So let's talk... projects.
status page is about as up-to-date as it'd get, but I thought I might go into some details about why some projects are where they are.
So... let's talk! We'll go from top to bottom.
Chocolate Underground
From about the time that we released episode 4 to about... 3 weeks ago or so, we had no way of getting the raws. Zero Raws wasn't putting out copies, and we couldn't find them on Share/Winny/PD/etc. That... was a problem. So we did what we could.
AKA, nothing.
Then I had the brilliant idea of asking our Penguin raw capper, tenahachi3 (you might have seen some of her stuff on YouTube) since she lives in Japan.

And so she got us copies of 5b-7a. So we had no 5a. That, of course, was a problem. But we dealt with it.
And a few days later, Zero Raws released 6a-7b or whatever, and we

ed, but yeah. The problem arrose in that we couldn't get these raws to work. They're streamed in an sucky WMV format, and it tends to break a lot. Which you will see prime examples of with episode 5, and the first part of 6, when we release. Uuuuuuuuugly, they'll be. D: But we worked around it all, we found a guy that could convert them to workable AVIs, and ALL WAS GOOD.
Now 5 and 6 are sitting in the TLCs inbox (she's got a life, believe it or not) and 7-9 are sitting on the TLs to do list (he's got school... poor guy) and 10-11 are sitting on the avi-converter-guy's to do list (I dunno what he does). But hopefully 5 and 6 will be out soon, as well as 7-13. ^_~
Double Wheels
Erm... yeah. Our first "secret" project name in awhile. XD I've ordered the CD single for it, and we should have that soon. But we probably won't see this released until like the 25th or so, since I'll be off on vacation, and won't be able to scan in the lyrics until I get back. XD; Oh well, such is life.
Beyblade G Revolution
Jump back a few months. Like... November of last year. That's when we started the project. Anyways, a lot of things happened in there, and the project was actually dropped a few times, but we kept picking it back up at Zanon's request.
Anyways, we finally got episode 1 released a few days ago, and now we have episodes 2-4 in the works. The goal is to get all 3 of these released this month, depending on how things work out, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. Once we get those rolled out, we're hoping it'll be a relatively easy process to get the series going at a decent pace. Who knows though~~
Aha... here's a good one. We're going to be working on a collection of specials for a series one of our main editors really likes. No clue when they'll be going out, but we're gonna try and have good solid releases relatively soon

Who knows though...
Penguin no Mondai
Penguin... penguin Beckham!!!!! OMG... Penguin. You saw the shock image a few posts down... yeah, it's an *interesting* show. On the front lines, and on the back lines.
The show has actually scared away most of the timers. Right now, I have a single guy willing to time it. D= And he's been busy with other group stuff too... so it's kinda x_X But we have a number of episodes translated and edited now, so we should hopefully be pushing out quite a few soon.
This show is kinda like Saru Getchu in that we can't get sources for all the episodes, so we're having to skip around. 9 and 12 are currently in this group, and I guess we won't be able to sub them (if we ever do) until DVDs are released of the show. I'm trying to keep track of possible DVD releases for Penguin, but I've yet to see anything. And considering the fact that Saru Getchu has yet to be released on DVD, it's possible that Penguin never will either. D:
But we're doing what we can. Episode 6 was using a youtube source. Episode 8 used a streaming capture... D=
Candy Boy
[13:54] <NakshimaYumi> there will be another rajio on next friday
[13:55] <NakshimaYumi> i think they gave up on the actual animation. drawing is hard
Whenever new episodes show up... it's completely random. We have no idea when they put up new episodes it seems... but we're keeping our eyes open, hoping for a new episode sooner or later. D=
As for the DVD... we're waiting to see if an ISO appears, but so far we haven't had any luck. And we aren't really looking to dish out the cash for it... :s But we'll have to see, eh?
Rockman.EXE Beast+
So we have this entire series translated. But it was done by flyboy, and... really isn't that great. So we're waiting on olid to TLC the episodes, since he's really good, and can spot when flyboy screwed up. (More often than not, in some cases)
However, olid's parents are cruel beings. They constantly take away his net, and without net, it becomes hard to download episodes to TLC. Nene? He can get on MSN on his phone, but that's about it

So we're just stuck waiting for him to have the net and time to do these episodes... ._.;
Saru Getchu
I assigned two editors to this series when we started. Roid and Tixer. Roid and Tixer both vanished one day, and without the editors, the project ground to a halt. However, after life threatening actions, Tixer has finally done episode 7, and so the project has come back to life somewhat. Episodes 2 and 3 have been timed, and are waiting for me to typeset/time check. And then they're off to be TLCed, which hopefully won't take too long.
4 and 5, we're lacking source.

But 6-7, we have source, and we have edited translations, so we're now waiting on timing for those. That should hopefully be done soonish, and we can go on with the project.
But like I said when we started this, this is an eternal side project, and we'll never be putting high priority on it. But hopefully, one of these days, we'll finish it.
When Akaku quit, he said we couldn't use anything of his. (Yeah, real nice Kev, you kinda left us in a pickle) so we're having to make a new ending karaoke before we can release 9 and 10. And since we were already planning on redoing the karaokes (both of them) for 11+... we're just bumping it back a bit, and gonna make a new OP kara too.
So yeah, 9 and 10 are just waiting on the new karaokes, and then they'll be off to the encoder for finals, and we can release them.

So look for those soonish.
We're waiting on translations for the remainder of the series. Refer to my notes on Beast+ for reasons why.
Deltora Quest
With Kevin gone, this is actually moving. 11 should be out within a day or so, and 12 will follow right after, and 13 and 14 right after that. Though there might be a bit of a delay in there since I'm going on vacation, but it shouldn't be too much. :3 After those 4 episodes are out, we'll go backwards and maybe start working on the redos again, or we might just ignore those for the rest of eternity.
We really want to see this moving again, and so we're gonna try and work as fast as we can. ^^ But it all depends on how things work out, I guess.
Juushin Enbu
The translator for this, Pazuzu, translates for a living. He doesn't really deserve having to translate when he gets home too.

It'll get done when it gets done, but there are hints that after a certain four DQ episodes are released, we'll see more JE...
Digimon Tamers
Pokemon Ranger Batonnage
There is a single editor for this, and he's obsessed with getting SFX translations it seems. The translator, however, doesn't like the idea of SFX translations. It's an epic standstill, like in those Old West movies.
Chapter 7 is being QCed, chapter 8 is being translated, we're moving!
Smash Bomber
<_> This is all me. It'll get done, eventually.
Look at Domo. They're the ones working on it now. XP I won't see it again until QC time.