Digimon-related Dream?

The Analyzer

New Member
Digimon-related Dream?

Did anyone have any weird Digimon related dreams that they can remember? I had some and they were, as usual, weird and nonsenical.

I had one about Digimon Next where it seemed to be animeized to the tone of Blood+ (Not any change in the character design though. Just the color palette and the grim atmosphere.). It was mostly me trying to find the Next anime on youtube (and other weird locations) so I could watch it and not being too successful. I remember Tsurugi having a house, since he was in a hamoc outside. I remember Tsurugi, Yuu, Ami, Norun, their partners, and some girl that my mind invented talking and hopping on in a sentient car that betrays them.

And this morning, I dreamed that some old woman in a church in the Digital World was touching some of the Chosen and making them lose their memories. Hikari was distressed by this and began calling for some serious backup. Her brother must have been in deep, and they must have been doing some serious world hopping because not only did the rest of the Chosen and some of the International ones arrive, but so did the Tamers; the Legendary Warriors; the DATS crew (I remember Masaru, his dad, and BanchouLeomon flying down from the sun about to punch the old lady); every freakin' Power Ranger that exists, whether they still had their powers or not (I remember Karone dueling with a generic sword and Jindrax and Toxica might have been in the fray); the Yu-Gi-Oh crew (Honda was helping the TIme Force crew battle someone on a ship before it went boom and the lost their memories); and maybe the GX crew as well. Um, yeah, Hikari doesn't know the meaning of the word "overkill" where her brother is concerned :confused:

And a while ago, I had a similar dream where Queen Bansheera (from Lightspeed Rescue) and her minions on a cruise ship battling various Rangers and Digimon characters while a line of people were walking along a thing ramp on the side of the dock, their hands clasped together as though with a spell (I think Masaru was among them, obviously frustrated with their plight). They were about to reach the end and fall off into the water, where everyone would have likely drowned if Honda (Yes, from Yu-Gi-Oh again) hadn't stepped in. Pumpmon and Gotsumon were on the opposite bank, panicking over this situation, when Honda discovered the latter had a projectile attack that he could use his marksmanship skills to use. He clasped Gotsumon's head and adjusted his aim and when he ordered the Digimon to fire, it destroyed the source in the first person's hands. Free, they began clampering upwards, assisted by various Disney Show characters (Lizzie McGuire, That's So Raven, Even Steven, Suite Life of Zack and Cody) who were doddering near the ledge above. Queen Bansheera was distressed by this and blasted something toward the retreaters, who were propelled forward through the air in a classic PR explosion.

Then I had a weird one about the 2nd Digimon 02 Movie, Diablomon strikes back. Except it only held the barest of relations to the movie. Ten of the Chosen (Miyako and Hikari were somewhere nearby) were on top of a high vantage point, watching as some odd white aurora went on in the night sky. The funny thing was, the Tamers crew, the Frontier group, and the Yu-Gi-Oh cast were also with them, along with a bunch of young nameless children. The Pokemon crew might have been with them, but I don't remember. Anyway, everyone's commenting about the event as though they knew each other for a while and then some Elvis Presley lookalike (Somewhat resembling the one-shot character Saitou from Next) was complaining about something. Then he, for some reason, got angry with Daisuke and shot something at him. Everyone cried out his name and, after somehow ending up alright, got angry at the Elvis person (I think Jounouchi and Honda might have held him up against a tree.). Then, the last thing I remember is Jounouchi turning towards me and about to address someone.

Anyone else have Digimon-related Dreams?

Hagaren Gao

Guess I'm fired now
Lets see...

There was a dream that I was riding in a train with the Adventure crews (and a few characters my mind had made up). We didn't speak to each other, but yeah. I was sitting next to Tai. Exciting.

There was one where I was Davis, and I was looking with Veemon and Wormon for Ken. For whatever reason, we were on a...I don't even know what you call them... little carts that are suspended in the air that take you from one place to the other. Think like a Ski lift. They have 'em at the Zoo...Anywho, we were on one of these 'Ski lifts' over the desert, and it looked like it was a couple of miles long. We were near our destination...a Swap Meet in some ancient ruins in Mexico :confused: We get there, find Ken, and apparently get attacked, because Veemon and Wormon DNA Digivolved...and then I started dreaming about something completely different. -_-

There was one where I was waiting to be picked up from camp, and the Frontier gang (minus Kouichi) was going to be riding with me. Not that we spoke to each other or anything. But I knew. Anywho, my ride came, and we all got in the car (a 5-seater truck, so dont ask how we all fit in), and for some reason we had to stop at the hospital. There was some weirdness about my deceased grandmother wanting me to play Football in her will, then I woke up. Thankfully.

And last but not least, there was a dream where I was watching a DigiSavers ep. It was set in a canyon, where Greed (From Fullmetal Alchemist) had Rosemon hostage. The only one there to save her was Ikuto! He was dressed in a DATS uniform that looked like Masaru's, only reversed colors (Blue instead of red and vice versa). He got mad and started charging at Green. He lept into the air, his Digisoul practicly exploded! He was dragging his hand across the canyon wall, shattering it with his Digisoul as he flew (Yes, flew). Suddenly, his Digivice iC changed into a purple and orange Digisoul Burst...and...!

....I woke up. -_-


Savers Girls Fanboy
Dreams about Damsels in Distress ? Bizarre !

I once had a bizarre dream about being a Waspmon. I was ordered to deliver a package at the testing ground. There I met Miki and Megumi , dressed up as PawnChessmon, or DATS Valkyries, how they said.

They were testing the JetSilphymon Clones. Which had the Color schemes of the G1 Decepticon Seeker Jets. And also acted like those. The Starscream looking one fired her fists at me and I was blown to bits. Just to be reborn as TigerVespamon. I then punched the Starscream one into the face, just to notice that my reight arm fell off upon contact.
I was about to get blown up again but suddenly a violet Z´dGarurumon appeared and attached to my right shoulder. I heard a voice. "DigiJyuuKen Gattai !TigerVespaGarurumon !"
Then suddenly I was giant sized and plotted a against a giant KingEtemon and an army of Raramon.


New Member
A Laruku and Digimon Savers dream, can't things get any better? ;D
I dreamt that I went to Laruku's concert with my mom and something, and I was very excited. It was almost empty, and then we left and came back for some reason. Then we went shopping for Digimon stuff and random Digimon Savers characters appeared. It was really random and messed up( I was running after them and then was hiding behind bushes and brick buildings), and I was riding in a shopping cart or something and there were bricks with me too o________o;
Don't ask~

in some ancient ruins in Mexico :confused:
Chichen Itza?

Lol, Rosemon as hostage XD


V-Pet Geek
I once had a dream that my partner Airdramon and I had to save Metropolis from the attacking giant moon mice. It was awesome. XD

Another fun one was when I dreamed out an entire episode of Digimon Savers that crossed over with Justice League and I about exploded in a little puddle of fangirl. I wish I could remember some details, but I think some of it involved Masaru running around in the Watchtower.

I also have repeated dreams that I'll have raised something impossible and/or weird on one of my v-pets. ^^;;


New Member
I posted this on DEF a while back, and I guess it's just as good.
I had a dream once that the world was invaded by Digimon and everyone was running for their lives. There were some Gorimon chasing them and something else I don't quite remember. Some other kids and myself were told by someone I don't know who that we need to save the world. Next thing I know there is what looked like a dog cage in front of me and when it opened an Elecmon came out. Right then a Dokugumon come out of nowhere and that's when I woke up.

Of course I can never seem to remember my dreams very well as soon as I wake up. If I don't try to think of it right away I usually forget them.