Role's Sprite Icon Thingies!
I've been doing a lot of spriting recently. Why? Because Golden Sun is awesome.
...What? It is.
Anywho, I figured I might as well share these icons with y'all. Though I made them, y'all are free to use them if you want. Since they have transparent backgrounds, it may be harder to see on a lighter background.
Anywho, here's the equipment/items I've done so far...
Galvorn Alloy (GS Palette Alternate:
Still working on others, as I really just started. If you have any ideas, I'll see if I can pull it off. So far, I've been taking other items and then getting inspiration from them. For example, as Galvorn is a black-ish metal comparable to Mithril in Tolkien lore, I used Mythril Alloy as the base. For the Murakumo, I used the Cloud Brand. The Kusanagi, being a renamed (or in gameplay mechanics, empowered/awakened) Murakamo, I added a bit that flair that the Sol Blade has on its blade.
Hunt Psynergy (temporarily increases encoutners)
Normalize (Basically Break, but on all allies - to counter lowered stats)
Fuujin Sword
Fuujin Armor
Fuujin Helm
Fuujin Shield
Hunt is basically a palette swapped avoid. Same with Normalize and Break.
Fuujin Sword was based on the Ragnarok Psynergy icon. Fuujin armor is an altered Valkyrie Mail. Fuujin Helm is the combination of an altered Minerva Helm and Divine Camisole. The Shield I didn't do (already an item in Golden Sun), but is just put there to complete the set. ^-^
A batch containing all the healing sprites. Ply, Wish, Cure, and Cool are included, sure, but the new ones - Heal (multi earth), Calm (Single Wind), Breath (Multi Wind), and Warm (single fire) are there, too.
Next is a batch with a bunch of buffs. There's buffs for Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury Power, Agility, and Luck. Will be working on debuffs soon. The Buffs all have the same up arrow designs as all the other buffs. The elemental power comes from the elemental stars, duh. Agility is a modified combo of Slash and Cutting Edge. Luck gets its symbol from a modified Astral Blast.
Venus Ring (+20 Venus Power and Resist)
Mars Ring (+20 Mars Power and Resist)
Jupiter Ring (+20 Jupiter Power and Resist)
Mercury Ring (+20 Mercury Power and Resist)
Sol Ring (+10 Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury Power)
Luna Ring (+10 Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury Resist)
Awakening Ring (+10% Criticals)
For the Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury rings, I used the elemental stars and the Healing Ring as a base. For the Sol Ring, I used the Aroma and Healing rings as a base, and for the Luna Ring I used the Luna Shield and the Soul Ring as a base. For the the Awakening ring, I knew I wanted to make a design like this, but I'm surprised how well it actually turned out. I used the Soul and Healing rings as a base. Basically, I took the Soul ring, rotated the "Soul" part of it 45 degrees, Copied and joined it with three more, rotated 90 degrees each so as to get a nice little radial design. One obviously too big for a ring. So I shrank it to 60%, I think, cleaned it up a bit, attached it to the healing ring's base, and BAM! The Awakening Ring was done.
And for the lulz:
I was lazy when making this, but it turned out surprisingly good. It's basically a two-colored Large Bread, colored in a way to look like a watermelon.
Warrior Ring (+10 Max HP, +5 Attack)
Thief Ring (+10 Max HP, +5 Agility)
Shield Ring (+10 Max HP, +5 Defense)
These are going to replace the lucky slot rings in my GSDG. They're simple: Guardian Ring's Base recolored to be silvery rather than goldish. I used a 60% size Mars star for the Warrior Ring's jewel, Mercury Star for the Shield Ring, and the green jewel part of the Small Jewel for the Thief ring.
I've been doing a lot of spriting recently. Why? Because Golden Sun is awesome.
...What? It is.
Anywho, I figured I might as well share these icons with y'all. Though I made them, y'all are free to use them if you want. Since they have transparent backgrounds, it may be harder to see on a lighter background.
Anywho, here's the equipment/items I've done so far...

Still working on others, as I really just started. If you have any ideas, I'll see if I can pull it off. So far, I've been taking other items and then getting inspiration from them. For example, as Galvorn is a black-ish metal comparable to Mithril in Tolkien lore, I used Mythril Alloy as the base. For the Murakumo, I used the Cloud Brand. The Kusanagi, being a renamed (or in gameplay mechanics, empowered/awakened) Murakamo, I added a bit that flair that the Sol Blade has on its blade.

Hunt is basically a palette swapped avoid. Same with Normalize and Break.
Fuujin Sword was based on the Ragnarok Psynergy icon. Fuujin armor is an altered Valkyrie Mail. Fuujin Helm is the combination of an altered Minerva Helm and Divine Camisole. The Shield I didn't do (already an item in Golden Sun), but is just put there to complete the set. ^-^

A batch containing all the healing sprites. Ply, Wish, Cure, and Cool are included, sure, but the new ones - Heal (multi earth), Calm (Single Wind), Breath (Multi Wind), and Warm (single fire) are there, too.

Next is a batch with a bunch of buffs. There's buffs for Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury Power, Agility, and Luck. Will be working on debuffs soon. The Buffs all have the same up arrow designs as all the other buffs. The elemental power comes from the elemental stars, duh. Agility is a modified combo of Slash and Cutting Edge. Luck gets its symbol from a modified Astral Blast.

For the Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury rings, I used the elemental stars and the Healing Ring as a base. For the Sol Ring, I used the Aroma and Healing rings as a base, and for the Luna Ring I used the Luna Shield and the Soul Ring as a base. For the the Awakening ring, I knew I wanted to make a design like this, but I'm surprised how well it actually turned out. I used the Soul and Healing rings as a base. Basically, I took the Soul ring, rotated the "Soul" part of it 45 degrees, Copied and joined it with three more, rotated 90 degrees each so as to get a nice little radial design. One obviously too big for a ring. So I shrank it to 60%, I think, cleaned it up a bit, attached it to the healing ring's base, and BAM! The Awakening Ring was done.
And for the lulz:

I was lazy when making this, but it turned out surprisingly good. It's basically a two-colored Large Bread, colored in a way to look like a watermelon.

These are going to replace the lucky slot rings in my GSDG. They're simple: Guardian Ring's Base recolored to be silvery rather than goldish. I used a 60% size Mars star for the Warrior Ring's jewel, Mercury Star for the Shield Ring, and the green jewel part of the Small Jewel for the Thief ring.