridge Elementary.” Geo said also in amazement. Just then, two people appeared behind Geo and Sonia. “Well of course it’s better than Echo Ridge Elementary. More serious schoolwork calls for more serious equipment” A female voice said and Geo turned around to see Luna Platz and Bud Bison, two other good friends of Geo since he was 11 years old.
Bud was now 6 feet in height and luna was now shorter than Geo at 5'5 and a half in height. Bud now wore a grey beanie, a black t-shirt with the word "Bison" on the back, a grey vest, brown long pants and yellow shoes. Luna still wore a blue dress but it was now more teenage looking than formal without the tie and buttons. Other than that, her attire was still almost the same but with her striped socks not fully coveing her legs now.
“Yo, it took you awhile to get here” Bud said and Geo spoke. “Well, this place is farther than we expected and we kinda got lost for a short while. Sonia almost led both of us in the wrong direction…” He said while pointing at Sonia. “B-but the map on the brochure said it was to the east of the park…” She said while taking a second look at the brochure of the school. “The direction the brochure gave was right….it was kinda the direction you led us which was wrong…” Geo said while rubbing the back of his neck. “…I give up” Sonia sighed and Luna chuckled. “By the way, I hope Mr. Shepar will be our homeroom teacher” She said and Bud nodded. “Yeah, he did leave echo ridge elementary to teach here” Bud remembered.
“Who’s Mr. Shepar?” Sonia asked. “Oh yeah, you only just started studying here a year ago. Mr. Shepar was our homeroom teacher when we were in the fifth grade until the sixth grade. After that he decided to teach here.” Luna explained. Suddenly the bell rang signifying the start of classes. “Well, we better get going, don’t wanna be late on our first day do we?” Geo said and they went inside the main building. After a minute they were already at their classroom since it was still on the first floor.
“1-B…Yeah I think this is it” Sonia said and they opened the door. The first thing they noticed about the classroom was that it was twice as big as the one in elementary and had 24 chairs for the students. “Suddenly, a man with brown cotton like hair approached them. “Geo, Luna and Bud! It’s been 2 years since I last saw you three! How’ve you guys been?” Mr. Shepar asked happily. “Hi Mr. Shepar. Were doing just great” Luna replied.
“Wait a minute…where’s Zack?” Mr. Shepar asked as he looked amongst the four. “His parents got a good job in Denuron City so he had to move there…” Bud explained with a frown. “Oh, well I hope things turn out well for him” Mr. Shepar said with a smile.
“Oh, who’s this? You look a little familiar” Mr. Shepar asked as he looked at Sonia. “Hi Mr. Shepar. My name’s Sonia Strumm. Nice to meet you” She introduced with a smile and Mr. Shepar finally realized why she looked familiar. “So that’s why you looked familiar. I haven’t seen your face on T.V. for quite awhile so it’s no wonder I didn’t recognize you” He said and Sonia spoke again. “Umm…I have a favor to ask. Could you treat me like an ordinary student and not as a pop star?” She asked and Mr. Shepar nodded in agreement. “Of course but I think the other students will be harder to convince” He said and Sonia had a nervous smile. “I really hope not…” She mumbled.
Turns out Mr. Shepar was wrong. When Sonia first introduced herself, the other students were really surprised to be classmates with a pop star but Sonia again asked to be treated like a normal student and most of them respected her decision although some needed some time to get used to it.
The whole day was just an orientation of the school and the subjects so there wasn’t really any homework to be done to Bud’s relief. After classes, the four went to a nearby café to eat.
“Well, the whole “getting the class to treat you as a normal student” plan worked out well don’t you think?” Geo asked Sonia and she nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t think things would go that smoothly but maybe it’s because I haven’t been singing for a long time. She replied. “Well I really hope you get back to singing soon because people might start to wonder where you’ve been” Luna said. “I’m sure your fans are still waiting for you, Sonia” Bud added and Sonia smiled. “Thanks for the support guys” She said.
Suddenly, Geo felt a strange reaction and started looking around. “Geo? What’s wrong?” Sonia asked with a confused look. “It’s just that…something feels strange and familiar at the same time” He replied as he looked around again. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until Geo knew why it was so familiar. “I-It can’t be…Mega!?” He said and the others were surprised and took out their MPWS while Geo put on his visors. To his surprise, Mega was standing right next to him. “Yo!, it’s been awhile kid” He said and Geo was so surprised that he fell of his chair.
When he got up he said. “Mega! It IS you! You really came back!”
and that ends the 1st chapter. Btw Celestia is the same as Celestial Squadron. I changed the name in about chapter 5 i think so you might be seeing celestial squadron in a few chapters.
Hi, I'm guyinblack and I've recently just joined. Since my new friends here at dats told me I could post my fanfic here I decided to try it. Each chapter is a bit long so you might want to read it at instead. http
Here goes the 1st chapter.
In an unknown place…
“So, how are the plans?” asked a female voice in the darkness.
“They are ready to be put into action ma’am” Said another female voice in the darkness.
“Good, now contact everyone so that we may begin” said the first voice
“Right away ma’am” replied the second voice.
“Now, let’s see what the human race is capable of…” Spoke the voice softly.
4 Years have passed since the events of Ra Mu. Since then there has been peace on both earth and planet FM. After the incident, EM viruses started disappearing until they were finally gone. A year after the incident, FM king Cepheus saw that there were no more threats to the human world and called back all FM beings back to the FM planet to help repair the destroyed Planet AM. Geo and the others were sad at first but eventually got over it. Technology has advanced quite a bit with the development of a prototype shuttle that can travel to the other planets and the newly made MPWS (multi-purpose wave system) which is said to be 6 times more efficient than star carriers.
“Geo, breakfast is ready” called a woman in her early 30’s. “I’ll be right down mom” Replied a 15 year old boy with spiky hair as he went down the stairs. When he got down he entered the kitchen and greeted his mother. “Morning mom” Said the boy, “Good morning Geo. Can you believe it, you’re already in high school. Oh I remember the days when you were in elementary and you were still much shorter than me but now you’re already taller than me” Hope said while comparing their heights.
“Yeah, it’s already been 4 years…” Said Geo while remembering all his past memories. “I’m sure your Dad would be very proud of you for what you’ve done 4 years ago” Hope said while looking at a picture of Geo’s father. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before that I was Rockman.” Apologized Geo and Hope smiled. “That’s ok. You had your reasons. Now you better start eating or you might be late for your first day in high school” She reminded Geo and he nodded.
Geo was now in first year high school. He was now 5’6 and a half in height and his hair was still spiky but his bangs now reached slightly below his eyebrows. He now wore a white unzipped jacket with red striped sleeves, a red undershirt, black long pants and red shoes but he still had his visor and the pendant around his neck.
As Geo was walking to school he remembered the events that took place during those 4 years. “Mega…I wonder what you’re doing now. It’s been 3 years since you went back to planet FM to rebuild planet AM. Things sure have been quieter ever since you left…” He said to himself but was distracted from that thought by a female voice that called out to him from behind.
“Hey Geo! Wait up!” the voice said and Geo turned around to see Sonia Strumm A.K.A. Harpnote four years ago. Like Geo, she also looked a lot older now. She was now 5’4 and a half in height and had longer straight hair reaching the middle of her back. She wears a pink jacket similar to the one before but sleeveless, a green denim skirt and blue boots also similar to the ones before but thinner and with small heels. She also had a yellow hairpin in the shape of a music note and pink bracelets on each wrist.
The two were currently walking to school while reminiscing about the past. “It’s kinda weird how time flies by so fast…I mean just a year and a half ago I decided to take a break from singing to live a normal schoolgirl life and eventually moved here. It kinda feels like it was just yesterday when that happened.” she said while looking at the sky. “Yeah, I know what you mean. The time when Mega, harp and cancer went back to planet FM feels like it just happened yesterday too” Geo said and Sonia looked back in front.
“I wonder how they’re all doing…I’m still hoping they’ll come back sometime.” Sonia said and Geo nodded. “Yeah, same here” He replied before speaking again. “By the way, isn’t a year and a half a little too long for a break? When do you think you’ll go back to singing again?” He asked and Sonia looked at him. “Well…I’m not really sure actually…I just don’t feel like it yet.” She replied. “Just take your time. I’m sure you’ll get your inspiration back someday.” He said with a smile and a slight pink blush appeared on Sonia’s face. “Th-Thanks Geo. I really hope it will” She said looking away.
At planet FM, Mega was currently on the balcony of king Cepheus’ palace staring at the newly rebuilt planet AM from afar. “It’s finally back. Even though I’ve lived on planet FM for as long as I can remember it feels like that planet’s welcoming me back.” He said to himself. Suddenly an FM being got on top of Mega’s head and started opening his mouth as wide as it could go. “Ow oww! Leab my preakin’ mout alone!” He tried to say and he shook off the FMian with a force strong enough to make the FMian fly unto a wall. “Oww….is that any way to treat a lady?” The FMian said and Mega turned around to see the instrument FM being known as harp.
“Tch…I don’t think dislocating my jaw is lady like at all” Mega said with an annoyed tone. “aww c’mon I was just saying hi…a little differently anyway” Harp said with a smile on her face and she continued. “Anyway, King Cepheus is calling us. He says it’s important. He also contacted Ophiuca, Taurus and Alpha.” Harp said earning a confused look from Mega. “Hmm…I wonder what he wants. Let’s go” Mega said as he left the balcony with Harp following behind.
When they entered the throne room, they immediately saw Ophiuca, Taurus and Cepheus although Alpha wasn’t present yet. “Good, now everyone’s here” King Cepheus said but was interrupted by Taurus. “Sorry king Cepheus but that idiot Alpha ain’t here yet” Taurus said and Cepheus realized that Alpha wasn’t there yet. Seconds after a loud thud was heard behind the throne room door and the door was opened slowly after revealing a kid like FM being with half of his body red and the other half was blue which was also the same for his eyes and armor.
“Oww…Stupid door ,buku” The FMian said as he rubbed his head. “Well, that’s what you get for running around like an idiot” Taurus said with an insulting tone. Cepheus cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention. “Now that everyone’s here I have something important to discuss with you. Are you aware of the Celestial Squadron?” Cepheus asked and Mega rubbed his chin. “You mean those guys that suddenly popped up a year ago and started helping this planet in their own way?” Mega replied and Cepheus nodded. “That is correct. As you all know that group is not part of this army but instead is a like voluntary brigade that helps in their own way and procedures” Cepheus paused then continued
“We have never planed to interfere with them because of the fact that their actions have always benefited this planet” He said and images were flashed on a monitor. An image of captured criminal FM beings was one of the images that could be seen and after a few seconds the image disappeared. “However, recently their actions have become more assertive and their procedures more dangerous…” He said and images were once again flashed on the screen. This time, the criminals were killed instead of captured. Alpha’s jaw dropped when he saw this. “W-whoa…did someone piss off the squadron or something?” He muttered and the images disappeared. “We don’t why their methods have become extreme but sources tell us that Earth is going to be their next target” Cepheus told them.
“So what do you want us to do king Cepheus?” Ophiuca asked and Cepheus stood up from his chair. “I want you to go to earth in order to observe their next actions. I trust you all and am giving you the authority to intercept if necessary” Cepheus said and the other’s eyes widened.
“Y-you mean we can go back to earth!? Sweet!” Mega said happily and the others were happy as well. Cepheus cleared his throat. “I know you’re all excited to see earth again but you must also focus on your mission.” Cepheus warned and all of them nodded. “You may leave as soon as possible. Good luck to you. Dismissed” Cepheus concluded and they exited the throne room.
“Heh…I’ll finally get to see Geo again. Wonder how much he’s grown” Mega said. “I’m just as curious about Sonia. I can’t wait to go back to earth!” Harp said happily. “Same here ,buku!” Alpha said with the same mood. “Heh, I’m sure they won’t recognize you anymore. You’re not the same crab you used to be…although you still talk the same” Mega said and Alpha frowned but harp reassured him. “Well I’m sure that once they hear you speak they’ll recognize you right away” She said and Alpha smiled and nodded.
Back on earth, Geo and Sonia just arrived at Echo ridge high school. Both were impressed by the structure of the buildings and also the size of the campus. “This is…really something” Sonia said in amazement. “It looks…way better than Echo Ridge Elementary.” Geo said also in amazement. Just then, two people appeared behind Geo and Sonia. “Well of course it’s better than Echo Ridge Elementary. More serious schoolwork calls for more serious equipment” A female voice said and Geo turned around to see Luna Platz and Bud Bison, two other good friends of Geo since he was 11 years old.
Bud was now 6 feet in height and luna was now shorter than Geo at 5'5 and a half in height. Bud now wore a grey beanie, a black t-shirt with the word "Bison" on the back, a grey vest, brown long pants and yellow shoes. Luna still wore a blue dress but it was now more teenage looking than formal without the tie and buttons. Other than that, her attire was still almost the same but with her striped socks not fully coveing her legs now.
“Yo, it took you awhile to get here” Bud said and Geo spoke. “Well, this place is farther than we expected and we kinda got lost for a short while. Sonia almost led both of us in the wrong direction…” He said while pointing at Sonia. “B-but the map on the brochure said it was to the east of the park…” She said while taking a second look at the brochure of the school. “The direction the brochure gave was right….it was kinda the direction you led us which was wrong…” Geo said while rubbing the back of his neck. “…I give up” Sonia sighed and Luna chuckled. “By the way, I hope Mr. Shepar will be our homeroom teacher” She said and Bud nodded. “Yeah, he did leave echo ridge elementary to teach here” Bud remembered.
“Who’s Mr. Shepar?” Sonia asked. “Oh yeah, you only just started studying here a year ago. Mr. Shepar was our homeroom teacher when we were in the fifth grade until the sixth grade. After that he decided to teach here.” Luna explained. Suddenly the bell rang signifying the start of classes. “Well, we better get going, don’t wanna be late on our first day do we?” Geo said and they went inside the main building. After a minute they were already at their classroom since it was still on the first floor.
“1-B…Yeah I think this is it” Sonia said and they opened the door. The first thing they noticed about the classroom was that it was twice as big as the one in elementary and had 24 chairs for the students. “Suddenly, a man with brown cotton like hair approached them. “Geo, Luna and Bud! It’s been 2 years since I last saw you three! How’ve you guys been?” Mr. Shepar asked happily. “Hi Mr. Shepar. Were doing just great” Luna replied.
“Wait a minute…where’s Zack?” Mr. Shepar asked as he looked amongst the four. “His parents got a good job in Denuron City so he had to move there…” Bud explained with a frown. “Oh, well I hope things turn out well for him” Mr. Shepar said with a smile.
“Oh, who’s this? You look a little familiar” Mr. Shepar asked as he looked at Sonia. “Hi Mr. Shepar. My name’s Sonia Strumm. Nice to meet you” She introduced with a smile and Mr. Shepar finally realized why she looked familiar. “So that’s why you looked familiar. I haven’t seen your face on T.V. for quite awhile so it’s no wonder I didn’t recognize you” He said and Sonia spoke again. “Umm…I have a favor to ask. Could you treat me like an ordinary student and not as a pop star?” She asked and Mr. Shepar nodded in agreement. “Of course but I think the other students will be harder to convince” He said and Sonia had a nervous smile. “I really hope not…” She mumbled.
Turns out Mr. Shepar was wrong. When Sonia first introduced herself, the other students were really surprised to be classmates with a pop star but Sonia again asked to be treated like a normal student and most of them respected her decision although some needed some time to get used to it.
The whole day was just an orientation of the school and the subjects so there wasn’t really any homework to be done to Bud’s relief. After classes, the four went to a nearby café to eat.
“Well, the whole “getting the class to treat you as a normal student” plan worked out well don’t you think?” Geo asked Sonia and she nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t think things would go that smoothly but maybe it’s because I haven’t been singing for a long time. She replied. “Well I really hope you get back to singing soon because people might start to wonder where you’ve been” Luna said. “I’m sure your fans are still waiting for you, Sonia” Bud added and Sonia smiled. “Thanks for the support guys” She said.
Suddenly, Geo felt a strange reaction and started looking around. “Geo? What’s wrong?” Sonia asked with a confused look. “It’s just that…something feels strange and familiar at the same time” He replied as he looked around again. The feeling grew stronger and stronger until Geo knew why it was so familiar. “I-It can’t be…Mega!?” He said and the others were surprised and took out their MPWS while Geo put on his visors. To his surprise, Mega was standing right next to him. “Yo!, it’s been awhile kid” He said and Geo was so surprised that he fell of his chair.
When he got up he said. “Mega! It IS you! You really came back!”
and that ends the 1st chapter. Btw Celestia is the same as Celestial Squadron. I changed the name in about chapter 5 i think so you might be seeing celestial squadron in a few chapters.