Fanfiction Idea...


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Fanfiction Idea...

I hope this is the right area for this... If not, then I ask that a mod/admin please move it to the correct area and let me know where threads like this belong. Thanks. ^-^

Anyways, I've been doing some research for a digimon fanfic (one that WON'T suck like my last one), and here are a few things that I've got so far for it.

It will use the element system similar to Frontier, and a crest system similar to Adventure. However, since there were only 9 standard crests in adventure, I've had to add an original one.

The main villains of the series are the Olympus Twelve, however, they think what they are doing is right. The main theme is that there is more than just Good and Evil, Light and Dark. There are shades of gray as well as a multitude of other colors. Basically, it's that it's a digimon's actions that determine whether it's good or not, not what it is.

In the fanfic, the Olympus Twelve believe they are good, and are trying to rid the digital world of those they believe are evil. However, they have taken the mindset that Darkness is inherently evil, and light inherently good. Due to this a lot of digimon have started to see them as evil due to the persecution. More explanation upon request.

As for the crests and elements, each one is assigned one.

Courage is Fire
Reliability is Water
Love is Wind/Air
Kindness is Earth
Friendship is Ice
Knowledge is Lightning/Electricity
Purity is Wood
Hope is Metal/Steel
Light is Light
Logic* is Darkness

*Name is tentative. Based off of gaming concept of wisdom, which is more street smarts than book smarts. The character would say that knowledge is the skill of a scholar, but logic is the skill of a thief. I am open to suggestions that better fit this. Keep in mind that the character tends to think more like a thief, which fits the darkness thing. I also wish to avoid just saying crest of Darkness, if at all possible.

Evolution is a bit different. You have standard evolution, but also Blessing Evolution. The explination behind this is as follows:

Your standard evolutionary path is this:

Baby I --> Baby II --> Child --> Adult --> Perfect --> Ultimate

When Evolving to Adult level or above, "Blessing Evolution" is possible. This is when the digimon uses the power of a different crest to evolve. An example that will be used:

Angemon, who's blessing in the fic is light, usually evolves to HolyAngemon. However, when using Darkness Blessing Evolution, it will become Murmuxmon. I am trying to find a complete path for all ten digimon that will be use, using one standard path of evolution, accompanied by nine 'branched paths'. Upon request, I will post what I've got.

This takes place in a completely different world than the confirmed Digimon worlds, as if it were a new season or something. I do have a few confirmed characters and digimon, though.

Courage - Agumon
Light - Patamon
Logic - PicoDevimon - Iwakami Shinju

Related - Impmon - Iwakami Yuujin (deceased)

I'm still doing research, so I'm still trying to find out what digimon would best fit what crest/element. The only reason I chose Agumon for Courage (despite the fact that I hate Agumon) was that Agumon is one of the more developed lines of evolution, so it'd be easier to find the Blessing Evolution paths for it.

Let me know what your initial thoughts are, and questions, comments, and criticism are welcome. Just don't go so far as to flame, please. If you need something clarified, just ask, and I'll do my best to explain it.

Also, name suggestions are great and welcome. The only request is that Courage and Light be male, and all names, just as in the shows/manga, are Japanese in origin. Since, you know... they're going to be from Japan. But Courage needs to be male, since he's the Goggleboy, and Light needs to be male... well, for reasons down the road.


DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official
I think it goes in "Writing" but it's not for me to say.

I like the idea of the crest of logic, though there have already been miracles, destiny and darkness, well, they were digimentals...

Very nice


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Destiny and Miracles weren't standard though, they were special, and I've NEVER heard of a darkness digimental... I know there was a corrupted Miracles, but...


DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official
Role;31657 said:
Destiny and Miracles weren't standard though, they were special, and I've NEVER heard of a darkness digimental... I know there was a corrupted Miracles, but...

I don't know where I saw it, I think it may have originated in one of the wonderswan games, but where I saw it was on a chart on the internet somewhere, where it showed all of the 02 digimon and all of the digimentals and they're paths with them, though none were compatable with darkness.

EDIT: according to wikimon there were 3 others: Pride, desire and Tencity.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Think you can provide a link? If I could use a canon one, I wouldn't have to fiddle with coming up with its own symbol...


DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official
Role;31662 said:
Think you can provide a link? If I could use a canon one, I wouldn't have to fiddle with coming up with its own symbol...

sorry, but the pages don't exist yet, I just went to the wikimon page for digimentals and they were mentioned at the bottom.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Yeah, I saw that. I was talking about the chart though. If you could find that, it'd be awesome.

As much as a good idea that Wikimon is, I don't like it due to its huge glaring flaw... there's way too many broken links, and a lot of pages that should be there aren't. So for me, it's kind of a moot point, flipping back and forth between there and Wikipedia.


DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official
Sadly, it was years ago, I wish I could find it again, but I think the site was foreign, can't even remember the language lol.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Ah... That sucks. Well, I have a design idea for Logic that I've used in the past. I'll put it together and post it real quick. Er, granted, real quick might take a while, but... *sweatdrops*

Anyways, if you think of anything, let me know. ^-^ Also, if you've got any questions, I can answer them. The big thing though, is that I will have a total of 360 digimon to get for the destined children...

A Baby I, Baby II, and Child form for each of the ten...

And Ten forms for each of them with the Adult, Perfect, and Ultimate forms...

Why? Because of the Blessing Evolution, and the fact that though Wikimon states that Devimon CAN evolve to HolyAngemon, since Angemon already will, that's not going to be happening. I'll need it to change to something else. This is one of the big things I've been working on, and wikimon isn't helping much with its lack of pages and images...


Dancing in a Velvet Moon
Those Extra Digimentals are from the WS Games.

BTW: If Angemon normally evolves to HolyAngemon, he won't become Murmuxmon due to Darkness. Murmuxmon is still an Ultimate.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Dark: You fail to understand what I said. When I said he normally becomes HolyAngemon, I was talking about through normal evolution, as Angemon has the blessing of light by nature. However, thought BLESSING EVOLUTION, he can become Murmuxmon instead. This was taken from Digimon Next, and how HolyAngemon had changed to Murmuxmon when he become evil/tainted by darkness/whatever you want to call it.

Basically, it's a branched path. Angemon via normal evolution can become HolyAngemon, but via Logic Blessing Evolution would become Murmuxmon instead.

John: -- Is this the table you spoke of?


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Sorry for the double post. I looked up a few of the digimentals you mentioned earlier, and the only one that has an image seems to be the Digimental of Darkness. But it has no symbol. So I don't think I can use that... The reason I used the canons was so I didn't have to make a symbol for each of them.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member

That's an image I made for the crest of logic a long time ago. However, the computer I made it on decided to take up smoking, so I lost all that data. I just finished re-creating it in MS Paint. Fear my Leet MS Paint (lack of) skills...


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Okay... Updates time, woo...

Name: Iwakami Shinju
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Blessing: Logic (Darkness)
Role: The Thief
Partner: PicoDevimon
Adversary: Olympus Twelve (Minervamon)

Personality: She seems a bit cold at first, and can be harsh to others. She doesn't tolerate either Good or Evil, and despises those who associate darkness with evil. Since the death of her brother, though, she's actually become very lonely, and doesn't seem to smile much. Because of this, the others tend to make a big deal out of it when she does smile, much to her embarrassment.

Bio: The first of the ten to come to the digital world, Shinju and her brother, Yuujin arrived nine years ago. Yuujin, worried about how to survive first and foremost, enlisted the aid of their new friends, Pagumon and Yaamon to help find food and shelter. Soon, they were taken in by Circuit Village, a village that renounced both good and evil, and stood for peace instead.

The first year and a half was indeed peaceful. Shinju made many new friends with the young digimon in the village, while Yuujin searched nearby ruins for clues in how to get home. Yaamon, who protected Yuujin from aggressive digimon on the way, eventually was able to evolve to its ultimate stage, Beelzebumon. Though looking for a way home, Yuujin was the first to learn about the ten blessings and their effect on evolution, which he taught to Shinju.

Not long afterward, though, the Olympus Twelve, self-proclaimed champions of light and justice, attacked the town. The initial strike was a success - the town was caught completely off guard, and many digimon were reformatted as a result. Seeing this Yuujin used what knowledge he had to devise traps and ambushes against the returning army, and successfully driving them back. Though the hope was that they'd give up and leave them alone, the Olympus Twelve instead declared war.

After several conflicts, resulting in many casualties on both sides, the Olympus Twelve sent three of their twelve members to put an end to the fight. They took Shinju hostage, in order to lure out Yuujin, who they saw as the biggest threat. The ploy worked, and in hearing them say they would leave his sister unharmed, Yuujin allowed them to take his life.

With Yuujin gone, the remaining inhabitants of the village evacuated, and rebuilt their town in a different location. Yuujin was buried on the edge of town, and a statue was built in the town's square in his memory. Shinju was deeply scarred by the event, and grew to see the light as evil, and resent it. She vowed to continue her brother's search for a way home, and continued studying the ruins that her brother had once frequented. Accompanied by Beelzebumon and PicoDevimon, who had evolved to his child stage, for protection, she eventually encounters the rest of the group, and though after a few misunderstandings, becomes the final member to join.

Additional Notes: As Shinju was only 6 when she came to the digital world, she lacks the education of the others, and thus cannot read or write Japanese, and doesn't know much about Earth's or Japan's history. She doesn't understand many references the others make and sometimes needs someone to read her their notes. She is, however, the only one fluent in DigiCode. She also was taught math and science by the digimon who helped raise her after the death of her brother.


Name: Wada Satoru
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Blessing: Courage (Fire)
Role: The Leader
Partner: Agumon
Adversary: Seven Demon Lords (Demon)

Personality: Outgoing and friendly, Satoru is the one who decided to get everyone together. He may seem cheerful and energetic, and even a goofball at times, but it should be noted that he's not an idiot; he's great at on-the-spot tactics.

Bio: Satoru grew up in Hokuto, in the Oshima Subprefecture of Japan's Hokkaidou region. The eldest of two, he was on his way home from picking up food at a supermarket for his mother when he turned a corner into the digital world. Guessing he took a wrong way somewhere, he tried to go back where he come from only to see Koromon looking at him. After a bit of confusion, they became friends and decided to hang out a bit. Koromon led him to his home, a town called Disc City. Koromon showed him to FlaWizardmon, who was helping to raise young digimon who weren't yet able to support themselves, Koromon included.

FlaWizardmon took Satoru in, and helped take care of him. Satoru got along well with all the digimon there, and started trying to help FlaWizardmon, similar to how he helped his mother back home. Not long afterwards, one of the digimon brought another human to the group, a girl named Chieko. She had a hart time believing that this was an entirely different world, and often argued with Satoru over it, saying that his logic was stupid since he simply accepted that he had been summoned to a different world, rather than trying to figure out how and how to get home. He simply stated they'd probably go back the same way, to which she called him naive.

After being in the digital world for four months, Demon came through the town. A couple of digimon identified him, and attacked him, but were quickly reformatted. However, the rest of the town had started to get involved. FlaWizardmon, in effort to try to protect the young digimon, tried to get them to safety. He was struck down by one of Demon's attacks, though, when getting Satoru and Chieko out. In the end, the town was in shambles. As FlaWizardmon's data dissipated, he handed Satoru his goggles, and asked him to take care of everyone.

Shaken, Satoru, Chieko, and the other digimon left from the ruins of their town, and headed to a town Koromon know was nearby. After making sure all the digimon were okay and taken care of, Satoru decided that they should leave. Believing that if he and Chieko were there, then surely there would be other humans in the digital world as well. He left, now wearing the goggles given to him by FlaWizardmon, and with Chieko reluctantly following him. Koromon, who later evolved to Agumon, had decided to stand by his best friend, and went along with him.

Additional Notes: Satoru has a preference for simple solutions, rather than long and complex ones, so when possible, he always makes his mind up quickly and attaches either simple or backwards logic to it just to have a reason for doing it. Because of this, he and Chieko often don't see eye to eye.


I also somehow scored me an artist, so I'll be releasing this as if it were a Light novel, so basically a pic per chapter or two. Dunno how, but she jumped right on it, and is doing it for free. So far, it looks good too.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Too Late.

Blessing - Element - Role/Title - Name [Gender] - Partner - 'Why they fight'

Courage - Fire - The Leader - Wada Satoru [♂] - Agumon - FlaWizardmon's Goggles
Friendship - Ice - The Loner - Kanda Hideo [♂] - ??? - ???
Love - Air - The Keeper - Miyazaki Aki [♀] - ??? - ???
Kindness - Earth - The Mediator - Araki Maiko [♀] - Gotsumon - ???
Knowledge - Lightning - The Scholar - Asada Chieko [♀] - ??? - ???
Reliability - Water - The Elder - Sasagawa Nobuo [♂] - ??? - ???
Purity - Wood - The Child - Shimamiya Masato [♂] - Mushmon - ???
Hope - Metal - The Tinkerer - Egawa Kohaku [♂] - Hagurumon - Piece of a banner
Light - Light - The Judge - Mizuchi Kenta [♂] - Patamon - Angewoman's Feather
Logic - Darkness - The Thief - Iwakami Shinju [♀] - PicoDevimon - Brother's Photo

Colors are the colors schemes of their digivices, which reflect their element, and actually 'radiate' it when they 'install a blessing' (basically, evolution).

So Satoru, when clutching his digivice during evolution, looks like he's HOLDING FIRE. Like, hand aflame and all...

Similar things happen to the others with their respective elements.

Concept pics are a hopeful, but not exactly promised given the track record of my last artist (I think I ordered something from her two years ago... She called me the other day with an update, and I had forgotten I had ordered it). I hope this artist does a good job, though. ^-^