PicoDevimon Art


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
PicoDevimon Art

IshidaKitsu at WtW did a sweet little pic of PicoDevimon in a letter to me when i got some cards. ^^

I got bored earlier today and scanned it in, dragged up photoshop, edited the lines out & coloured. It isn't great i know that but is my first time doing a colour edit!

- Line Art

- colour


Master of Dreams
Well you know I like it, my only problems with it are the ones mentioned on messenger - I personally think top blue should be a bit darker and also there is a bit of nose (I know there are others but nose sticks out for some reason) thats not coloured but apart from that is awesome


Active Member
I actually like it a lot despite the lack of colours 'cause it just shows simplicity and awesomeness at the same time. <3

And oh! I just noticed Vande missed out a tiny dot on its left back-claw!


New Member
\o/ Vande~
Try to use the pen tool if you want nicer lines. I never knew about it either until it was too late >.>; There's loads of tutorials on it, and it's really easy to use. And for the layers you're colouring in, set them to "Multiply" and put them above the outline layer and then you can colour in those remaining white specks there without going out of/over the lines. Just suggesting though ^^
First scanlating, now this \o/
Good job Vande~ =D


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
Drawing and other GFX stuff isn't mine horse but Your PicoDevi looks great. As a recolor of course^^. But that brown wooden would be good as well ;).