Misspellings of "Ryuusei"

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Gurren Brigade Member
Misspellings of "Ryuusei"

You'll notice that it's in my signature.

The reason I decided to make this into a thread is because there are two spellings that I see quite a lot, and it's sometimes sad to see someone spell it "ryuusai" when A and E aren't even close together on the keyboard.

If anyone wants to help me, I'm going to compile a list of misspellings and their kanji definitions, if applicable.

0. "ryuusei" itself means "flowing star", or "shooting star".
1. "ryusei" means "dragon star", or something along the sort of Alpha Draconis.
2. "ryuusai" means "standing twig", or something like a dead sapling. Not sure about the interpretation of this one.
3. [I need more misspellings that any of you happen to come across.]

Bonus: "rokuman" (forgetting the small "tsu" in "ロックマン") becomes "6-man".
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