Kaji Motomiya
{Digimon Hackers} - The {Digital} World
The year 2010. Online gaming has gone farther than society had predicted. A newly erected company titled "D.N.A. Corp.," or "Digital Network Advent Corperation," brought to the world a new online game known as "The Digital World." A game of another world, known as "The Digital World", where humans meet digital monsters known as Digimon. They level up their Digimon, make them stronger, compete in many events, like a regular online game. "The Digital World" took the nation by a storm. It was the rave. Whether it was played in the online "Docking Terminals" at the arcade or at home in their very own P.D.T., or "Personal Docking Terminal," over millions of players log on to this game. D.N.A. Corp. had become the pinacle of the gaming world.
But something went wrong. D.N.A. wasn't aware of the true existance of "The Digital World" within the game. They merely based the game off it, but rather, they send people to the actual Digital World. Governed by the god, Yggdrasil, the Digital World is an actual parallel world played as a game. But Yggdrasil knew that the humans weren't any harm and allowed them to come at any time, while keeping his existance omnipotent. He watched over them, and if they ever "died" in the game, he would follow the standard game procedure and return the players to their original world.
However, that was only true for so long. Eight children, different towns and cities, hardly any relation to each other, had logged on into the game, some for their first time. At their P.D.T.s in school or at home, or at a Docking Terminal in the arcade, they were attacked by an unknown entity called "X." Yggdrasil had discovered this himself and noted this enity as a virus, the "X-Virus." The eight children were killed by the virus, their minds left in the Digital World. Their bodies were put into comatose, and they were lost in the Digital World.
Some powerful and evil force had manipulated the game, thus recreating the dreaded X-Virus to keep the humans from crossing past the plane of the Cyber World and the Digital World, infecting the mind of one of the eight killed children, and to open a pathway to the human world. It's reason unknown, but most likely to reach beyond the bounders and into the human world. Yggdrasil took the eight children into his custody and brought their minds back to existance. He had chosen them as special players, as Digidestine, to stop the virus and destroy the Digimon who created it. However, the System Admins will not allow this virus running amok, and they confused the existance of the comatose players as a part of the viruses.
Thus became known the Digimon Hackers.
My friends, this isn't a game anymore.
This is real...
I was gonna put rules here, but it looks like Role-senpai's Guideline thread does the trick. So I won't bother...oh wait, there are certain things you'll need to know that are exclusive to this RP!
There will be notices in which Digimon can appear and be fought. It will look somewhat like this.
Item Finding
Like the Digimon Battling, there will also be Item Finding posts, and the same rules will apply.
Now, to reply to these posts, simply quote them and type up a detailed description of the battle, or a paragraph of the finding, then continue with the game or whatever you were doing. Note that after you have quoted, you'll have to wait 5 more of your own posts to fight or find another item.
I realize that VBulletin works differently than Gaia, so this is a new system I have to use. If you find anything here that differs from the VBulletin system, please let me know so I can make your RPing experience an enjoyable one.
With those done, please take note of the terms you must learn to feel the basics of the game.
Tamers - Players who control Digimon. There are some tamers who have different attributes, such as fire tamers, ice tamers, dark tamers, etc. There are even Tamer Killers.
Tamer Rank - It's your basic skill level as a tamer. Reaching higher levels will allow you to evolve your Digimon. Rank 5 lets you evolve your Digimon to its Champion form. Rank 10 allows you to Armor Digivolve your Digimon if you have the right DigiMental and your Digimon is compatible. Rank 20 allows you to evolve your Digimon to its Ultimate form. Rank 40 allows you to DNA-Digivolve with other Digimon if they are compatible. Rank 50 allows you to evolve your Digimon to its Mega form. Your Tamer Rank rises as you gain Tamer Points, or TP defeat a Digimon.
Tamer Points - The EXP. Each level of Digimon have different TP rewards times your current Tamer Rank.
Rookies = 50 TP * current Tamer Rank
Champions = 60 TP * current Tamer Rank
Armor = 70 DP * current Tamer Rank
Ultimates = 80 TP * current Tamer Rank
Megas = 90 TP * current Tamer Rank
As you gain Ranks, your max TP increases. All Rank 1 Tamers start at 100 MTP (Max Tamer Ponts). As your Tamer Rank increases, your Max TP increases. I'll be editting your profile every now and then to change your MTP and TP, so PM me on what level you battled so I can change your TP. I'll reply back if you level up.
(I'm still working the system...someone help me!)
Tamer Killers - Players who battle other Tamers and defeat their Digimon. The tamer themselves are also defeated and are sent back all the way to their previous save point if they wish to continue playing.
Beating a Tamer Killer will you get you the amount of TP their Digimon gives times two times the diffrence of your rank and the Tamer Killer's Rank. Confusing, I know. Thus, here's the equation:
(Digimon Level TP times 2) * (Difference of Tamer and Tamer Killer's Rank) = Amount of TP you get.
E.G. : (Champion) (60 * 2) * (Tamer Level 5 - Tamer Killer Level 7)
120 * 2 = 240 TP.
You get 240 TP.[/strike]
Tamer Points are practically useless in this RP. It just basically explains the workings of the game. In all honesty, I never got a chance to work out the system. So instead, this is how it works. Your Tamer Rank goes up after two to five battles with a Digimon. Simple.
Game Over - Basically, it's when the tamer themself dies if they fail to resurrect their Digimon after it is beaten. A Digimon has three lives. The first two lives, you're automatically transported back to your previous save point. After the third life is out, you have to revive your Digimon with a "System Restore". Otherwise, it'll revert back to a DigiTama/DigiEgg.
Each Tamer has LP, or Life Points, of their level times five.
E.G. : Tamer Level 5 * 5
Tamer LP = 250 LP.
When your LP decreases to zero, you are prompted to choose to continue playing or return back to the login screen. If you choose to continue playing, you'll return to the last save point you were in.
Don't worry about keeping track of your Tamer Life Points. If you get attacked by a Digimon and choose to lose, then you'll die. Well, Game Over, at least.
Attack - Basically, this is so I know you're doing a fair amount of damage and not godmodding. To determine the damage rate of your digimon...
Attack = Tamer Rank * 10
E.G. : Tamer Level 5 * 10
Digimon Attack = 50ATK.
This only changes as the Tamer Rank goes higher.
Just RP it, but don't prolong it, okay? I'll allow up to 5 posts per Tamer Battle.
Evolution - Ah, something EVERYONE should know. Evolution is the metamorphisis of your Digimon from one level to the next. The activation phrase is "Connection, Download! Scan! Execute!" Saying this, however, depends on what you're evolving your Digimon to.
To Adult = "Connection, Download! Scan! Execute!"
To Perfect = "Connection, Perfect Download! Scan! Execute!"
To Ultimate = "Connection, Ultimate Download! Scan! Execute!"
There are select few Tamers who can perform these...
To Armor = "Connection, Armor Download! Scan! Execute!"
To Jogress (DNA) = "Connection, Jogress Download! Scan! Execute!"
To Certain Modes = "Connection, Overdrive Download! Scan! Execute!"
To Burst Mode = "Connection, Overdrive Download! Scan! Burst!"
In order to evolve your Digimon, you must have a Digivice iC. This will be explained in the Items section.
For the Hackers, or Chosen Children, it's different. They use something called a DigiSoul. DigiSoul is inside of our their human souls as they travel the Digital World. This is how they digivolve their Digimon.
To Adult = "DigiSoul! Charge!"
To Perfect = "DigiSoul! FullCharge!"
To Ultimate = "DigiSoul! Overdrive!"
For those with select Digimon...
To Burst Mode = "DigiSoul! Overdrive! Burst Mode!"
Digivice iC - The Digivice of the RP. As seen on the right, it has a variant of different colors. The Digivice iC is the main item to allow Digivolution for your Digimon. In the real world, it's connected to the headset of either a Personal Terminal or a regular Terminal, as well as acts as a watch. You know a person plays Digital Monster if they have a Digivice iC on their beltstrap. It allows the full-body scanning of your personal data and transfers your vision to the Digital World, as if you're really in it.
It's also an item storage. Simply scan the item over the little slot on the back (if the item is too big, place the screen infront of it for "Standing Scan").
DigiMemories - These replace the Crests now. They are symbols of Yggdrasil that signify that they are special Digimon. While they are stronger than what the "system" originally recorded, the System Admins call these Digimion "Irregulars."
Burst Light - A special item that allows the Burst Mode. If your Digimon is one of the four special Digimon that can use Burst Mode and has reached the Mega Level, scan the item, and the Digimon can evolve to Burst Mode.
DigiMentals - Commonly known as Digi-Eggs, they allow Armor Evolution. Only ten of these exist; The DigiMentals of Courage, Friendship, Knowledge, Love, Sincerity, Reliability, Hope, Light, Kindness, and Miracles. If you have one of these, reached the specified Tamer Rank, and your Digimon is compatible with any of the DigiMentals, scan them, and the Digimon can evolve to Armor Digimon. They are transferable between D-Zones. Check the Digimon List to see who can evolve to who.
System Restore - The resurrection item of Digital Monsters. If your Digimon is defeated in battle and has no more lives left, you can use this item (if you have one) to revive your Digimon and give it one more shot.
DigiTama - If you don't revive your Digimon, it reverts into an egg, a DigiTama. Afterwards, you are free to choose your new Digimon (from the list) or choose the same Digimon as before. If you choose the same one, they won't remember you. Your Tamer Rank doesn't decrease to one, so you won't have to worry about not being able to use your new Digimon's evolutions.
Docking Terminal - The basic login device that allows a player to log in into the Digital World online game. It takes the shape of a chair with a brainwave device over the head, covering the eyes to let the player view the surroundings in the game, as if they were really in the Digital World. The controller is infront of the player, suspended on a stick to prevent theft. The Digivice iC is connected to the headset by a wire that allows the scanning and login process. Terminals can only be found in arcades and allow at least an hour of gameplay.
Personal Docking Terminal - A login device that allows gameplay at home infront of a computer. The controller is connected to the computer by a USB or wireless USB, the headset connected to the computer also by wire USB or wireless USB, and the Digivice iC connected to the headset. Unlimited gameplay, and it's free. But the whole PDT set is expensive, not alot of people can afford it.
File City*
The starting point for many new tamers. Next to the Metal Empire and Battle Frontier, File City is the biggest city in the Digital World. The leader of this city is Jijimon.
Pyro Sphere
Found just above the Digital World's tallest volcano is the city of fire, where ALL fire Digimon hangout. "Can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen!" they say. Fire-loving tamers are usually found in this area. Founder of this city is the Royal Knight, Dukemon (the evolved form of Guilmon, hence "Pyro Sphere" ). The current leader is Wargreymon.
Arctic Isle
Not really an island, but a big-a** glacier on the northern end of the Digital World. Only the coldest Digimon can "chill" here. To get here, you need a special pass from a certain MudFrigimon, who is the cousin of Arctic Isle's Frigimon. Then you need a ride from Whamon if you can best it in battle. Governed by MetalGarurumon, who keeps in good contacts with WarGreymon. They some of the Seadramon-species Digimon were acting rather strangely, lately.
Windy Mountain*
Located on the same mountain where Pyro Sphere rests is a haven for flying Digimon. Some airborne tamers can easily come here, but others have to take the long climb up the mountain. Leader of this town is Garudamon. There have been some sights, however, of black spots around the base of the mountain.
Vamde Manor*
A place where all the dark and spooky Digimon live. Tamers who are into this kind of stuff come here, and they're even accepted by Digimon such as Bakemon and DemiDevimon and stuff. However, it seems that the owner of this Manor, Myotismon, has fallen ill recently to a mysterious "virus."
Metal Empire*
A place where Machine type Digimon thrive, Tamers buy all their equipment for Digimon here, where the weapons and items are made and shipped out. They say that HiAndromon once ruled over this place until an evil Digimon made by a virus called "Chaosdramon" took over.
Battle Frontier
Located on the southeastern edge of the Digital World is the most battle-crazed city of the Digital World. If you become one of the top eight of the File City's Battle Arena, then you're welcome to compete in the Battle Frontier, where all the strongest tamers gather and battle it out to see who's the strongest! Compete in the Single Battle or Team Battle! And get a chance to battle the champions of the Battle Frontier!
MameMame Town
A small village somewhere in the Dense Forest. It's full of the Digital World's smallest Digimon, the Mamemon. Yes, those small silver balls with arms and legs. The Mamemon are peaceful...lest you step on one of them. If you buy the Blue Drink from Wizardmon back at the Medicine Shop in Dark Manor, then you can enter MameMametown. PrinceMamemon runs the show, but has his advisor, TonosamaMamemon, do the work. The other Mamemon here are Mamemon and MetalMamemon. TyrannoMamemon are kind of like the guard dogs while BigMamemon watch over the city (because they're bigger than your average Mamemon...).
The Great Jungle
A huge jungle on the eastern region of the Digital World! By the Data Sea, the Great Jungle is a humid place that can make you sweat on your seat! That place is hot, even for a game! They say that there's an ancient temple inside, where Pharaohmon rests. It is also where you can find a certain special item called the "Burst Light." But some say that they have heard bubbling sounds inside the Deep Jungle...
Deep Jungle*
One of D.N.A.'s most annoying places to be, but the best place to train! The Deep Jungle is a long dungeon-like area in the Great Jungle. The deeper you go, the better items and better monsters you find. Many have never made it out alive in this area, of course. The levels of the wild Digimon inside increase as you go deeper. But there have been rumors that the sounds of bubbling can be heard deep inside, and some Digimon have been heard screaming in pain. On the side note, Deep Jungle is where D.N.A. hosts the "Strongest Tamer" event. If you could make it into the deepest part of the Jungle and come back alive, you'll be awarded the rank of Strongest Tamer. But there seems to be something outside of the systems at the end of this Jungle...
Black Heaven*
The darkest part of the Digital World. A favorite of Tamer Killers, Black Heaven is a dark city in the Digital World's Dark Area, inhabited by evil Digimon and Tamer Killers. Best known for their Black Market, Black Heaven is also where the "Dark Tournament" is held. Even though there are cheating methods, D.N.A. allows this, as they are unable to govern what goes on in Black Heaven. Some Tamer Killers say that in the shadows, they can see the outline of black bubbles in the alley way. And they say a powerful and terrifying dark Digimon "haunts" this place, looking for the strongest opponent to fight. Someone that Pyro Sphere's WarGreymon is all too familiar with...
Village of Beginnings (Primary Village)
Great Plains
The Sanctuary in the Sky - Yggdrasil's Cathedral
Yggdrasil's domain. Only Yggdrasil will choose who and when the chosen beings, human or Digimon, shall enter. At his left is Coronamon, and at his right is Lunamon. They guard his entrance and his throne.
Dark Area*
Where the baddest Digimon lurk. The Nanadai Maou, or the Seven Great Demon Lords were sealed here by the power of Yggdrasil. Thus, no one is allowed to enter. The Seven Great Demon Lords control the power here, as well as use Digimon from the outside to report to them. They are the cause of the Virus' release, as they are trying to resurrect their lord, Milleniumon. There is a Sub-Area called Infernal Garrison, where all the Evil Digimon, minions to the Seven Great Demon Lords, gather, waiting to be of use.
Recycle Village
This is where all unfortunate Digimon go when they are abandonned by their tamers. They all hide away here, so they won't be confused as Wild Digimon and destroyed by the very Tamers who abandonned them. A recycled Digimon known as Junkmon (not a real Digimon, but I had to put something) governs this town and takes in all the lost souls.
The Holy Capital, ElDoradimon
Who knows where this place is. It's a city of legend, known by only a few Digimon. It was said that the Royal Knight, Alphamon, was sealed here to prevent the release of the X-Virus. But rumors say that someone had found ElDoradimon and partially broke the seal. That was enough to bring the virus back, but keep Alphamon in.
{Digimon Hackers}
A D.N.A. Production
Brought to you by {Digimon Hackers} - The Fanfic.
A D.N.A. Production
Brought to you by {Digimon Hackers} - The Fanfic.
The year 2010. Online gaming has gone farther than society had predicted. A newly erected company titled "D.N.A. Corp.," or "Digital Network Advent Corperation," brought to the world a new online game known as "The Digital World." A game of another world, known as "The Digital World", where humans meet digital monsters known as Digimon. They level up their Digimon, make them stronger, compete in many events, like a regular online game. "The Digital World" took the nation by a storm. It was the rave. Whether it was played in the online "Docking Terminals" at the arcade or at home in their very own P.D.T., or "Personal Docking Terminal," over millions of players log on to this game. D.N.A. Corp. had become the pinacle of the gaming world.
But something went wrong. D.N.A. wasn't aware of the true existance of "The Digital World" within the game. They merely based the game off it, but rather, they send people to the actual Digital World. Governed by the god, Yggdrasil, the Digital World is an actual parallel world played as a game. But Yggdrasil knew that the humans weren't any harm and allowed them to come at any time, while keeping his existance omnipotent. He watched over them, and if they ever "died" in the game, he would follow the standard game procedure and return the players to their original world.
However, that was only true for so long. Eight children, different towns and cities, hardly any relation to each other, had logged on into the game, some for their first time. At their P.D.T.s in school or at home, or at a Docking Terminal in the arcade, they were attacked by an unknown entity called "X." Yggdrasil had discovered this himself and noted this enity as a virus, the "X-Virus." The eight children were killed by the virus, their minds left in the Digital World. Their bodies were put into comatose, and they were lost in the Digital World.
Some powerful and evil force had manipulated the game, thus recreating the dreaded X-Virus to keep the humans from crossing past the plane of the Cyber World and the Digital World, infecting the mind of one of the eight killed children, and to open a pathway to the human world. It's reason unknown, but most likely to reach beyond the bounders and into the human world. Yggdrasil took the eight children into his custody and brought their minds back to existance. He had chosen them as special players, as Digidestine, to stop the virus and destroy the Digimon who created it. However, the System Admins will not allow this virus running amok, and they confused the existance of the comatose players as a part of the viruses.
Thus became known the Digimon Hackers.
My friends, this isn't a game anymore.
This is real...
I was gonna put rules here, but it looks like Role-senpai's Guideline thread does the trick. So I won't bother...oh wait, there are certain things you'll need to know that are exclusive to this RP!
RP Exclusive Rules
Wild Digimon BattlingThere will be notices in which Digimon can appear and be fought. It will look somewhat like this.
I will choose the Digimon at Random via a Random number generator from Googles. So if I declare a number in the OOC thread, expect a Digimon. However, you can only battle the Digimon if you are in the vicinity. The flip side to it is that I might also choose to put the Digimon in certain areas to throw you off. So pay attention to the location. Just letting you know...only I can use this post unless I assign someone to help me with this.Digimon Battle Post said:![]()
A Kuwagamon is attacking!
Bit Forest | Forest Trail
Item Finding
Like the Digimon Battling, there will also be Item Finding posts, and the same rules will apply.
Unfortunately, only I can use these posts and distribute items.Item Finding Post said:
You found an HP Memory +10!
Grey Canyon
Now, to reply to these posts, simply quote them and type up a detailed description of the battle, or a paragraph of the finding, then continue with the game or whatever you were doing. Note that after you have quoted, you'll have to wait 5 more of your own posts to fight or find another item.
I realize that VBulletin works differently than Gaia, so this is a new system I have to use. If you find anything here that differs from the VBulletin system, please let me know so I can make your RPing experience an enjoyable one.
"The {Digital} World"
Welcome to "The {Digital} World". Thank you for contributing to D.N.A. Corp.'s contribution to taking Online Gaming to the next level. As you play, you will feel how real everything is. But before you play, please read the Terms of Service.
"The {Digital} World" Terms of Service
By agreeing to our Terms of Service, you choose to uphold the peace and privacy of other players. Failure to do so will result in immediate suspension of your account. Repeated failures will result in a immediate ban.
(I won't really do that. I want to make the game sound professional...so...follow the DATS rules, please...)
"The {Digital} World"
Welcome to "The {Digital} World". Thank you for contributing to D.N.A. Corp.'s contribution to taking Online Gaming to the next level. As you play, you will feel how real everything is. But before you play, please read the Terms of Service.
"The {Digital} World" Terms of Service
By agreeing to our Terms of Service, you choose to uphold the peace and privacy of other players. Failure to do so will result in immediate suspension of your account. Repeated failures will result in a immediate ban.
(I won't really do that. I want to make the game sound professional...so...follow the DATS rules, please...)
With those done, please take note of the terms you must learn to feel the basics of the game.
Tamers - Players who control Digimon. There are some tamers who have different attributes, such as fire tamers, ice tamers, dark tamers, etc. There are even Tamer Killers.
Tamer Rank - It's your basic skill level as a tamer. Reaching higher levels will allow you to evolve your Digimon. Rank 5 lets you evolve your Digimon to its Champion form. Rank 10 allows you to Armor Digivolve your Digimon if you have the right DigiMental and your Digimon is compatible. Rank 20 allows you to evolve your Digimon to its Ultimate form. Rank 40 allows you to DNA-Digivolve with other Digimon if they are compatible. Rank 50 allows you to evolve your Digimon to its Mega form. Your Tamer Rank rises as you gain Tamer Points, or TP defeat a Digimon.
Tamer Points - The EXP. Each level of Digimon have different TP rewards times your current Tamer Rank.
Rookies = 50 TP * current Tamer Rank
Champions = 60 TP * current Tamer Rank
Armor = 70 DP * current Tamer Rank
Ultimates = 80 TP * current Tamer Rank
Megas = 90 TP * current Tamer Rank
As you gain Ranks, your max TP increases. All Rank 1 Tamers start at 100 MTP (Max Tamer Ponts). As your Tamer Rank increases, your Max TP increases. I'll be editting your profile every now and then to change your MTP and TP, so PM me on what level you battled so I can change your TP. I'll reply back if you level up.
(I'm still working the system...someone help me!)
Tamer Killers - Players who battle other Tamers and defeat their Digimon. The tamer themselves are also defeated and are sent back all the way to their previous save point if they wish to continue playing.
Beating a Tamer Killer will you get you the amount of TP their Digimon gives times two times the diffrence of your rank and the Tamer Killer's Rank. Confusing, I know. Thus, here's the equation:
(Digimon Level TP times 2) * (Difference of Tamer and Tamer Killer's Rank) = Amount of TP you get.
E.G. : (Champion) (60 * 2) * (Tamer Level 5 - Tamer Killer Level 7)
120 * 2 = 240 TP.
You get 240 TP.[/strike]
Tamer Points are practically useless in this RP. It just basically explains the workings of the game. In all honesty, I never got a chance to work out the system. So instead, this is how it works. Your Tamer Rank goes up after two to five battles with a Digimon. Simple.
Game Over - Basically, it's when the tamer themself dies if they fail to resurrect their Digimon after it is beaten. A Digimon has three lives. The first two lives, you're automatically transported back to your previous save point. After the third life is out, you have to revive your Digimon with a "System Restore". Otherwise, it'll revert back to a DigiTama/DigiEgg.
Each Tamer has LP, or Life Points, of their level times five.
E.G. : Tamer Level 5 * 5
Tamer LP = 250 LP.
When your LP decreases to zero, you are prompted to choose to continue playing or return back to the login screen. If you choose to continue playing, you'll return to the last save point you were in.
Don't worry about keeping track of your Tamer Life Points. If you get attacked by a Digimon and choose to lose, then you'll die. Well, Game Over, at least.
Attack - Basically, this is so I know you're doing a fair amount of damage and not godmodding. To determine the damage rate of your digimon...
Attack = Tamer Rank * 10
E.G. : Tamer Level 5 * 10
Digimon Attack = 50ATK.
This only changes as the Tamer Rank goes higher.
Just RP it, but don't prolong it, okay? I'll allow up to 5 posts per Tamer Battle.
Evolution - Ah, something EVERYONE should know. Evolution is the metamorphisis of your Digimon from one level to the next. The activation phrase is "Connection, Download! Scan! Execute!" Saying this, however, depends on what you're evolving your Digimon to.
To Adult = "Connection, Download! Scan! Execute!"
To Perfect = "Connection, Perfect Download! Scan! Execute!"
To Ultimate = "Connection, Ultimate Download! Scan! Execute!"
There are select few Tamers who can perform these...
To Armor = "Connection, Armor Download! Scan! Execute!"
To Jogress (DNA) = "Connection, Jogress Download! Scan! Execute!"
To Certain Modes = "Connection, Overdrive Download! Scan! Execute!"
To Burst Mode = "Connection, Overdrive Download! Scan! Burst!"
In order to evolve your Digimon, you must have a Digivice iC. This will be explained in the Items section.
For the Hackers, or Chosen Children, it's different. They use something called a DigiSoul. DigiSoul is inside of our their human souls as they travel the Digital World. This is how they digivolve their Digimon.
To Adult = "DigiSoul! Charge!"
To Perfect = "DigiSoul! FullCharge!"
To Ultimate = "DigiSoul! Overdrive!"
For those with select Digimon...
To Burst Mode = "DigiSoul! Overdrive! Burst Mode!"
In the game are the Items you need to play the game. One of which is the all important Digivice. However, there are "Hack Items," or items that exist initially in the Digital World.
In the game are the Items you need to play the game. One of which is the all important Digivice. However, there are "Hack Items," or items that exist initially in the Digital World.
Digivice iC - The Digivice of the RP. As seen on the right, it has a variant of different colors. The Digivice iC is the main item to allow Digivolution for your Digimon. In the real world, it's connected to the headset of either a Personal Terminal or a regular Terminal, as well as acts as a watch. You know a person plays Digital Monster if they have a Digivice iC on their beltstrap. It allows the full-body scanning of your personal data and transfers your vision to the Digital World, as if you're really in it.
It's also an item storage. Simply scan the item over the little slot on the back (if the item is too big, place the screen infront of it for "Standing Scan").
DigiMemories - These replace the Crests now. They are symbols of Yggdrasil that signify that they are special Digimon. While they are stronger than what the "system" originally recorded, the System Admins call these Digimion "Irregulars."
Burst Light - A special item that allows the Burst Mode. If your Digimon is one of the four special Digimon that can use Burst Mode and has reached the Mega Level, scan the item, and the Digimon can evolve to Burst Mode.
DigiMentals - Commonly known as Digi-Eggs, they allow Armor Evolution. Only ten of these exist; The DigiMentals of Courage, Friendship, Knowledge, Love, Sincerity, Reliability, Hope, Light, Kindness, and Miracles. If you have one of these, reached the specified Tamer Rank, and your Digimon is compatible with any of the DigiMentals, scan them, and the Digimon can evolve to Armor Digimon. They are transferable between D-Zones. Check the Digimon List to see who can evolve to who.
System Restore - The resurrection item of Digital Monsters. If your Digimon is defeated in battle and has no more lives left, you can use this item (if you have one) to revive your Digimon and give it one more shot.
DigiTama - If you don't revive your Digimon, it reverts into an egg, a DigiTama. Afterwards, you are free to choose your new Digimon (from the list) or choose the same Digimon as before. If you choose the same one, they won't remember you. Your Tamer Rank doesn't decrease to one, so you won't have to worry about not being able to use your new Digimon's evolutions.
Docking Terminal - The basic login device that allows a player to log in into the Digital World online game. It takes the shape of a chair with a brainwave device over the head, covering the eyes to let the player view the surroundings in the game, as if they were really in the Digital World. The controller is infront of the player, suspended on a stick to prevent theft. The Digivice iC is connected to the headset by a wire that allows the scanning and login process. Terminals can only be found in arcades and allow at least an hour of gameplay.
Personal Docking Terminal - A login device that allows gameplay at home infront of a computer. The controller is connected to the computer by a USB or wireless USB, the headset connected to the computer also by wire USB or wireless USB, and the Digivice iC connected to the headset. Unlimited gameplay, and it's free. But the whole PDT set is expensive, not alot of people can afford it.
The Digital World
In the game, or in the Digital World, there are many towns that Digimon inhabit. Players hangout here, or they just stop to find the nearest place to rest or replenish on supplies. There are even saving points here, and some towns have yet to be discovered.
If you see an asterisk (*) next to the name, then that means there have been sightings of the "black spots." Expect updates here.
The Digital World
In the game, or in the Digital World, there are many towns that Digimon inhabit. Players hangout here, or they just stop to find the nearest place to rest or replenish on supplies. There are even saving points here, and some towns have yet to be discovered.
If you see an asterisk (*) next to the name, then that means there have been sightings of the "black spots." Expect updates here.
File City*
The starting point for many new tamers. Next to the Metal Empire and Battle Frontier, File City is the biggest city in the Digital World. The leader of this city is Jijimon.
Pyro Sphere
Found just above the Digital World's tallest volcano is the city of fire, where ALL fire Digimon hangout. "Can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen!" they say. Fire-loving tamers are usually found in this area. Founder of this city is the Royal Knight, Dukemon (the evolved form of Guilmon, hence "Pyro Sphere" ). The current leader is Wargreymon.
Arctic Isle
Not really an island, but a big-a** glacier on the northern end of the Digital World. Only the coldest Digimon can "chill" here. To get here, you need a special pass from a certain MudFrigimon, who is the cousin of Arctic Isle's Frigimon. Then you need a ride from Whamon if you can best it in battle. Governed by MetalGarurumon, who keeps in good contacts with WarGreymon. They some of the Seadramon-species Digimon were acting rather strangely, lately.
Windy Mountain*
Located on the same mountain where Pyro Sphere rests is a haven for flying Digimon. Some airborne tamers can easily come here, but others have to take the long climb up the mountain. Leader of this town is Garudamon. There have been some sights, however, of black spots around the base of the mountain.
Vamde Manor*
A place where all the dark and spooky Digimon live. Tamers who are into this kind of stuff come here, and they're even accepted by Digimon such as Bakemon and DemiDevimon and stuff. However, it seems that the owner of this Manor, Myotismon, has fallen ill recently to a mysterious "virus."
Metal Empire*
A place where Machine type Digimon thrive, Tamers buy all their equipment for Digimon here, where the weapons and items are made and shipped out. They say that HiAndromon once ruled over this place until an evil Digimon made by a virus called "Chaosdramon" took over.
Battle Frontier
Located on the southeastern edge of the Digital World is the most battle-crazed city of the Digital World. If you become one of the top eight of the File City's Battle Arena, then you're welcome to compete in the Battle Frontier, where all the strongest tamers gather and battle it out to see who's the strongest! Compete in the Single Battle or Team Battle! And get a chance to battle the champions of the Battle Frontier!
MameMame Town
A small village somewhere in the Dense Forest. It's full of the Digital World's smallest Digimon, the Mamemon. Yes, those small silver balls with arms and legs. The Mamemon are peaceful...lest you step on one of them. If you buy the Blue Drink from Wizardmon back at the Medicine Shop in Dark Manor, then you can enter MameMametown. PrinceMamemon runs the show, but has his advisor, TonosamaMamemon, do the work. The other Mamemon here are Mamemon and MetalMamemon. TyrannoMamemon are kind of like the guard dogs while BigMamemon watch over the city (because they're bigger than your average Mamemon...).
The Great Jungle
A huge jungle on the eastern region of the Digital World! By the Data Sea, the Great Jungle is a humid place that can make you sweat on your seat! That place is hot, even for a game! They say that there's an ancient temple inside, where Pharaohmon rests. It is also where you can find a certain special item called the "Burst Light." But some say that they have heard bubbling sounds inside the Deep Jungle...
Deep Jungle*
One of D.N.A.'s most annoying places to be, but the best place to train! The Deep Jungle is a long dungeon-like area in the Great Jungle. The deeper you go, the better items and better monsters you find. Many have never made it out alive in this area, of course. The levels of the wild Digimon inside increase as you go deeper. But there have been rumors that the sounds of bubbling can be heard deep inside, and some Digimon have been heard screaming in pain. On the side note, Deep Jungle is where D.N.A. hosts the "Strongest Tamer" event. If you could make it into the deepest part of the Jungle and come back alive, you'll be awarded the rank of Strongest Tamer. But there seems to be something outside of the systems at the end of this Jungle...
Black Heaven*
The darkest part of the Digital World. A favorite of Tamer Killers, Black Heaven is a dark city in the Digital World's Dark Area, inhabited by evil Digimon and Tamer Killers. Best known for their Black Market, Black Heaven is also where the "Dark Tournament" is held. Even though there are cheating methods, D.N.A. allows this, as they are unable to govern what goes on in Black Heaven. Some Tamer Killers say that in the shadows, they can see the outline of black bubbles in the alley way. And they say a powerful and terrifying dark Digimon "haunts" this place, looking for the strongest opponent to fight. Someone that Pyro Sphere's WarGreymon is all too familiar with...
Village of Beginnings (Primary Village)
Great Plains
Lost Areas
These areas are restricted. Only Hackers and the System Admins have access to these areas. They were made by Yggdrasil himself that he deemed unavailable for humans to enter. They are either beneficial or life-threatening.
Lost Areas
These areas are restricted. Only Hackers and the System Admins have access to these areas. They were made by Yggdrasil himself that he deemed unavailable for humans to enter. They are either beneficial or life-threatening.
The Sanctuary in the Sky - Yggdrasil's Cathedral
Yggdrasil's domain. Only Yggdrasil will choose who and when the chosen beings, human or Digimon, shall enter. At his left is Coronamon, and at his right is Lunamon. They guard his entrance and his throne.
Dark Area*
Where the baddest Digimon lurk. The Nanadai Maou, or the Seven Great Demon Lords were sealed here by the power of Yggdrasil. Thus, no one is allowed to enter. The Seven Great Demon Lords control the power here, as well as use Digimon from the outside to report to them. They are the cause of the Virus' release, as they are trying to resurrect their lord, Milleniumon. There is a Sub-Area called Infernal Garrison, where all the Evil Digimon, minions to the Seven Great Demon Lords, gather, waiting to be of use.
Recycle Village
This is where all unfortunate Digimon go when they are abandonned by their tamers. They all hide away here, so they won't be confused as Wild Digimon and destroyed by the very Tamers who abandonned them. A recycled Digimon known as Junkmon (not a real Digimon, but I had to put something) governs this town and takes in all the lost souls.
The Holy Capital, ElDoradimon
Who knows where this place is. It's a city of legend, known by only a few Digimon. It was said that the Royal Knight, Alphamon, was sealed here to prevent the release of the X-Virus. But rumors say that someone had found ElDoradimon and partially broke the seal. That was enough to bring the virus back, but keep Alphamon in.