New Layout GET


Ninja of the Forest
New Layout GET

From over the hilltops afar, beyond the never ending seas of the world, Tree jumps out from behind a tree to announce that THE NEW LAYOUT IS LIVE, BABY!

About four months ago, Greg asked me to make a new layout for DATS, and I jumped right on it. Then, a little more than a month ago he asked me to make that layout I said I'd make, and I got right on it, again, only this time, something happened :p

Designing the layout to fit everyone's demands was a difficult job; coding the layout to fit the same demands was even more difficult. It was a complicated design, which resulted in many complications along the course of bringing it to what it currently is. Besting the fleet of fatal issues seemed endless in the beginning, but between Greg's and Tixer's tenacity and unwavering determination, the layout goes live impossibly close to midnight on Monday morning eastern time.

Note: the layout is still a work in progress. There are a couple known bugs, such as alignment issues and a bit of positioning, all deemed non-threatening. The browser has been tested in more browsers than I've got brain cells left, and works on Mozillas, Safaris, Operas, and Internet Explorers back to 6. However, if you notice any other bugs in any browsers, post a comment. Be sure to include your Browser's name, version, and your Operating System!

Help Improve Your DATS Experience
For any artists who would like to contribute to the new DATS layout may create their own banners for the layout, and the ones that the staff votes in will be displayed on the main site! You may use my template to apply your stock (to the layer named "Stock"). Banner submissions can be PMed directly to me or Greg. Please send us the edited PSD, not a JPG.