Gurren Brigade Member
RP: Dragon Drive
Here's a little RP(G?) project over the holidays (that probably won't go many places because I suck at making RP's.) that I decided to make based on watching too much of the Dragon Drive anime from this series in a very short time (about 4 days). I thought it would break some of the non-Rockman/Digimon/Pokemon-related ice around here. But then again, I’ve probably not been paying attention to much else. So... how about the non-DATS-related ice? Since DATS never did a fansub of Dragon Drive – DATS wasn’t around then! XD
Setting: It is 2029, the year when Dragon Drive is reinstated as a real game. (Yes, I know that's not a definitive figure.) You are a player of the game, in Kyoto, Japan. (Nor is that a definitive figure, but I'd guess that the game is worldwide the second time.)
If you want, I'll create a game story thread later. For now, I need at least four players, so this is just a character and OOC thread. I like my RP's well-formed.
RP type: Freeform, with character sheets
Objective: Play one game of Dragon Drive. Feel free to make your own backstories to why you actually joined the game.
Ah, yes, no canon humans or dragons allowed, or any humans or dragons related to the canon characters. You can't claim to be Reiji's son riding Chibi.
Character form: (my registration as example, comments in the code should be blanked out)
Name: Reishou Umaryoku [umasakara?] (马力冷笑; please tell me if this is wrong, I don’t want to make up something that doesn’t make sense. Umaryoku was originally Tajikara, which probably didn’t come out right.)
Age: 15
Sex: M
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Appearance and Personality: Okay, so he's a scrawny little brat who really knows how to get into fights. He’s not very athletic, but knows 18 different martial-arts movements (15 of which were horribly developed). He also has a big-ass ego and loses often because of it. He wears blue-jeans and a green shirt that reads “S A M” on it. He has very dark blue eyes (I mean so dark they’re almost black) and some very dark brown hair to match (I mean so dark it’s almost white).
Genomcode: (If you want to include it, it's formatted as 8 letters, either A, C, T, or G.)
Name: Nakaya [中央; once again, tell me if this is wrong] (when transliterated into Kanji, means "center" in Chinese, but apparently, Nakaya can mean a lot of things)
Length: 2.60 m
Height: 2.45 m
Wingspan: 4.20 m
Weight: 400 kg
Appearance: Alright, here’s the fun part. This guy’s about as big as a horse, and Reishou rides on him like he would a horse or similar quadruped. This dragon’s not like one of the big ones that the other characters have, nor is he as small as Chibi or one of those chickens from that defence force of one of Rikyuu’s villages, in episode... 18, was it? I don’t remember. It’s generally yellow, and there are sections (not stripes; solid regions) on its hands and face that are blue. (Its underbelly is white and scaly.) It has solid plated armour without etchings, with two green protrusions on the head in place of horns. Its feet look somewhat like a horse’s, but its forelegs still have claws, much like a Hippogriff. Its eyes are also green.
Element: Electricity
Abilities: Thunder ‘n’ Lightning, Evasion (because he's so small)
Comments: Actually, I chose "reishou" because that's my Chinese given name (令昭) transliterated into Kanji.
Apparently, "reishou" (not the way mine is spelled, the way most people know it as) means "scornful laughter", and is the first word in a (seemingly popular) video game.
If you want to know more about the DD GMA (Yes, there is a game, but from what I hear, it sucks), go to the Wikipedia article on it.
Here’s the container story if anyone wants it (For some reason, I keep thinking this could be used in a game):
The throngs are gathered at the various cafés and booths in the giant building, waiting for the next game. It was no longer underground; it had reached all edges of the Earth. A new alternate world, one where physics and reality are nothing but a game. There are now all the markings and characteristics of an online game: a world ladder, discussion boards, even fanart boards and derivative games, but very little of the annoyances such as spam accounts or hackers. The reason the game is so clean is because it’s not just online – it’s physical as well. Or at least it seems. Truth is, the alternate world is only virtual. A game world, so to say.
But this game didn’t always exist. Before that were more terrible things; an old alternate world where physics and reality weren’t just a game. One where if you died, you died; game over, no second chances. In this world, there were dragons. Big, small, any size you could think of. Oh, yes, all the other animals were there too, and there were no things such as pixies or fairies or even angels, for they were humans as well. But there were dragons. A man decided to make this into a game, and here he is today with the invention.
The throngs are now looking at the screens in their rooms, looking at the next battle, waiting for their reservations to arrive, checking their cellphones. For that is one facet of the game. You have a cellphone that is on all the time, checking up when things will happen.
The next round is about to begin, and the throngs are anticipating as they stare into the big screen. The MC screams, “D-Break!”
I know I shouldn’t be creating all these backstories, but seeing as how the series is already finished and is about to be licensed to North America (and then outsold like Bakugan was this year), I might as well get this out of the way.
Here's a little RP(G?) project over the holidays (that probably won't go many places because I suck at making RP's.) that I decided to make based on watching too much of the Dragon Drive anime from this series in a very short time (about 4 days). I thought it would break some of the non-Rockman/Digimon/Pokemon-related ice around here. But then again, I’ve probably not been paying attention to much else. So... how about the non-DATS-related ice? Since DATS never did a fansub of Dragon Drive – DATS wasn’t around then! XD
Setting: It is 2029, the year when Dragon Drive is reinstated as a real game. (Yes, I know that's not a definitive figure.) You are a player of the game, in Kyoto, Japan. (Nor is that a definitive figure, but I'd guess that the game is worldwide the second time.)
If you want, I'll create a game story thread later. For now, I need at least four players, so this is just a character and OOC thread. I like my RP's well-formed.
RP type: Freeform, with character sheets
Objective: Play one game of Dragon Drive. Feel free to make your own backstories to why you actually joined the game.
Ah, yes, no canon humans or dragons allowed, or any humans or dragons related to the canon characters. You can't claim to be Reiji's son riding Chibi.
Character form: (my registration as example, comments in the code should be blanked out)
Sex: (if dragon's gender is different, include it here in brackets)
Height: (cm; 1 in = 2.54 cm)
Weight: (kg; 1 kg = 2.20 lb)
Appearance and Personality: (optional)
Genomcode: (optional, seeing as how it's useless. I know it’s supposed to be “genome code”, but I like this name.)
(I won't ask for the dragon's age, seeing as how that’s really not the .)
Length: (m; 1 ft = 0.3048 m)
Height: (either height or length must be provided.)
Weight: (kg, as above; if it's too big, use tonnes instead; 1 t = 1000 kg)
Wingspan: (m; if it even has wings.)
Appearance: (Personality and Genomcode are the same as rider's; also optional. If you want, include a sketch; although you probably won’t go that far.)
Name: Reishou Umaryoku [umasakara?] (马力冷笑; please tell me if this is wrong, I don’t want to make up something that doesn’t make sense. Umaryoku was originally Tajikara, which probably didn’t come out right.)
Age: 15
Sex: M
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Appearance and Personality: Okay, so he's a scrawny little brat who really knows how to get into fights. He’s not very athletic, but knows 18 different martial-arts movements (15 of which were horribly developed). He also has a big-ass ego and loses often because of it. He wears blue-jeans and a green shirt that reads “S A M” on it. He has very dark blue eyes (I mean so dark they’re almost black) and some very dark brown hair to match (I mean so dark it’s almost white).
Genomcode: (If you want to include it, it's formatted as 8 letters, either A, C, T, or G.)
Name: Nakaya [中央; once again, tell me if this is wrong] (when transliterated into Kanji, means "center" in Chinese, but apparently, Nakaya can mean a lot of things)
Length: 2.60 m
Height: 2.45 m
Wingspan: 4.20 m
Weight: 400 kg
Appearance: Alright, here’s the fun part. This guy’s about as big as a horse, and Reishou rides on him like he would a horse or similar quadruped. This dragon’s not like one of the big ones that the other characters have, nor is he as small as Chibi or one of those chickens from that defence force of one of Rikyuu’s villages, in episode... 18, was it? I don’t remember. It’s generally yellow, and there are sections (not stripes; solid regions) on its hands and face that are blue. (Its underbelly is white and scaly.) It has solid plated armour without etchings, with two green protrusions on the head in place of horns. Its feet look somewhat like a horse’s, but its forelegs still have claws, much like a Hippogriff. Its eyes are also green.
Element: Electricity
Abilities: Thunder ‘n’ Lightning, Evasion (because he's so small)
Comments: Actually, I chose "reishou" because that's my Chinese given name (令昭) transliterated into Kanji.
If you want to know more about the DD GMA (Yes, there is a game, but from what I hear, it sucks), go to the Wikipedia article on it.
Here’s the container story if anyone wants it (For some reason, I keep thinking this could be used in a game):
The throngs are gathered at the various cafés and booths in the giant building, waiting for the next game. It was no longer underground; it had reached all edges of the Earth. A new alternate world, one where physics and reality are nothing but a game. There are now all the markings and characteristics of an online game: a world ladder, discussion boards, even fanart boards and derivative games, but very little of the annoyances such as spam accounts or hackers. The reason the game is so clean is because it’s not just online – it’s physical as well. Or at least it seems. Truth is, the alternate world is only virtual. A game world, so to say.
But this game didn’t always exist. Before that were more terrible things; an old alternate world where physics and reality weren’t just a game. One where if you died, you died; game over, no second chances. In this world, there were dragons. Big, small, any size you could think of. Oh, yes, all the other animals were there too, and there were no things such as pixies or fairies or even angels, for they were humans as well. But there were dragons. A man decided to make this into a game, and here he is today with the invention.
The throngs are now looking at the screens in their rooms, looking at the next battle, waiting for their reservations to arrive, checking their cellphones. For that is one facet of the game. You have a cellphone that is on all the time, checking up when things will happen.
The next round is about to begin, and the throngs are anticipating as they stare into the big screen. The MC screams, “D-Break!”
I know I shouldn’t be creating all these backstories, but seeing as how the series is already finished and is about to be licensed to North America (and then outsold like Bakugan was this year), I might as well get this out of the way.