Main Evolution Lines


New Member
Main Evolution Lines

I know that no digimon has one evo line but it seems that every digimon has a main evo line that they're most likely evolve to, y'know like greymon is mostly evole to metalgreymon and etc. So I'm wondering what is most likely the main evo line for some digimon like orgemon or devidramon to name a few. What do you think? Btw, ogremon and devidramon are just examples, post any evo line that you think is the main evolution of any digimon.


Goblimon > Ogremon > Mummymon > Pharoahmon
DemiDevimon > Devidramon > Mephismon > Galfmon

:/ That's what I like to think anyway >.>'

SSJ Jup81

Official Link Fanglomper
Here's a random one...I always figured was a main line...

Mushmon => Woodmon => Jureimon => Pinocchimon

LCD Tamer

Frogmon Tamer
DemiDevimon---Meramon---DeathMeramon---Piemon <---BEST
Demi Devimon ---Bakemon---Phantomon----Piemon


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
PicoDevimon -> Devimon - > Vamdemon -> any damn thing that isn't Piemon!


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
Vande;44175 said:
PicoDevimon -> Devimon - > Vamdemon -> any damn thing that isn't Piemon!

She's trying to say, VenomVandemon or BelialVandemon. She dunno, how You get Piemon from Vandemon. Me - as well.

King Dusk

so i herd u liek mudkipz?
DemiDevimon > Devimon > NeoDevimon > Apocalymon (I think they match up pretty well.)
DemiDevimon > Wizarmon > Myotismon > VenomMyotismon/MaloMyotismon (Speculation, people.)
Veemon > Raidramon > ??? > Azulongmon
Dracmon > Sangloupmon(SP?) > Matadormon > Piedmon(/GranDracmon)


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
King Dusk said:
DemiDevimon > Wizarmon > Myotismon > VenomMyotismon/MaloMyotismon (Speculation, people.)

Anything, but not Vandemon :/ Better will be Mistymon!


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
Nemomon;44178 said:
She's trying to say, VenomVandemon or BelialVandemon. She dunno, how You get Piemon from Vandemon. Me - as well.

No i just don't like Piemon in a Vamdemon line.


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
Like me with Vandemon in Wizarmon line. *hmm, have an idea from Rianmon^^*


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
LCD Tamer;44443 said:
Vande, why do you hate Piemon so much?

He's a freak (and there are fans that do Vam x Pie relationship) he's mine.

I'd like to see Vamdemon evolve to Beelzebumon.

LCD Tamer

Frogmon Tamer
I wouldn't say he's a freak...
The Adventure 01 Piemon was kind've a douchebag, but other than that one I like 'em.
I don't do the Vamdemon->Piemon line.
Because I don't like Vamde.