Opening #2 "Boku no Taiyou" by AKB48
So I grabbed the DQ29 RAW from S^M|Kaos-Bot2 and what was I surprised with? The second opening!
Song: 「僕の太陽」 "Boku no Taiyou" (My Sun)
Artist: AKB48
I was too lazy to add them to the gallery (75!!!) so you can check out here for screenshots.
A YouTube copy is uploaded here.
And of course, the video itself ;D here!!
Ripped WAV of the song here.
And then lyrics
First one is the kanji, copied out of the video, and the second is my attempt at the romaji, so that you can at least follow along.
Feel free to correct my phailing romaji, and I'll edit back in...
らららら~ らららら~ ららららら~
嫌なことの ひとつくらい
下を向いて 落ち込んでたってだめさ
心のその空 晴れ渡るまで
必ず 僕が探す
永遠に あの地平線から
Lalalala~ Lalalala~ Lalalalala~
kimi wa ima boku no taiyou
iyana kotono hito tsukurai
dare ni mo aru
shita wo muite ochikonde tatte damesa
kokoro no sono sora hare wataru made
ue wo mukunda
kimi ga sekai no doko ka de naki nagara
kodoku ni furue teitatte
kanarazu boku ga sagasu
itoshi saga mejirushisa
taiyou wa nando mo yume wo miru
eien ni ano chiheisen kara
mabushii hikari wa enerugii (energy)
kimi wa ima boku no taiyou
So I grabbed the DQ29 RAW from S^M|Kaos-Bot2 and what was I surprised with? The second opening!
Song: 「僕の太陽」 "Boku no Taiyou" (My Sun)
Artist: AKB48
I was too lazy to add them to the gallery (75!!!) so you can check out here for screenshots.

A YouTube copy is uploaded here.
And of course, the video itself ;D here!!
Ripped WAV of the song here.
And then lyrics

らららら~ らららら~ ららららら~
嫌なことの ひとつくらい
下を向いて 落ち込んでたってだめさ
心のその空 晴れ渡るまで
必ず 僕が探す
永遠に あの地平線から
Lalalala~ Lalalala~ Lalalalala~
kimi wa ima boku no taiyou
iyana kotono hito tsukurai
dare ni mo aru
shita wo muite ochikonde tatte damesa
kokoro no sono sora hare wataru made
ue wo mukunda
kimi ga sekai no doko ka de naki nagara
kodoku ni furue teitatte
kanarazu boku ga sagasu
itoshi saga mejirushisa
taiyou wa nando mo yume wo miru
eien ni ano chiheisen kara
mabushii hikari wa enerugii (energy)
kimi wa ima boku no taiyou