Ewwww Ruddy Weather


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
Johnzaloog;2347 said:
It's been nice over here in england. Around 25-30 centigrade (don't know farenhite, don't even know sp of it :p)

FYI - England is where i live - obviously hasn't been bad in your parts


New Member
Its raining here too but no one is complaining because there is nothing worse than taking taking a 3 hour exam in hot weather


Johnzaloog;2347 said:
It's been nice over here in england. Around 25-30 centigrade (don't know farenhite, don't even know sp of it :p)

You sure? I'm pretty sure it's raining all over England, I have been to Nottingham over the weekend and it was pretty stormy, even waking my 2nd cousin up. It has been on and off down here in London but now the sun has come back out.
Do you live in the south-east or something like that?


DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official
Vande;2350 said:
FYI - England is where i live - obviously hasn't been bad in your parts

I did not know that. i live in the North west, about an hour south of Manchester.


Active Member
Well, it's been raining here lately too. It's cloudy most of the day. Rather dull, but it's better than the scorching heat. At least it didn't rain continuously for a few days.

It's currently not raining but I think it will, later in the evening. The drizzles were nice but the storms were rather troublesome when I had to go out. I read from the news it's La Nina season for South-East Asia. *sigh* It's usually not at this time of the year. The weather's getting really unpredictable..


Hearts Beywiki
Oh my! After a week of no rain, we get severe weather!
Even though it's summer (almost), I hate spring most.


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
around 8.30pm last night = heavy rain with thunderstorm, didn't stop til about 11ish

was awoken at 2.35am - heavy rain with a storm, so i've barely freaking slept (it's 5.47am and i have to get ready for work)


Hearts Beywiki
2 nights ago, I barely got any sleep either. Not because of rain, though...It was so...HOT...in my...room...soooooo....stuffy...*shudder*