<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
Meh, i'm bored so i may revive that thread from Eternal Dream.. At least that's Social thread, so (i think) it maybe revived without warn / ban / something more bad.
As some of You know, i'm Historian and i like History. I haven't digital camera, so my crappy images from cell-phone. My room somehow is like a museum of old times. Also i'm collector of everything, what may be collected: vodka bottles, Hard Disc Drives, moneys, postages, cards, tickets, documents, boxes, compact discs &c.
My room from PC perspective:
My room is a small room. I have it since almost three years (after i changed my address and changed my job). Before that i had half of that, what i have now. You may think, that i haven't free space for moving but You're wrong. In my old address i had something like (i wish) 2m[sup]2[/sup] of free space and rest was my wardobe. That's habit, i must live in press.
That flag is a OPZZ flag - an communist organization. When "Solidarność" - in English: "Solidarity" - (their leader - Lech Wałęsa - get Nobel Prize for Peace in 1983) was under delegalization by goverment, OPZZ gets their properety.
That's swords near door are a parody of NES game - Addams Family.
That's my PC place.
Upper of monitor i have a diploma: "For Polish Soldier against German Invader" (WWII).
Near window i have some other documents. First image is a document from Auschwitz Concentration Camp and second is a copy it maded for family 25 years later. Second image is from "Underground Poland". When "Solidarność" was canceled, their leaders fought with goverment but as a resistance movement. That's one of action - false banknotes with great Polish heores (like Lech Wałęsa) or great enemies (like gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski - almost last First Secretary of PZPR (something like President)).
Third image show four things. From right: other resistance banknotes; payment-book for soldiers from 1946; two fertility coupons (since state of war in Poland 1981-1983)) and PRL passport.
That's my Wall of Magic. But also You may see three documents (rest are after that one bib paper near Goblins vs. Elves box). The one from left is a Military Legitimation from 1945; that long paper is a ticket to concert from 1974 and that small paper holded by that long one is a legitimation of LOK (Land Resistance League) - paramilitary organisation - from 1971.
On second image there is nothing important except for an Eagle (Polish ensign) with Madonna (Mother of Jesus) from 1939.
On third image You will see rest of Wall of Magic, some CDs, my RPG books and in that blue box, the best boardgame EVAR! - Magia i Miecz (Polish name for Talisman 2nd Edition).
And some of my collections:
me and my bro with our dog named Sumo:
Also You may see a calendar from 1980 something (i don't know exact date) from PKO (the biggest Bank in Poland).
Egypt mythology (and Grunwald document):
Another boxes:
Some of my vodka bottles, HDDs and some other old (in particular my two old face images (i'm enough old to have black and white image^^)) things:
Some vinyl disc for my fav Polish band - Turbo and vinyl for Iron Maiden first album:
Also some of my pass (but not only, some of them are as an organizator).
And finally my small card collection. On the first image also my grandpa and grandma and (on right) my father in army. And some of tickets (from something like 1980 +/- some years). On the second image, a banner with some of NY good things, in particular Twin Tower (You called it as World Trade Center); a handbag from PEWEX with butterfly from 1970 or later (PEWEX was a special shop, where You were able to buy something from outside of Poland); one vinyl disc; model of Fiat 126p (Polish Car) and two cards from 1986 - 70th anniversary of my city. Last image show one 6x9 inches MtG card; board with Leśna 19 (my old adress) from '80 years as well; one diploma (left paper) - for winning agains fascism and Germany. Right paper is a document as well but i dunno, how to tell in Engish for what is it.
[spoilbox]MEH, MY ENGLISH SUCKS!! >____________>[/spoilbox]
As some of You know, i'm Historian and i like History. I haven't digital camera, so my crappy images from cell-phone. My room somehow is like a museum of old times. Also i'm collector of everything, what may be collected: vodka bottles, Hard Disc Drives, moneys, postages, cards, tickets, documents, boxes, compact discs &c.
My room from PC perspective:

My room is a small room. I have it since almost three years (after i changed my address and changed my job). Before that i had half of that, what i have now. You may think, that i haven't free space for moving but You're wrong. In my old address i had something like (i wish) 2m[sup]2[/sup] of free space and rest was my wardobe. That's habit, i must live in press.
That flag is a OPZZ flag - an communist organization. When "Solidarność" - in English: "Solidarity" - (their leader - Lech Wałęsa - get Nobel Prize for Peace in 1983) was under delegalization by goverment, OPZZ gets their properety.
That's swords near door are a parody of NES game - Addams Family.

That's my PC place.

Upper of monitor i have a diploma: "For Polish Soldier against German Invader" (WWII).



Near window i have some other documents. First image is a document from Auschwitz Concentration Camp and second is a copy it maded for family 25 years later. Second image is from "Underground Poland". When "Solidarność" was canceled, their leaders fought with goverment but as a resistance movement. That's one of action - false banknotes with great Polish heores (like Lech Wałęsa) or great enemies (like gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski - almost last First Secretary of PZPR (something like President)).
Third image show four things. From right: other resistance banknotes; payment-book for soldiers from 1946; two fertility coupons (since state of war in Poland 1981-1983)) and PRL passport.



That's my Wall of Magic. But also You may see three documents (rest are after that one bib paper near Goblins vs. Elves box). The one from left is a Military Legitimation from 1945; that long paper is a ticket to concert from 1974 and that small paper holded by that long one is a legitimation of LOK (Land Resistance League) - paramilitary organisation - from 1971.
On second image there is nothing important except for an Eagle (Polish ensign) with Madonna (Mother of Jesus) from 1939.
On third image You will see rest of Wall of Magic, some CDs, my RPG books and in that blue box, the best boardgame EVAR! - Magia i Miecz (Polish name for Talisman 2nd Edition).
And some of my collections:

me and my bro with our dog named Sumo:

Also You may see a calendar from 1980 something (i don't know exact date) from PKO (the biggest Bank in Poland).
Egypt mythology (and Grunwald document):

Another boxes:


Some of my vodka bottles, HDDs and some other old (in particular my two old face images (i'm enough old to have black and white image^^)) things:

Some vinyl disc for my fav Polish band - Turbo and vinyl for Iron Maiden first album:

Also some of my pass (but not only, some of them are as an organizator).



And finally my small card collection. On the first image also my grandpa and grandma and (on right) my father in army. And some of tickets (from something like 1980 +/- some years). On the second image, a banner with some of NY good things, in particular Twin Tower (You called it as World Trade Center); a handbag from PEWEX with butterfly from 1970 or later (PEWEX was a special shop, where You were able to buy something from outside of Poland); one vinyl disc; model of Fiat 126p (Polish Car) and two cards from 1986 - 70th anniversary of my city. Last image show one 6x9 inches MtG card; board with Leśna 19 (my old adress) from '80 years as well; one diploma (left paper) - for winning agains fascism and Germany. Right paper is a document as well but i dunno, how to tell in Engish for what is it.
[spoilbox]MEH, MY ENGLISH SUCKS!! >____________>[/spoilbox]