Dragonball: Evolution


THE all-high-and-mighty
Dragonball: Evolution

I was actually pondering when I'd go out and watch this. I was going to not see it based on the trailers (Those are usually good "selling" points so when a trailer fails it's...) but then changed my mind. I wanted to be able to decide myself since they keep re-editing the movie.

Well I'm not paying the money to see it in theaters. I'll wait for rental. Scathing, and I mean, SCATHING, reviews on ANN. I've read the ANN reviews and sometimes they're pretty easy on things I don't like (and sometimes pretty critical of things I like HxH???).

According to the movie review by Zac...
"Overall : F
Story : F
Music : C
+ Might be fun when you're hammered and surrounded by friends. Or suicidal, and need something to push you over the edge.
− Basically everything."

By another ANN Editor-in-Chief: "As for those who say that we should wait for "other DBZ fans" to comment, they have. Japanese DBZ fans are saying much, much worse things about this movie than Zac did. "

According to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBjNoa6TD6I, in order to like it just don't think it's Dragonball. (Which is hard with such a title) Also thinking it's a comedy works. Some fights scenes are good. Out of 10, he'd give the movie a 3.

One of the major flaws I could see for this movie was having it called Dragonball. Go Yamcha? Seems she'll be the saving grace of Dragonball: Evolution.


>_> Goku ain't white. Lawl

This movie looks retarded. It's going to bomb like Street Fighter.

It's already doing shitty in other countries. The only way its going to make money is from the US & UK

Galaxy Limit B

Cael;90053 said:
>_> Goku ain't white. Lawl

I know, he's an alien.

I'm going to see it, but I wouldn't trust that review by Zac. I only read a bit of it, but it seemed like the same typical complaints everyone else has about the film that makes no sense. I personally am not holding the film to the same "standards" most other people are doing.

Galaxy Limit B

I'm just saying, people are being a bit ridiculous about this movie. It's different. If it was strictly adapted to the film, it would suck unbelievably. It would seem corny and just look dumb. Dragon Ball's fantasy elements work in animation because it's made specifically that way. In real life, Goku having his true hairstyle or Bulma having straight-up blue hair would look stupid, IMHO.

There are some valid complaints, like character portrayals and all that, but those are few and far inbetween.


THE all-high-and-mighty
That's not the biggest problem from what I've heard. It's the actual PLOT/STORYLINE/SCRIPT.

But Yamcha seems to be the glorifying character. To make this a comedy.

That and it was called Dragonball. When you take the name of something you're giving people expectations. But that wasn't the biggest worry. There's already plenty of fans in the asian countries who have seen the screenings (since they were released there first) who would give it less than half a good rating. 1/5? 3/10? That's not good

Galaxy Limit B

Kage;90063 said:
That's not the biggest problem from what I've heard. It's the actual PLOT/STORYLINE/SCRIPT.

Because it's different. You'll be hard-pressed to find someone with an argument besides "Gosh darn it, THAT didn't happen in Dragon Ball!" which really isn't that great of a point.

I expect the movie to do somewhat well in theatres, but crap DVD sales. It's already banked in about 10 mil in it's first week.


THE all-high-and-mighty
The problem with movies is that there isn't much you can do when people don't like it. You'll only see how bad it can be on the latter weekends. Opening weekends are from hype (either from trailers, commercials or expectations from names). You'll only see just how really good a movie does after like two weeks it's in theaters.

EDIT: It was only 2+mil in US dollars. Unless that figure is Japan only.


New Member
I will definitely be seeing this movie the day it comes out. I have to see the train wreck for myself...lets just hope it isn't the same type of train wreck as The Legend of Chun Li *shudders*


THE all-high-and-mighty
People already compared it to Chun Li. Someone mentioned that it [Dragonball] would've been nice to see with an animated thing.

Edit: It'd be so appreciated if you didn't post that way...