Dorumon The Chosen One
Digimon Story the Great Chaos
Digimon Story the Great Chaos
Sidenote: you might see some errors in it since i didn't do a check on it because i was busy with school work when i wrote those.
Digimon episode 1: Were it all begins
There was a group science who was Researching New Stuff.
They were working very hard until one of these days....
science (1): Where is it leader?!
Leader: Here I’m. I was stuck in it traffic, so what do you want?
Science (1): We must stop with it Research bad stuff will happen
Leader: Let me have a look............ O_O Oh NO WE MUST STOP NOW
Science (2): Are you crazy we must further with
Leader: Were are going to delete everything so nobody will take it and I will keep it backup save!
Science (2): But, but...
Science (1): Oh cheer up (2) tomorrow we will start a new Research
Science (2) walks angry away and goes to his home.
Science (1): he is not so happy what happened Leader
Leader: Tomorrow he will forget everything as for Now we are going back to home I will see you tomorrow again Bye.
Science(1) : Bye
Later at it home of Science(2)
Science(2):How dare they!!!>.< How dare they stopping it all soundly. Lucky they haven’t noticed that
I have taking backup everyday! *laughs with a evil voice*
He goes back to it lab and counties
Science(2): now let’s see
All soundly a light pop out and says "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!"
Science(2): Nice trick of it Leader. He is thinking that i will be scared of this voice
Then all soundly a message comes out in it screen, it was it same thing what he was hearing
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
.........| OOOOOOO O |.........
Science(2) was ignoring it but then all soundly a strange monster comes out.
Science(1) and it Leader were both at home watching it news
Newsman :A strange explosive has come out in lab near it animal park
it is still unknown what has happened to it
science(1) and it Leader were both worried about their lab
ASAP what they have heard. They were running very fast to their lab
Science(1): so you have heard it right as well?
Leader: Yes >.< and i think I know who is respond for this
Science(1) and it Leader were lay down
And they can’t believe who they saw
Leader: Science(2) why did you not listen to us.......
Science(2):don’t call ever me with that name again call me DR.D-EVIL
DR.D-EVIL: kill them
it monster kills them both after that DR.D-EVIL escapes throw a portal
with it monster.
---------------------------30 Years later--------------------------------------
????: Younes wake up it vacation is already over time to go to school.
Younes: Oke Mom
Younes's Mom : So did you sleep well
Younes: yeah slept well but had that strange dream Again
Younes's Mom: Again it dream of that evil science DR.D-EVIL with his monster
Yones: Yeah
a strange voice comes inside Younes head
"Younes..Younes are you there can you hear me?"
Younes: oh not it headache again
"can you hear me?!"
Younes's Mom: hearing strange voice in your head again
Younes: Yes
After that it voice was gone….
Younes's Mom: remember me taking you to it doctor
Younes: I’m fine Mom thx for worrying about me, well better must go before i came late for school
Younes's Mom: Have a nice day
underway his school
Younes: "why do I always get it same dream and that headache strange......"
At school they were talking what did they do during it vacation
and everyone at it same time yell this
Everyone: Sleeping out!!!!!!
Teacher: Oke what else did you guys do
hanging out with friends. playing with fireworks
Teacher: So everyone did about same thing >.>
After school Younes comes back to home
Younes's Mom: how was it
Younes: Was a good day. I’m going to my bedroom now
Younes's Mom: oke fine to hear
Younes: oke mom
Younes goes to his room and goes behind his computer
"Type in google "Digitical Monsters before it is too late"
Younes:"Who are you"
"Just type it"!!!
(Remember it is that voice again tongue.gif)
Younes:"oke fine as long you leave my head alone"
Younes typed it in
Younes"Oke now what"
"Do you see "01001110001111011110111101111" at your sceen"
Younes:"01101? wait I see it numbers it is "01001110001111011110111101111" right?"
"Yes click on it and now answer it questions"
Q1: Do you know digimon?
Q2: Do you belive in them?
Q3: Would you like to have a digimon partner in real life?
Q4: Would you like to be a Tamer?
Q5: If this was real would you like to start now?
"oke you are done thx and bye"
Younes: "hope don’t get it dream again although it is strange that he said i must do it very fast"
After younes was surfing on internet until 10:00 he goes to sleep
Who is this strange voice who is connected with Younes?
What does that dream means?
Will Younes have it same dream?
see(read) on it next episode 2
Digimon Story The Great Chaos episode 2: It Adventure begins
While younes was sleeping soundly he heard a hard explosive "BOOOOOM!"
and after it he heard that it emergency signal goes off "ALERT ALERT" "whamiemenimeimeim"
Younes woke up and was running to it TV he saw his mom already there watching it Alert News
Younes: What is happing?
Younes mom: They just said there is a strange monster here
Younes: WHAT A MONSTER?!?!
Younes mom: Yes listen.
News: Many buildings have been destroyed in it south of town. It has been caused by this unknown thing right now it is too dark to see him all towns people must escape now before it is too late
Younes mom: Younes we must escape from town
Younes: yeah I know
Quickly grabs it keys of it car and they both run to it car but before they could get in a beam attacked it car Younes mom was stuck under it car and Younes was knocked down and when he saw his mom he was running to her
Younes: hang in there mom I will save you
Younes mom: no Younes save yourself before it is to late
Younes: But.... I don’t want you to die mom please
Younes mom: it is already too late for me please Younes I want you save forget about me now go
Younes: Mom…….
younes was running away crying. he was running from street to other street
Younes: d**n they at right.......whooa also on left need to run forward
????: Attack
????: Roger
Younes: oh d**n that was a close one
????: You missed
Younes: that voice sounds like DR.D-EVIL
????: yes it is me DR.D-EVIL
so it wasn’t a dream after all)
DR.D-EVIL: you will be also become one of my slave
Younes: NEVER!!!!
DR.D-EVIL: oh and what can you do you worthless punk
he is right. I can’t do anything)
Younes ran away from him
DR.D-EVIL: run all you can but you can never escape from me mhahahahhahahaha
younes was running quickly from him but after few sec DR.D-EVIL caught with him
DR.D-EVIL: tikaboo mahahahahahaha destroy him
it unknown monster attacked younes but all soundly a light came out
????: Stop!!
DR.D-EVIL: how dare you to interfere with me
????: and how dare you attacking this town
younes was laying down and heard it voice that was it same from his head but then his eyes closed.....................…………………………………….
After Younes wokes up he found himself laying on a bed
Younes: auch my head huh? Where I’m I?
????: You have been awaking
Younes: huh w8 are you Beelzemon right?
Beelzemon: yes it is me so you know something about digimon
Younes: IS THIS FOR REAL is this not a dream?!
Beelzemon: no you aren’t dreaming this is real
Younes: what happened? last thing I remembered was that light and then that fight and then... I can’t remember anymore
Beelzemon: Seraphimon saved you
so he was it one speaking with me in mind) Say Beelzemon what must I do now
Beelzemon: oh right Ophanimon is waiting for you
Younes: where is she
Beelzemon: come follow with me
Beelzemon was walking to it evaluator under it way younes saw many other digimons playing with together, helping etc
Younes: Beelzemon?
Beelzemon: Yes
Younes: is this it digictal world
Beelzemon: yes^^ you are at it digictal world now
Younes: wow so many digimon
Beelzemon: yeah everyone lives in peace but until now.>.>...
Younes: why?
Beelzemon: Ophanimon will explain everything for you
Younes: Oke
As they stepped in it evaluator. Beelzemon was pressing code numbers
it evaluator goes up all it way Ding dong
they stepped out and was walking to desk
Beelzemon: Ophanimon here is Younes
Ophanimon: good go now
Beelzemon: cya Younes
Younes: bye Beelzemon^^
Ophanimon: so you are Younes
Younes: yes Ophanimon
Ophanimon: oke i will explain everything listen
it dreams of yours… that has happened for real and my collage was trying to reach you since then
Younes: strange I never heard him talking something like this
Ophanimon: it is hard to commect to humans
Younes: yeah but why did I it question??
Ophanimon: he was testing you
Younes: why did he had little time?
Ophanimon: he was trying to stop DR.D-EVIL from destroying your home
Younes: but everything has been destroyed and I have nowhere to go and I can’t do anything v.v
Ophanimon: you welcome to stay here since you will be a tamer
Youmes: A TAMERE?! REALL!?!?!?!
Ophanimon: yes really here is your Digivice(D-Vice)
Younes: Cool so who is my partner
Ophanimon: you must find your own partner sorry and you must have at least 5 digimons
Younes: 5? all in one time or..
Ophanimon: it is fate soon or later you will find 5 digimon that you like. It will take while
Younes: but what can I do to help
Ophanimon: protect digimon world
Younes: and my world?
Ophanimon: Your world has been completely been take over by DR.D-EVIL and it is too dangerous for you to go there
Younes: oh oke v.v but what happened to all other people?
Ophanimon: some become slaves of him and others are here but we don’t know
we can’t contact with other places
Younes: oke V.V
Ophanimon: do you like to have a tour at this place
Younes: oke so that I get use to it
what will happen now to younes?
Which 5 fated digimon will be is partners?
see it on episode 03
Digimon Story the Great Choas Esp 3
Big Panic!
after they are done talking me and Beelzemon stepped into evaluator and went down
Beelzemon: oke Younes to begin with Here is it Marketplace! The Digitical-Hospital
WARNING WARNING! Digi-Central South is getting attacked all staff digimons get there at once
This isn’t a test i repeated this isn’t a test
WARNING WARNING! Digi-Central South is getting attacked all staff digimons get there at once
Younes: what is happing?
Beelzemon: seems like Dr.D-Evil Digimons is attacking our servers. I must leave you here alone and fight with it others!
Younes: oke i will go a safe place
Beelzemon: go to Digitical-Hospital and good lucky on your quest
beelzemon runs away to it battle field as for Younes, he is now at Digitical-Hospital
while younes was at it Digitical-Hospital . He saw a lot of digimons in panic
?????: Let’s see if everyone is here. 1....2....3....4....5.....6.....7......8....9....
9? where is nr 10? I must get him to save!
Digi-Hos Staff: Sorry but I can’t allow you to leave elecmon it is too dangerous outside
Elecmon: but one it is a in-training baby digimon! He isn’t here! I can’t leave him alone!
Digi-Hos Staff: sorry I can’t let you leave it place
as Younes heard it chat he walked to elecmon and asked if he could help him
Younes: Can I help you?
Elecmon: What can you do kiddio?
Younes: going to search for that digimon of yours
Elecmon: Oke but where is your digimon partner?
Younes: I dont have one yet because I just got here
Elecmon: awww then all it hope is lost
Younes: Don’t worry I will save him even if I don’t have digimon partner at the moment
iI will save him! Besides Tamers must also do things without there digimons^^
Elecmon: yeah that is true.. hmmm... oke then go save him for me and here is a map that I have used to come here
Younes: Thanks elecmon i will go search him right away
Elecmon: w8! you can’t go yet because there is Trouble
Younes: What kinda Trouble?
Elecmon: Trouble is you can’t go outside with those staffs around sad.gif
Younes: about you are holding off while i walk quietly away?
Elecmon: yeah i will do it and thx for helping!
Younes: No Problem!^^
Elecmon was talking to it Digi-hos Staff to hold them off for Younes
while he was doing that Younes walked outside it building quietly
Younes: Whoaaaaa!
as Younes was outside he saw many digimons fighting each other
he was Following it map until he saw 1 big digimon and a small one
Younes: That must be it baby digimon that Elecmon talked about!
?????: Who is there?
Younes: Me Younes! and who are you?
?????: Ogremon!
Younes: Leave him alone or else!
Ogremon: Or Else what you can’t do anything and besides Dr.D-Evil needs you and i finally found you
Younes: He is going pay for this what he has done>.<!
Ogremon: oweee must i be scared you can’t do anything tongue.gif!
and since you are here I will fight you! Already got tired of this weakling! mhahahahahaha
Younes: Don’t undermatse me you ugly goat face
Ogremon: ugly goat face><?!!!! now you are going to die!!!!
Can Younes deafted that powerful digimon?
Or shall he be really get killed?
don’t dear miss it next episode of
Digimon Story The Great Chaos (episode 4)
Digimon Story The Great Chaos episode. 4
Younes First Partner!
As Ogremon was running towards Younes he tried to attack him but Younes dodged it quickly and gave him a punch in his stomach *bamb!* aw my stomach hurts *throws everything out what he have eating today*
Ogremon: hmmm not bad for a low class human
Younes: hahaha I think it is you who is it low-class here. tongue.gif
Ogremon: Like I said not bad for a low class human but as for now I’m not going to toy with you! time to be serious!
Soundly a strange red aura was floating inside of Orgemon!
Ogremon: This is my full power! Allow me to show you my full power
He was running towards it baby digimon and younes was running quickly after him. He grabbed his weapon and when he was about to hit it baby digimon Younes quickly grabbed it baby digimon and brought him to safety but Orgemon did hit Younes right leg! Younes screamed from his pain!
Younes: are you oke?
Baby digimon: Yeah thanks to you for saving me of course and my name is Dorimon nice to meet you!
Younes: No problem ^^ and mine name is Younes nice to meet you also!
When Younes was about to stand up his right leg hurt a lot!
Younes: aww that hurts…..damn I can’t walk
Dorimon: You stay here I will fight that bully!
Younes: no w8 just run to safety I can’t allow you to get hurt
Dorimon: Same to me I don’t want to that he is hurting my friend who just saved me
After Dorimon was done talking he was running towards and was attacking him ahead! Orgemon hit him away with his fist
Ogremon: lol you think a baby digimon can beat me don’t be so stupid and since you can’t wait! I will kill you first instead of that low class human there mhahahahha!
As Ogremon tries to attack Dorimon.. Younes screams nooooooooo! Then all soundly younes D-Vice begins to glow…
Younes: whoa what is happing?
Dorimon: Younes quickly say Digi-soul! Release!
Younes: oke .. Digi-Soul! Release!
*Flow of aura towards Dorimon*
Dorimon shinka! (01001001010101001) Dorumon! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Younes: awesome Dorimon digievolve to Dorumon^^ that means Dorumon is my 1st partner!
Ogremon: it doesn’t matter that you are a rookie now I can still beat you >.< whaaaaaa!
Dorumon: lol lets see who is going to win METAL SHOOT!
Ogremon: awww my ears hurt
Dorumon: this is the end! METAL CANNON!!!!!!!!!
Ogremon: no this can’t be defeated by those low class punks whaaaaaaaa!
Ogremon got defeated by Dorumon and also it alarm for invasion was gone!
Younes: You did it my friend! ^^
Dorumon: Yeah I haven’t don’t without your help
Younes: oh yeah Elecmon is worried about so we better go back to digi-hospital where he
is waiting for you!
Dorumon: Oke let’s go back by the way can you walk now?
Younes: Yeah I can walk again^^
So Dorumon and Younes were walking back to Digi-Hospital when they entered Elecmon came.
Elecmon: Younes I see your safe and ….. Who is that digimon?
Younes and Dorumon explains everything what has happened to them
Elecmon: I see… Well Dorumon now that you found your partner and he his 1st digimon-partner there is nothing what I can do now but saying CG^^ to both of you!
After while beelzemon returns back to Digi-Hospital
Beelzemon: ow there you are Younes!
Younes: Yeah I also have my 1st digimon partner
Beelzemon: so fast already well good job but now that you have your 1st digimon
partner you 2 must come with me again
Younes: Oke this is goodbye Elecmon^^
Elecmon: Bye take care of Dorumon for me^^
So Younes and Dorumon walked with Beelzemon back to headquarters
Ophanimon: Looks like you have your 1st digimon partner well done! Well since you
ave your 1st digimon you must do a mission and one of my best commander will lead you
Younes: commander?
Ophanimon: Yeah he is human like you and he also has a digimon-partner
?????: hi I’m the Commander who leads it troops you can call Anthony Michael Filomena but you can just call me Mike if you want
?????: and I’m his partner Terriermon
Younes and Dorumon: Nice to meet you Mike and Terriermon
Ophanimon: Mike is it best tamer we have!
Younes: why?
Mike: Because I’m the only one around here who has a digimon at mega level
Younes: Cool! No wonder that you’re it commander!
Ophanimon: With Mikearound you will be safe^^
Mission is that both of you must go to it other place that we lost contact once you got there talk to it elder of it village and give him this item. The name of it Village is Mud village Class dismissed!
So Younes and Mike toke off to mud village
What danger awaits them at Mud Village?
Stay tune for it next episode of Digimon story TheGreat Chaos
[/B]Digimon Story the Great Chaos episode. 5
Enter of The Tournament![/B]
Previous on Digimon (read episode 4 laugh.gif)
While Younes and Mike were on their way all soundly a digimon popped out
Mike: Great timing
Younes: why?
Mike: So that I can learn you some stuff to be a great tamer like me biggrin.gif
Younes: Oke but he is going to attacks us if you are going to explain everything u.u…
Mike: don’t worry here is a special a special item to freeze him biggrin.gif
Younes: Oke^^ you hear that Dorumon time to practice^^
Mike: Oke we start now! first thing what you must know is use your D-Vice to scan your digimon have a try
Younes: Oke
Younes grabbed his D-vice and was pointing to it Digimon
(Y)D-Vice: Name: Goblimon Form: Rookie Danger level: Low(Weak)
Mike: Good work now for it next step! You are reading 3 things and you know what those mean right?
Younes: Yeah name of him, which form and how dangerous he is!
Mike: Good but it Danger level plays double roll
Younes: right what stands Weak for then? That he is too weak or something like that?
Mike: almost but it is danger level for you and your digimon
Younes: So you mean how strong he is compared to us?
Mike: Yeah you are correct sometimes it can be different let me show you if I scanned
it with my D-Vice
(M)D-Vice: Name: Goblimon Form: Rookie Dangerl evel: Low(Weak as a noob)
Younes: Weak as a noob
? is it because your Terriemon is soooo strong
Terriermon: Yeah that is right^^ I am very strong so better watch out for me tongue.gif
Dorumon: Oke but can we attack him now!
Mike Laughs
Mike: Right now off to fighting him! Younes you do have Digi-Cards right?
Younes: Nope >.<
Mike: Here you can use those I always have many sets with me for my army but you
can have 1 ^^
Younes: Thx! Let’s Do it Dorumon
Dorumon: Right^^!
Younes grabs his card and slash it through his D-Vice!
Younes: Digi-Modify Active! Claws!
Dorumon: Whoa my claws are even bigger and shaper then before^^
Mike: when you attack him it effect of it item is gone so prepare yourself
Younes: Oke Dorumon Attack!
Dorumon: Roger! Dino Claws!
Goblimon: auch what happened
? Tamers >.<! Prepare to die!
Goblimon come forward to attack but then…
Younes: Digi-Modify Active! Shield!
Dorumon: whoa it blocks his attacks^^
As soon it shield wore off Dorumon attacked
Goblimon got knocked down from his attack but Dorumon quickly used a other attack
Dorumon: Dino Claws whaaaaaaa!
Goblimon dead……..
Mike: Not bad Younes^^ well that is everything for now let’s go further to Mud village
Younes was battling those wild digimons one at it other as Mike was watching him how he was doing and after few days they finally arrived at Mud Village!
Younes: Pfff finally we have arrived at Mud Village^^
Mike: Yeah ^^ let go see it elder now I have a feeling he is tired of waiting for us now.
Younes: Yeah after that I will explore it City then if that is oke?^^
Mike: Yeah of course we are going to stay at Inn anyways
When they arrived at it enter of Elder house it guarding was asking something
Gaurdmon: Stop who goes there?
Mike: I’m Anthony Michael Filomena it commander of Ophanimon and I have brought a other tamer with me.
Gaurdmon: Nice to see you again Mike ^^ then it is Oke for you guys to pass by then.
They have entered it house of it elder.
Elder: Well if it isn’t Mike it Commander of Ophanimon^^
Mike: Yeah it is me but I have also brought a other tamer with me
Elder: oh what are your names young ones?
Younes: My name is Younes and this is my partner Dorumon
Dorumon: Nice to meet you Elder
Elder: Well Mike do you have it item what Ophanimon gave you?
Mike: Yeah of course
Mike walks to it elder and give him the item
Elder: good in few days it should be fixed then 2 of you can use it teleport to go
quickly to Ophanimon place
Younes: Sound nice then I can explorer this village ^^
Elder: Younes, you are a beginner tamer right?
Younes: Yeah why?
Elder: Then you can enter a tournament that is being held at our place
Younes: A tournament really
? this is going to be fun^^
Dorumon: Yeah we can show how strong we have gotten since we first met with each other^^
Elder: and Mike you are a special quest at it tournament of advance tamers it winner of it tournament is your opponent^^
Mike: Oke sounds fun to me.
Elder: well better sign up Younes or else you can’t enter anymore
Younes: oke where must I sign up?
Elder: Mike will show you it way.
Younes: oke lets go guys
Elder: I wish you good luck with tournament^^ bye
(Everyone beside elder): bye
Younes and Mike has left it elder house then they were walking to it tournament when they entered Younes can’t believe his eyes he saw many tamers with their partners digimon
Younes: Whooooa!
Mike: Here it is Younes but I must leave you alone since me and my Terriermon are special quest at it advance tournament so bye now
Younes: oke bye see you later Mike^^
Mike has left Younes and Dorumon alone now while at it backstage a mysterious conversion is being held a mysterious man grab his D-Vice and tries to contact with Dr.D-Evil…
Dr.D-Evil: Hahaha is everything goes exactly like I have planed?
????: Yes they are here now
Dr.D-Evil: Good Job at it end of it tournament I will be it ruler of it world mhahahahhaha!
Back at Younes and Dorumon place they were at it desk to sign up
Tournament Staff: Welcome to it Tournament may I have your D-Vice to register you
Younes: hmm oke
Younes grabs his D-vice and give it to it staff
Computer: *piep* *piep* Tamer: Younes……. Partner: Dorumon
Registering done!
Tournament Staff: Oke you are registered now!
piep* *piep* *piep* Will all Tamers who registered at beginner level come up at it tournament field thank you
Dorumon: hey Younes that is us lets follow those other tamers
Younes: oke^^
After all it tamers were at it Tournament Field a smoke came at upper stairs then a man come out.
????: Yo im Bob the one who will watch over it Tournament field
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaah! Bob! (note those crows are kinda fan of Bob)
Bob: Let’s begin it Tournament but before we do so we must know which tamer vs
which tamer is going to fight so let’s leave it to our computer.
Computer: piep piep Ting dong
Bob: oke lets see who is going to fight first!
user posted image
Bob: before we are going to begin lets know it 8 tamers beter to begin with Jamie!
Jamie: travelers through many places and helps it weaklings and his digimon partner is Agumon .
Axel: wants to prove that he is it best tamer ever and his partner is Patamon.
Dist: A tamer that doesn’t speak so much his digimon partner is Palmon.
Jade: A player that thinks too far with things and his partner is Candelmon.
Younes: has a great strength and his digimon partner Dorumon.
Seth: His favorite pet is a dog and thats why he has Salamon as his partner.
Kid: a high intelligent kid it is unknown why he has it name kid but his partner is Tentemon.
Sin: a tamer who wants to be only with his partner Lopmon.
Oke lets start it Tournament on it First Round Jamie Vs Axel!
Who was that man talking to Dr-D Evil? And what is there plan?
and which 4 tamers are going to be vicitorys at it first round?
Don’t dear miss the next episode of Digimon Story The Great Chaos
Digimon Story The Great Chaos episode 6
The big battle onflict! Part 1
Jamie: Oke Time to own them Agumon.
Axel: We will see about that Jamie because I’m the BEST!
Bob: Tamers get Ready set and FIGHT!
Jamie: Oke agumon start with a baby flame!
Agumon: Baby flame!
But it attack missed Patamon
Axel: Don’t be so stupid Jamie you can’t defeated me with that attack *laughs evil*
Patamon: Yeah eat this Boom Bubble!
Jamie: Not so fast Digi-Modify Active! Reflect!
It attack hit is reflect and has been cast back to patamon with 2x more power.
Patamon: auh that hurts!
Axel: not bad but it is mine turn Digi-Modify Active! Fast Wings! *laughs evil*
Patamon: Now my speed has been greatly increased *laughs evil*
Axel: Oke Patamon Fly in circle at Agumon!
Agumon keeps looking right and left but he can’t see him on time
Patamon: Boom Bubble! Boom Bubble! Boom Bubble!
Agumon has been hit by it attack many times…….
Agumon: Jamie what must I do!
Jamie: Arrrrrrrrrgggggggh …..
Axel: Angry huh don’t worry this will end very soon *laughs evil*
Jamie: (I must think something very quick before we lose….)
Axel: haha and that’s why I’m the best *laughs evil*
Jamie: I got it Oke Agumon get ready because I’m going to use 2 of my best cards to win this battle
Agumon: oke
Agumon stands still and close his eyes
Axel: what you are scared now can’t face with your own eyes to be owned *laughs evil*
Jamie: *laughs* you don’t even know what we are going to do now.
Axel: yeah I know you can’t take it anymore and want you digimon stand there and get owned roughly.
Jamie: No you are wrong very very wrong oke agumon here it comes Digi-Modify Active! Firewall!
Agumon: F Flame!
It fire attack of agumon drives in a circles(around him) and it gets bigger and wider until he hit patamon
Jamie: Quickly look at Patamon! Agumon! Digi-Modify Active! Big Bang!
Agumon: Oke(looks at patamon)Big Baby Flame! ( a very big fire ball comes out)
Axel: what?!
Patamon quickly run away.
Patamon: I can’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jamie: This ends now
Patamon has been hit by it attack
Bob: (looks at patamon) Patamon can’t longer fight it winner is JAMIE!
Axel: ….You have won this time but I will get you for this just w8!(walks away with
patamon in his hands)
Younes: Whoa that was a awesome battle
Dorumon: this is going to be hard to win for those 2
Younes: yeah u.u………. but time to watch it next battle
Dorumon: yeah^^
Bob: Oke time for it Next round Dist VS Jade!
Jade: Let’s do this candelmon
Candelmon: roger!
Bob: Tamers get Ready set and FIGHT!
Jade: Go candelmon attack ahead
Candelmom: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Candelmon has passed out.
what is this Candelmon has been wounded but palmon didn’t even moved a bit I don’t know how they did it but it winner is DIST!
(Jade walks away with candelmon in his hands.)
Dorumon: whooaaaaa you saw that
Younes: Yeah
either those 2 were weak or Palmon has a very great speed 
Dorumon: let’s worry that for later we must fight now younes.
Younes: oke^^
Bob: The next round starts Younes VS Seth. Tamers get Ready set and FIGHT!
Seth: prepare to OWNED!
Younes: I’m not prepared to be OWNED! I’m prepared to own you!
Seth: hahaha get ready to face my digimon isn’t that right salamon?
Salamon: Yeah I shall win this and after that I want some dog food master.
Seth: We will talk about that later first we must defeated them.
Younes: get ready dorumon here they come.
Seth: Salamon show them why I love you so much!
Salamon: Puppy Love!
Dorumon: Auuuh my mind……arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggg
Younes: Dorumon!!!!!! Close your eyes!
Salamon: Too late! *laughs*
Dorumon: I will do everything for my queen. What must I do my queen.
Salamon: Attack your Tamer!
Younes: No! this can’t end like this.
Seth: *laughs* you see it is only matter time and we have won.
Younes looks through his card deck…..
Salamon: don’t be foolish there is no card that you can help him.
Seth: so like I have said before prepare to get OWNED!
Younes: arrrrrg! (wait a minute it is true that there is no card in my deck to solve it but
Mike have used a item before to freeze that digimon maybe there is a item in my bag to bring dorumon back)
Younes grabs his bag and was searching in it.
Seth: this isn’t time for a snack!
Younes: who says that I’m searching for a snack! There it is I have founded it!
Seth: Must I be scared now? *laughs
Younes: no but…. Like I have told you I’m not prepared to be OWNED! I’m prepared to own you!*throws a item to dorumom*
Dorumon: what has happened?
Younes: no time to explain dorumon quickly attack salamon now!
Dorumon: oke Metal Cannon!
Younes: Digi-Modify Active! Claws!
Dorumon: take this! Dino Claws!
Bob: Salamon can’t fight any further it winner is Younes!
Seth: You 2 will buy for this!*grabs salamon and walks away*
Younes: pffff the is good that I have use that item on you since salamon used a skill to
love her and you almost attacked me.
ewwwwwwwwa thanks saving me form her and sorry that I was trying to attack you.(U.U)
Younes: Don’t worry about that Dorumon we have won!
Younes and Dorumon walks away from battle field.
Bob: oke now for the 4 battle Kid VS Sin! Tamers get Ready set and FIGHT!
Kid: Tentemon Attack Force 4.9B!
Tentemon: Roger!
Sin: …….
Lopmon block it attack of Tentemon with his vinger
Sin: Digi-Modify Active! Death Punch!
Lopmon: whaaaaaaaaaaaa! Here I come Death Punch!
Tentemon: whaaaaa sorry kid I have failed you.
Bob: that was amazing just in 1 minute Kid got defeated by them and it winner is Sin. Now Round one of the tournament has been played now. We taking a break for today and don’t dear miss it semi-finals!!! Jamie Vs Dist and Younes Vs Sin.
Younes: Battle against Sin will be very hard but as long we believe in our self we can win Dorumon.
Dorumon: yeah^^
*back to mike*
Mike: well you have Organizes it tournament right Bob?
Bob: yes why you ask?
Mike: because only 1 person registered at advance battle
Bob: well looks like your battle will be after when it final’s is done at the beginner tournament is.
Mike: Still strange that there is only one person
*back to it bad guys*
????: You 2 have won but as for you 2 you have failed me!
Seth: Please Xavier! give us a other chance!
Alex: We will be sure to defeated this if we working together.
Xavier: oke but disappoint me one time and you shall know what is going to happen! now go!
Sin: what must we do?
Xavier: Spy on those 2 tamers.
Sin: oke *gives a evil smile*
What plans does Xavier has with Jamie and Younes?
and who shall be victorys?
Don’t dear miss the next episode of Digimon Story The Great Chaos
Digimon Story the Great Chaos
Sidenote: you might see some errors in it since i didn't do a check on it because i was busy with school work when i wrote those.
Digimon episode 1: Were it all begins
There was a group science who was Researching New Stuff.
They were working very hard until one of these days....
science (1): Where is it leader?!
Leader: Here I’m. I was stuck in it traffic, so what do you want?
Science (1): We must stop with it Research bad stuff will happen
Leader: Let me have a look............ O_O Oh NO WE MUST STOP NOW
Science (2): Are you crazy we must further with
Leader: Were are going to delete everything so nobody will take it and I will keep it backup save!
Science (2): But, but...
Science (1): Oh cheer up (2) tomorrow we will start a new Research
Science (2) walks angry away and goes to his home.
Science (1): he is not so happy what happened Leader
Leader: Tomorrow he will forget everything as for Now we are going back to home I will see you tomorrow again Bye.
Science(1) : Bye
Later at it home of Science(2)
Science(2):How dare they!!!>.< How dare they stopping it all soundly. Lucky they haven’t noticed that
I have taking backup everyday! *laughs with a evil voice*
He goes back to it lab and counties
Science(2): now let’s see
All soundly a light pop out and says "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!"
Science(2): Nice trick of it Leader. He is thinking that i will be scared of this voice
Then all soundly a message comes out in it screen, it was it same thing what he was hearing
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
| "Surrender Now Or DIE!!!!!" |
.........| OOOOOOO O |.........
Science(2) was ignoring it but then all soundly a strange monster comes out.
Science(1) and it Leader were both at home watching it news
Newsman :A strange explosive has come out in lab near it animal park
it is still unknown what has happened to it
science(1) and it Leader were both worried about their lab
ASAP what they have heard. They were running very fast to their lab
Science(1): so you have heard it right as well?
Leader: Yes >.< and i think I know who is respond for this
Science(1) and it Leader were lay down
And they can’t believe who they saw
Leader: Science(2) why did you not listen to us.......
Science(2):don’t call ever me with that name again call me DR.D-EVIL
DR.D-EVIL: kill them
it monster kills them both after that DR.D-EVIL escapes throw a portal
with it monster.
---------------------------30 Years later--------------------------------------
????: Younes wake up it vacation is already over time to go to school.
Younes: Oke Mom
Younes's Mom : So did you sleep well
Younes: yeah slept well but had that strange dream Again
Younes's Mom: Again it dream of that evil science DR.D-EVIL with his monster
Yones: Yeah
a strange voice comes inside Younes head
"Younes..Younes are you there can you hear me?"
Younes: oh not it headache again
"can you hear me?!"
Younes's Mom: hearing strange voice in your head again
Younes: Yes
After that it voice was gone….
Younes's Mom: remember me taking you to it doctor
Younes: I’m fine Mom thx for worrying about me, well better must go before i came late for school
Younes's Mom: Have a nice day
underway his school
Younes: "why do I always get it same dream and that headache strange......"
At school they were talking what did they do during it vacation
and everyone at it same time yell this
Everyone: Sleeping out!!!!!!
Teacher: Oke what else did you guys do
hanging out with friends. playing with fireworks
Teacher: So everyone did about same thing >.>
After school Younes comes back to home
Younes's Mom: how was it
Younes: Was a good day. I’m going to my bedroom now
Younes's Mom: oke fine to hear
Younes: oke mom
Younes goes to his room and goes behind his computer
"Type in google "Digitical Monsters before it is too late"
Younes:"Who are you"
"Just type it"!!!
(Remember it is that voice again tongue.gif)
Younes:"oke fine as long you leave my head alone"
Younes typed it in
Younes"Oke now what"
"Do you see "01001110001111011110111101111" at your sceen"
Younes:"01101? wait I see it numbers it is "01001110001111011110111101111" right?"
"Yes click on it and now answer it questions"
Q1: Do you know digimon?
Q2: Do you belive in them?
Q3: Would you like to have a digimon partner in real life?
Q4: Would you like to be a Tamer?
Q5: If this was real would you like to start now?
"oke you are done thx and bye"
Younes: "hope don’t get it dream again although it is strange that he said i must do it very fast"
After younes was surfing on internet until 10:00 he goes to sleep
Who is this strange voice who is connected with Younes?
What does that dream means?
Will Younes have it same dream?
see(read) on it next episode 2
Digimon Story The Great Chaos episode 2: It Adventure begins
While younes was sleeping soundly he heard a hard explosive "BOOOOOM!"
and after it he heard that it emergency signal goes off "ALERT ALERT" "whamiemenimeimeim"
Younes woke up and was running to it TV he saw his mom already there watching it Alert News
Younes: What is happing?
Younes mom: They just said there is a strange monster here
Younes: WHAT A MONSTER?!?!
Younes mom: Yes listen.
News: Many buildings have been destroyed in it south of town. It has been caused by this unknown thing right now it is too dark to see him all towns people must escape now before it is too late
Younes mom: Younes we must escape from town
Younes: yeah I know
Quickly grabs it keys of it car and they both run to it car but before they could get in a beam attacked it car Younes mom was stuck under it car and Younes was knocked down and when he saw his mom he was running to her
Younes: hang in there mom I will save you
Younes mom: no Younes save yourself before it is to late
Younes: But.... I don’t want you to die mom please
Younes mom: it is already too late for me please Younes I want you save forget about me now go
Younes: Mom…….
younes was running away crying. he was running from street to other street
Younes: d**n they at right.......whooa also on left need to run forward
????: Attack
????: Roger
Younes: oh d**n that was a close one
????: You missed
Younes: that voice sounds like DR.D-EVIL
????: yes it is me DR.D-EVIL

DR.D-EVIL: you will be also become one of my slave
Younes: NEVER!!!!
DR.D-EVIL: oh and what can you do you worthless punk

Younes ran away from him
DR.D-EVIL: run all you can but you can never escape from me mhahahahhahahaha
younes was running quickly from him but after few sec DR.D-EVIL caught with him
DR.D-EVIL: tikaboo mahahahahahaha destroy him
it unknown monster attacked younes but all soundly a light came out
????: Stop!!
DR.D-EVIL: how dare you to interfere with me
????: and how dare you attacking this town
younes was laying down and heard it voice that was it same from his head but then his eyes closed.....................…………………………………….
After Younes wokes up he found himself laying on a bed
Younes: auch my head huh? Where I’m I?
????: You have been awaking
Younes: huh w8 are you Beelzemon right?
Beelzemon: yes it is me so you know something about digimon
Younes: IS THIS FOR REAL is this not a dream?!
Beelzemon: no you aren’t dreaming this is real
Younes: what happened? last thing I remembered was that light and then that fight and then... I can’t remember anymore
Beelzemon: Seraphimon saved you

Beelzemon: oh right Ophanimon is waiting for you
Younes: where is she
Beelzemon: come follow with me
Beelzemon was walking to it evaluator under it way younes saw many other digimons playing with together, helping etc
Younes: Beelzemon?
Beelzemon: Yes
Younes: is this it digictal world
Beelzemon: yes^^ you are at it digictal world now
Younes: wow so many digimon

Beelzemon: yeah everyone lives in peace but until now.>.>...
Younes: why?
Beelzemon: Ophanimon will explain everything for you
Younes: Oke
As they stepped in it evaluator. Beelzemon was pressing code numbers
it evaluator goes up all it way Ding dong
they stepped out and was walking to desk
Beelzemon: Ophanimon here is Younes
Ophanimon: good go now
Beelzemon: cya Younes
Younes: bye Beelzemon^^
Ophanimon: so you are Younes
Younes: yes Ophanimon
Ophanimon: oke i will explain everything listen
it dreams of yours… that has happened for real and my collage was trying to reach you since then
Younes: strange I never heard him talking something like this
Ophanimon: it is hard to commect to humans
Younes: yeah but why did I it question??
Ophanimon: he was testing you
Younes: why did he had little time?
Ophanimon: he was trying to stop DR.D-EVIL from destroying your home
Younes: but everything has been destroyed and I have nowhere to go and I can’t do anything v.v
Ophanimon: you welcome to stay here since you will be a tamer
Youmes: A TAMERE?! REALL!?!?!?!
Ophanimon: yes really here is your Digivice(D-Vice)
Younes: Cool so who is my partner
Ophanimon: you must find your own partner sorry and you must have at least 5 digimons
Younes: 5? all in one time or..
Ophanimon: it is fate soon or later you will find 5 digimon that you like. It will take while
Younes: but what can I do to help
Ophanimon: protect digimon world
Younes: and my world?
Ophanimon: Your world has been completely been take over by DR.D-EVIL and it is too dangerous for you to go there
Younes: oh oke v.v but what happened to all other people?
Ophanimon: some become slaves of him and others are here but we don’t know
we can’t contact with other places
Younes: oke V.V
Ophanimon: do you like to have a tour at this place
Younes: oke so that I get use to it
what will happen now to younes?
Which 5 fated digimon will be is partners?
see it on episode 03
Digimon Story the Great Choas Esp 3
Big Panic!
after they are done talking me and Beelzemon stepped into evaluator and went down
Beelzemon: oke Younes to begin with Here is it Marketplace! The Digitical-Hospital
WARNING WARNING! Digi-Central South is getting attacked all staff digimons get there at once
This isn’t a test i repeated this isn’t a test
WARNING WARNING! Digi-Central South is getting attacked all staff digimons get there at once
Younes: what is happing?
Beelzemon: seems like Dr.D-Evil Digimons is attacking our servers. I must leave you here alone and fight with it others!
Younes: oke i will go a safe place
Beelzemon: go to Digitical-Hospital and good lucky on your quest
beelzemon runs away to it battle field as for Younes, he is now at Digitical-Hospital
while younes was at it Digitical-Hospital . He saw a lot of digimons in panic
?????: Let’s see if everyone is here. 1....2....3....4....5.....6.....7......8....9....
9? where is nr 10? I must get him to save!
Digi-Hos Staff: Sorry but I can’t allow you to leave elecmon it is too dangerous outside
Elecmon: but one it is a in-training baby digimon! He isn’t here! I can’t leave him alone!
Digi-Hos Staff: sorry I can’t let you leave it place
as Younes heard it chat he walked to elecmon and asked if he could help him
Younes: Can I help you?
Elecmon: What can you do kiddio?
Younes: going to search for that digimon of yours
Elecmon: Oke but where is your digimon partner?
Younes: I dont have one yet because I just got here
Elecmon: awww then all it hope is lost
Younes: Don’t worry I will save him even if I don’t have digimon partner at the moment
iI will save him! Besides Tamers must also do things without there digimons^^
Elecmon: yeah that is true.. hmmm... oke then go save him for me and here is a map that I have used to come here
Younes: Thanks elecmon i will go search him right away
Elecmon: w8! you can’t go yet because there is Trouble
Younes: What kinda Trouble?
Elecmon: Trouble is you can’t go outside with those staffs around sad.gif
Younes: about you are holding off while i walk quietly away?
Elecmon: yeah i will do it and thx for helping!
Younes: No Problem!^^
Elecmon was talking to it Digi-hos Staff to hold them off for Younes
while he was doing that Younes walked outside it building quietly
Younes: Whoaaaaa!
as Younes was outside he saw many digimons fighting each other
he was Following it map until he saw 1 big digimon and a small one
Younes: That must be it baby digimon that Elecmon talked about!
?????: Who is there?
Younes: Me Younes! and who are you?
?????: Ogremon!
Younes: Leave him alone or else!
Ogremon: Or Else what you can’t do anything and besides Dr.D-Evil needs you and i finally found you
Younes: He is going pay for this what he has done>.<!
Ogremon: oweee must i be scared you can’t do anything tongue.gif!
and since you are here I will fight you! Already got tired of this weakling! mhahahahahaha
Younes: Don’t undermatse me you ugly goat face
Ogremon: ugly goat face><?!!!! now you are going to die!!!!
Can Younes deafted that powerful digimon?
Or shall he be really get killed?
don’t dear miss it next episode of
Digimon Story The Great Chaos (episode 4)
Digimon Story The Great Chaos episode. 4
Younes First Partner!
As Ogremon was running towards Younes he tried to attack him but Younes dodged it quickly and gave him a punch in his stomach *bamb!* aw my stomach hurts *throws everything out what he have eating today*
Ogremon: hmmm not bad for a low class human
Younes: hahaha I think it is you who is it low-class here. tongue.gif
Ogremon: Like I said not bad for a low class human but as for now I’m not going to toy with you! time to be serious!
Soundly a strange red aura was floating inside of Orgemon!
Ogremon: This is my full power! Allow me to show you my full power
He was running towards it baby digimon and younes was running quickly after him. He grabbed his weapon and when he was about to hit it baby digimon Younes quickly grabbed it baby digimon and brought him to safety but Orgemon did hit Younes right leg! Younes screamed from his pain!
Younes: are you oke?
Baby digimon: Yeah thanks to you for saving me of course and my name is Dorimon nice to meet you!
Younes: No problem ^^ and mine name is Younes nice to meet you also!
When Younes was about to stand up his right leg hurt a lot!
Younes: aww that hurts…..damn I can’t walk
Dorimon: You stay here I will fight that bully!
Younes: no w8 just run to safety I can’t allow you to get hurt
Dorimon: Same to me I don’t want to that he is hurting my friend who just saved me
After Dorimon was done talking he was running towards and was attacking him ahead! Orgemon hit him away with his fist
Ogremon: lol you think a baby digimon can beat me don’t be so stupid and since you can’t wait! I will kill you first instead of that low class human there mhahahahha!
As Ogremon tries to attack Dorimon.. Younes screams nooooooooo! Then all soundly younes D-Vice begins to glow…
Younes: whoa what is happing?
Dorimon: Younes quickly say Digi-soul! Release!
Younes: oke .. Digi-Soul! Release!
*Flow of aura towards Dorimon*
Dorimon shinka! (01001001010101001) Dorumon! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Younes: awesome Dorimon digievolve to Dorumon^^ that means Dorumon is my 1st partner!
Ogremon: it doesn’t matter that you are a rookie now I can still beat you >.< whaaaaaa!
Dorumon: lol lets see who is going to win METAL SHOOT!
Ogremon: awww my ears hurt
Dorumon: this is the end! METAL CANNON!!!!!!!!!
Ogremon: no this can’t be defeated by those low class punks whaaaaaaaa!
Ogremon got defeated by Dorumon and also it alarm for invasion was gone!
Younes: You did it my friend! ^^
Dorumon: Yeah I haven’t don’t without your help
Younes: oh yeah Elecmon is worried about so we better go back to digi-hospital where he
is waiting for you!
Dorumon: Oke let’s go back by the way can you walk now?
Younes: Yeah I can walk again^^
So Dorumon and Younes were walking back to Digi-Hospital when they entered Elecmon came.
Elecmon: Younes I see your safe and ….. Who is that digimon?
Younes and Dorumon explains everything what has happened to them
Elecmon: I see… Well Dorumon now that you found your partner and he his 1st digimon-partner there is nothing what I can do now but saying CG^^ to both of you!
After while beelzemon returns back to Digi-Hospital
Beelzemon: ow there you are Younes!
Younes: Yeah I also have my 1st digimon partner
Beelzemon: so fast already well good job but now that you have your 1st digimon
partner you 2 must come with me again
Younes: Oke this is goodbye Elecmon^^
Elecmon: Bye take care of Dorumon for me^^
So Younes and Dorumon walked with Beelzemon back to headquarters
Ophanimon: Looks like you have your 1st digimon partner well done! Well since you
ave your 1st digimon you must do a mission and one of my best commander will lead you
Younes: commander?
Ophanimon: Yeah he is human like you and he also has a digimon-partner
?????: hi I’m the Commander who leads it troops you can call Anthony Michael Filomena but you can just call me Mike if you want
?????: and I’m his partner Terriermon
Younes and Dorumon: Nice to meet you Mike and Terriermon
Ophanimon: Mike is it best tamer we have!
Younes: why?
Mike: Because I’m the only one around here who has a digimon at mega level
Younes: Cool! No wonder that you’re it commander!
Ophanimon: With Mikearound you will be safe^^
Mission is that both of you must go to it other place that we lost contact once you got there talk to it elder of it village and give him this item. The name of it Village is Mud village Class dismissed!
So Younes and Mike toke off to mud village
What danger awaits them at Mud Village?
Stay tune for it next episode of Digimon story TheGreat Chaos
[/B]Digimon Story the Great Chaos episode. 5
Enter of The Tournament![/B]
Previous on Digimon (read episode 4 laugh.gif)
While Younes and Mike were on their way all soundly a digimon popped out
Mike: Great timing
Younes: why?
Mike: So that I can learn you some stuff to be a great tamer like me biggrin.gif
Younes: Oke but he is going to attacks us if you are going to explain everything u.u…
Mike: don’t worry here is a special a special item to freeze him biggrin.gif
Younes: Oke^^ you hear that Dorumon time to practice^^
Mike: Oke we start now! first thing what you must know is use your D-Vice to scan your digimon have a try
Younes: Oke
Younes grabbed his D-vice and was pointing to it Digimon
(Y)D-Vice: Name: Goblimon Form: Rookie Danger level: Low(Weak)
Mike: Good work now for it next step! You are reading 3 things and you know what those mean right?
Younes: Yeah name of him, which form and how dangerous he is!
Mike: Good but it Danger level plays double roll
Younes: right what stands Weak for then? That he is too weak or something like that?
Mike: almost but it is danger level for you and your digimon
Younes: So you mean how strong he is compared to us?
Mike: Yeah you are correct sometimes it can be different let me show you if I scanned
it with my D-Vice
(M)D-Vice: Name: Goblimon Form: Rookie Dangerl evel: Low(Weak as a noob)
Younes: Weak as a noob

Terriermon: Yeah that is right^^ I am very strong so better watch out for me tongue.gif
Dorumon: Oke but can we attack him now!
Mike Laughs
Mike: Right now off to fighting him! Younes you do have Digi-Cards right?
Younes: Nope >.<
Mike: Here you can use those I always have many sets with me for my army but you
can have 1 ^^
Younes: Thx! Let’s Do it Dorumon
Dorumon: Right^^!
Younes grabs his card and slash it through his D-Vice!
Younes: Digi-Modify Active! Claws!
Dorumon: Whoa my claws are even bigger and shaper then before^^
Mike: when you attack him it effect of it item is gone so prepare yourself
Younes: Oke Dorumon Attack!
Dorumon: Roger! Dino Claws!
Goblimon: auch what happened

Goblimon come forward to attack but then…
Younes: Digi-Modify Active! Shield!
Dorumon: whoa it blocks his attacks^^
As soon it shield wore off Dorumon attacked
Goblimon got knocked down from his attack but Dorumon quickly used a other attack
Dorumon: Dino Claws whaaaaaaa!
Goblimon dead……..
Mike: Not bad Younes^^ well that is everything for now let’s go further to Mud village
Younes was battling those wild digimons one at it other as Mike was watching him how he was doing and after few days they finally arrived at Mud Village!
Younes: Pfff finally we have arrived at Mud Village^^
Mike: Yeah ^^ let go see it elder now I have a feeling he is tired of waiting for us now.
Younes: Yeah after that I will explore it City then if that is oke?^^
Mike: Yeah of course we are going to stay at Inn anyways
When they arrived at it enter of Elder house it guarding was asking something
Gaurdmon: Stop who goes there?
Mike: I’m Anthony Michael Filomena it commander of Ophanimon and I have brought a other tamer with me.
Gaurdmon: Nice to see you again Mike ^^ then it is Oke for you guys to pass by then.
They have entered it house of it elder.
Elder: Well if it isn’t Mike it Commander of Ophanimon^^
Mike: Yeah it is me but I have also brought a other tamer with me
Elder: oh what are your names young ones?
Younes: My name is Younes and this is my partner Dorumon
Dorumon: Nice to meet you Elder
Elder: Well Mike do you have it item what Ophanimon gave you?
Mike: Yeah of course
Mike walks to it elder and give him the item
Elder: good in few days it should be fixed then 2 of you can use it teleport to go
quickly to Ophanimon place
Younes: Sound nice then I can explorer this village ^^
Elder: Younes, you are a beginner tamer right?
Younes: Yeah why?
Elder: Then you can enter a tournament that is being held at our place
Younes: A tournament really

Dorumon: Yeah we can show how strong we have gotten since we first met with each other^^
Elder: and Mike you are a special quest at it tournament of advance tamers it winner of it tournament is your opponent^^
Mike: Oke sounds fun to me.
Elder: well better sign up Younes or else you can’t enter anymore
Younes: oke where must I sign up?
Elder: Mike will show you it way.
Younes: oke lets go guys
Elder: I wish you good luck with tournament^^ bye
(Everyone beside elder): bye
Younes and Mike has left it elder house then they were walking to it tournament when they entered Younes can’t believe his eyes he saw many tamers with their partners digimon
Younes: Whooooa!
Mike: Here it is Younes but I must leave you alone since me and my Terriermon are special quest at it advance tournament so bye now
Younes: oke bye see you later Mike^^
Mike has left Younes and Dorumon alone now while at it backstage a mysterious conversion is being held a mysterious man grab his D-Vice and tries to contact with Dr.D-Evil…
Dr.D-Evil: Hahaha is everything goes exactly like I have planed?
????: Yes they are here now
Dr.D-Evil: Good Job at it end of it tournament I will be it ruler of it world mhahahahhaha!
Back at Younes and Dorumon place they were at it desk to sign up
Tournament Staff: Welcome to it Tournament may I have your D-Vice to register you
Younes: hmm oke
Younes grabs his D-vice and give it to it staff
Computer: *piep* *piep* Tamer: Younes……. Partner: Dorumon
Registering done!
Tournament Staff: Oke you are registered now!
Dorumon: hey Younes that is us lets follow those other tamers
Younes: oke^^
After all it tamers were at it Tournament Field a smoke came at upper stairs then a man come out.
????: Yo im Bob the one who will watch over it Tournament field
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaah! Bob! (note those crows are kinda fan of Bob)
Bob: Let’s begin it Tournament but before we do so we must know which tamer vs
which tamer is going to fight so let’s leave it to our computer.
Computer: piep piep Ting dong
Bob: oke lets see who is going to fight first!
user posted image
Bob: before we are going to begin lets know it 8 tamers beter to begin with Jamie!
Jamie: travelers through many places and helps it weaklings and his digimon partner is Agumon .
Axel: wants to prove that he is it best tamer ever and his partner is Patamon.
Dist: A tamer that doesn’t speak so much his digimon partner is Palmon.
Jade: A player that thinks too far with things and his partner is Candelmon.
Younes: has a great strength and his digimon partner Dorumon.
Seth: His favorite pet is a dog and thats why he has Salamon as his partner.
Kid: a high intelligent kid it is unknown why he has it name kid but his partner is Tentemon.
Sin: a tamer who wants to be only with his partner Lopmon.
Oke lets start it Tournament on it First Round Jamie Vs Axel!
Who was that man talking to Dr-D Evil? And what is there plan?
and which 4 tamers are going to be vicitorys at it first round?
Don’t dear miss the next episode of Digimon Story The Great Chaos
Digimon Story The Great Chaos episode 6
The big battle onflict! Part 1
Jamie: Oke Time to own them Agumon.
Axel: We will see about that Jamie because I’m the BEST!
Bob: Tamers get Ready set and FIGHT!
Jamie: Oke agumon start with a baby flame!
Agumon: Baby flame!
But it attack missed Patamon
Axel: Don’t be so stupid Jamie you can’t defeated me with that attack *laughs evil*
Patamon: Yeah eat this Boom Bubble!
Jamie: Not so fast Digi-Modify Active! Reflect!
It attack hit is reflect and has been cast back to patamon with 2x more power.
Patamon: auh that hurts!
Axel: not bad but it is mine turn Digi-Modify Active! Fast Wings! *laughs evil*
Patamon: Now my speed has been greatly increased *laughs evil*
Axel: Oke Patamon Fly in circle at Agumon!
Agumon keeps looking right and left but he can’t see him on time
Patamon: Boom Bubble! Boom Bubble! Boom Bubble!
Agumon has been hit by it attack many times…….
Agumon: Jamie what must I do!
Jamie: Arrrrrrrrrgggggggh …..
Axel: Angry huh don’t worry this will end very soon *laughs evil*
Jamie: (I must think something very quick before we lose….)
Axel: haha and that’s why I’m the best *laughs evil*
Jamie: I got it Oke Agumon get ready because I’m going to use 2 of my best cards to win this battle
Agumon: oke
Agumon stands still and close his eyes
Axel: what you are scared now can’t face with your own eyes to be owned *laughs evil*
Jamie: *laughs* you don’t even know what we are going to do now.
Axel: yeah I know you can’t take it anymore and want you digimon stand there and get owned roughly.
Jamie: No you are wrong very very wrong oke agumon here it comes Digi-Modify Active! Firewall!
Agumon: F Flame!
It fire attack of agumon drives in a circles(around him) and it gets bigger and wider until he hit patamon
Jamie: Quickly look at Patamon! Agumon! Digi-Modify Active! Big Bang!
Agumon: Oke(looks at patamon)Big Baby Flame! ( a very big fire ball comes out)
Axel: what?!

Patamon: I can’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jamie: This ends now
Patamon has been hit by it attack
Bob: (looks at patamon) Patamon can’t longer fight it winner is JAMIE!
Axel: ….You have won this time but I will get you for this just w8!(walks away with
patamon in his hands)
Younes: Whoa that was a awesome battle

Dorumon: this is going to be hard to win for those 2
Younes: yeah u.u………. but time to watch it next battle
Dorumon: yeah^^
Bob: Oke time for it Next round Dist VS Jade!
Jade: Let’s do this candelmon
Candelmon: roger!
Bob: Tamers get Ready set and FIGHT!
Jade: Go candelmon attack ahead
Candelmom: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Candelmon has passed out.

(Jade walks away with candelmon in his hands.)
Dorumon: whooaaaaa you saw that

Younes: Yeah

Dorumon: let’s worry that for later we must fight now younes.
Younes: oke^^
Bob: The next round starts Younes VS Seth. Tamers get Ready set and FIGHT!
Seth: prepare to OWNED!
Younes: I’m not prepared to be OWNED! I’m prepared to own you!
Seth: hahaha get ready to face my digimon isn’t that right salamon?
Salamon: Yeah I shall win this and after that I want some dog food master.
Seth: We will talk about that later first we must defeated them.
Younes: get ready dorumon here they come.
Seth: Salamon show them why I love you so much!
Salamon: Puppy Love!
Dorumon: Auuuh my mind……arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggg
Younes: Dorumon!!!!!! Close your eyes!
Salamon: Too late! *laughs*
Dorumon: I will do everything for my queen. What must I do my queen.
Salamon: Attack your Tamer!
Younes: No! this can’t end like this.
Seth: *laughs* you see it is only matter time and we have won.
Younes looks through his card deck…..
Salamon: don’t be foolish there is no card that you can help him.
Seth: so like I have said before prepare to get OWNED!
Younes: arrrrrg! (wait a minute it is true that there is no card in my deck to solve it but
Mike have used a item before to freeze that digimon maybe there is a item in my bag to bring dorumon back)
Younes grabs his bag and was searching in it.
Seth: this isn’t time for a snack!
Younes: who says that I’m searching for a snack! There it is I have founded it!
Seth: Must I be scared now? *laughs
Younes: no but…. Like I have told you I’m not prepared to be OWNED! I’m prepared to own you!*throws a item to dorumom*
Dorumon: what has happened?
Younes: no time to explain dorumon quickly attack salamon now!
Dorumon: oke Metal Cannon!
Younes: Digi-Modify Active! Claws!
Dorumon: take this! Dino Claws!
Bob: Salamon can’t fight any further it winner is Younes!
Seth: You 2 will buy for this!*grabs salamon and walks away*
Younes: pffff the is good that I have use that item on you since salamon used a skill to
love her and you almost attacked me.

Younes: Don’t worry about that Dorumon we have won!
Younes and Dorumon walks away from battle field.
Bob: oke now for the 4 battle Kid VS Sin! Tamers get Ready set and FIGHT!
Kid: Tentemon Attack Force 4.9B!
Tentemon: Roger!
Sin: …….
Lopmon block it attack of Tentemon with his vinger
Sin: Digi-Modify Active! Death Punch!
Lopmon: whaaaaaaaaaaaa! Here I come Death Punch!
Tentemon: whaaaaa sorry kid I have failed you.
Bob: that was amazing just in 1 minute Kid got defeated by them and it winner is Sin. Now Round one of the tournament has been played now. We taking a break for today and don’t dear miss it semi-finals!!! Jamie Vs Dist and Younes Vs Sin.
Younes: Battle against Sin will be very hard but as long we believe in our self we can win Dorumon.
Dorumon: yeah^^
*back to mike*
Mike: well you have Organizes it tournament right Bob?
Bob: yes why you ask?
Mike: because only 1 person registered at advance battle
Bob: well looks like your battle will be after when it final’s is done at the beginner tournament is.
Mike: Still strange that there is only one person
*back to it bad guys*
????: You 2 have won but as for you 2 you have failed me!
Seth: Please Xavier! give us a other chance!
Alex: We will be sure to defeated this if we working together.
Xavier: oke but disappoint me one time and you shall know what is going to happen! now go!
Sin: what must we do?
Xavier: Spy on those 2 tamers.
Sin: oke *gives a evil smile*
What plans does Xavier has with Jamie and Younes?
and who shall be victorys?
Don’t dear miss the next episode of Digimon Story The Great Chaos