Megaman Starforce Battle Record


New Member
I think i need to find a better combo
My Nibelungen only does 760 damage, thus, i never use it as a Legend Force
I always undergo normal battle


TaurusFire : 00:00:00
CygnusWing : 00:00:00
HarpNote : 00:00:00
LibraScales : 00:00:00
QueenOphiuca : 00:00:00
GeminiSpark : 00:00:10
CancerBubble : 00:00:00
WolfWoods : 00:00:00
CrownThunder: 00:00:00
DragonSky : never try
PegasusMagic: never try
LeoKingdom : almots 8 seconds

anyone could beat gemini in 0seconds? cause there is always animation of the white gemini move before the time stopped.

best combo
(frozen knuckle/frozen) + moai falls3 (double from frozen bonus) +frozen knuckle+ moai falls + frozen knuckle+ moai falls3


Gurren Brigade Member
Damn it, all you people are talking about a game that I have absolutely no access to!

I've played all six EXE games, but have only cleared number 6 [Both Gregar and Falzar on normal clear, I mean, now up to about 5% thanks to an FAQ. I count from 0% to 100% how much of the game you beat after the normal clear] as of yet. It seems that all of you have cleared it at least 60% to be able to defeat any of those bosses in 0.00 seconds. (In EXE, you can't beat anyone in 0.00 seconds, even with a best combo, because after the screen comes back on, there's still the time that the boss rumbles and explodes, which takes about 0.85 seconds.)

So how is the game compared to the TV lineup? I need this info for my fanfic!


Gurren Brigade Member
PrimoPiccolo;50413 said:

As in, what differences are there in the game to the anime? I know in EXE there are quite a lot (e.g. In Axess there's Cross Fusion, but in BN3 and BN4 there isn't)


New Member
The game is completely different from the anime really. All the details are different. The only thing that's the same is what the FM-ians look like and who their hosts are.