Requesting Suggestions from Artists/Cosplayers


THE all-high-and-mighty
Requesting Suggestions from Artists/Cosplayers

So I figured... the artsy place yar?

Lol I just watched the major RNR KILLING TIME.

Back to topic, my friends are doing a group "cosplay" of Alice in Wonderland. I guess something like Loli-Alice in Wonderland. My friend asked me if I'm actually doing it and I was like a) can't sew and b)WHO?

It was determined that for b) I would be the stoned out caterpillar. I can hopefully pull it off. Anyways, I was hoping you could give some suggestions?

We kinda have a japanese maybe not kimono... that robe that witch or gate person lady wears but in bright/moodish colors... I figured a white scarf that looks "smoky"ish would be nice. I need smoke for a stoned person... and the "genie" shoes...

Help? XD