Digimon Name Dubbing


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Evil Incarnate?
Digimon Name Dubbing

Something about the Digimon fandom annoys me like hell, the dubbing of names that have never been dubbed (cannon dubbed).

Why DO dub fans insist on doing it:
Vadermon X > Vademon X for example has not been officially dubbed in cards, games etc.


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
In Your example this time i'll follow Sparhawk. Twice. Vadermon X = Vadermon + X Antibody. Vadermon = Vademon. So we may have Vadermon X may be equal Vademon X.

And twice, because what like what but word has been posted (true, if he will not post it, i would be a winner..).


Savers Girls Fanboy
Same goes for MedievalDukemon>MedievalGallantmon.

And ofcourse dubbing of all black Versions as Black[enter name]mon, when the Digimon in Question does not have a Black prefix.

Oh and adding Something Mode to a name. Example calling Lord HolyAngemon MagnaAngemon Priest Mode or Sakuyamon in her Miko Outfit either Miko Mode, Priestress Mode or even worse Kabuki Mode ( she is a Miko damn it!).


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
Nemomon;59785 said:
In Your example this time i'll follow Sparhawk. Twice. Vadermon X = Vadermon + X Antibody. Vadermon = Vademon. So we may have Vadermon X may be equal Vademon X.

Except Vadermon is the original name, Vademon is the dub name.
There is no official Vademon X which means Vademon X is not a true name.


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
Vande;59789 said:
Except Vadermon is the original name, Vademon is the dub name.
There is no official Vademon X which means Vademon X is not a true name.

Yes, it wasn't released in any ENG cards &c but for many peoples is better to remember one name and his all variations than situation like You posted:

Vadermon exist
Vadermon X exist
Vademon exist
but Vademon X doesn't exist.

Some peoples may lost with all those names, which names and prefix / sufix may exist and which not.


New Member
I fully agree with Nemomon~
I think that it makes perfect sense for those who use the dub names, otherwise people may not associate Vadermon X with Vademon if they do not know about the original name, but can associate Vademon X with Vademon because it is the same. But I think that people shouldn't use/ had made dub names in the first place to avoid confusion ^^


<b><font color="#4e7d40">Head Scanlator</font><br>
They fandub the names because they are ignorant, Vande. All you have to do is look on wikipedia's digimon pages to see this and wikipedia is one of the first sources people use for anything when they don't know the proper places so the ignorance spreads.

And wikipedia's digimon pages are already high on BS with lets be official and consistent with the dub >_>


DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official
oh god, for the tv show and movies, they have to change the names because the people at toei tell them that they need to, and Nimoy fought very hard to try and keep most of them.

For the likes of the TCG, It's mainly changed again for copyright reasons, or to be none offensive. Whilst vadermon seems to do they opposite, it is simply because they know how to pronounce vader, better than veda or beta anyway, and because it looks like that was what the japanese were trying to pronounce anyway.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Toei told them to change names? That's according to wiki, right?

I don't think that would happen in reality.


Savers Girls Fanboy
Toei America. Unfortunately they are just like Bandai America, a bunch of fools.

Thanks for stupid names like Leopardmon Leopard Mode, guys!


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Oh my gawd. Okay, they fail. Dub names shall never be used by me, then. Seriously, they did notice the annoying redundancy there, right? What, do they think that kids in the US are all idiots, and thus have to have stupefied names? I mean, is it just me, or did even the quality of their re-naming go down as of late?


Savers Girls Fanboy
As goes their editing of Evolution Sequences. ( That is sort of on Topic due to what they did with Yatagaramon's Evo in order to have Crowmon in the background )


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
In the games they had the right names more often than in the show... I surely don't remember a Crowmon in Moonlight! Why couldn't they follow the example of the games then? I just hope that in the next Digimon Story game they don't downgrade it...


Savers Girls Fanboy
Next Game would be Digimon Championship. Or how they call it: Digimon World Championship.

And to be honest, their translations of some names in Digimon Story sucked. Lanksmon ( Lynxmon ), Tyromon ( Tylomon ), WarGarurumon ( WereGarurumon ) etc.


New Member
Isn't Wargarurumon --> Weregarurumon kind of correct? he does look like a werewolf. It's even mentioned in the drama CDs.


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
yawnzz;60055 said:
Isn't Wargarurumon --> Weregarurumon kind of correct? he does look like a werewolf. It's even mentioned in the drama CDs.

WereGarurumon is his proper name, it was misdubbed as WarGaruru in Digimon Story.


Savers Girls Fanboy
Shouldn't that be clear from how I put it?

Crapname ( Proper Name )

Lanksmon ( Lynxmon ) - Looks like a Lynx, sort of. But WTF is a Lanks.
Tyromon ( Tylomon ) - A Tylosaurus is an acnient kind of Marine Reptile. Pretty badass.


New Member
ahh. sorry, i saw it wrong >__<
I've never really seen most of the digimon names anyway. i don't have the resources to play most of the games :(