The New Guy
Digimon Dawn/Dusk
Plot: The digital world has changed, it's not as nice as it's use to be.As soon as the game 'V-Tamers' were announced, 10 Chosen tamers were hand picked by professor Tohma himself to be beta testers.As they arrived, they didn't get the warm welcome that they expected.In front of them were two fierce Wendigomon, but then the chosen partners came out from the shelter of the bushes and engaged the enemies and defeated them but that was only the beginning.
Prologue: The seven demon lords are plotting to destroy the digimon sovereigns in order to control the north,south,east,west and the center of the digital world and are doing everything in their power to make that happen.They are planning to awaken Arkadimon with the chrono core and the 10 crests which are being kept by each of the royal knights.
Digimon Partner:
(pictures if available)
BTW:i know the last digimon rpg was a while ago but give this a go please.
Heres my application:
Name: Kazuya Kurosaki
Age: 15
Digimon Partner:
Personality/Bio: Shy kid, a lone wolf pretty much.He's a smart A grade student but hot headed and arrogant, also the son of Miki Kurosaki. He didn't wan't to go to the digital world but his mum insisted to make him see the wonderful things in digimon because he despised digimon and calls them good for nothing monsters.
He has became attached to his impmon while in the digital world and cares for him deeply same goes for impmon. Impmon is a reincarnation of Beelzebumon one of the seven demon lords. He holds the crest of Friendship.
Plot: The digital world has changed, it's not as nice as it's use to be.As soon as the game 'V-Tamers' were announced, 10 Chosen tamers were hand picked by professor Tohma himself to be beta testers.As they arrived, they didn't get the warm welcome that they expected.In front of them were two fierce Wendigomon, but then the chosen partners came out from the shelter of the bushes and engaged the enemies and defeated them but that was only the beginning.
Prologue: The seven demon lords are plotting to destroy the digimon sovereigns in order to control the north,south,east,west and the center of the digital world and are doing everything in their power to make that happen.They are planning to awaken Arkadimon with the chrono core and the 10 crests which are being kept by each of the royal knights.
Digimon Partner:
(pictures if available)
BTW:i know the last digimon rpg was a while ago but give this a go please.
Heres my application:
Name: Kazuya Kurosaki
Age: 15

Digimon Partner:


Personality/Bio: Shy kid, a lone wolf pretty much.He's a smart A grade student but hot headed and arrogant, also the son of Miki Kurosaki. He didn't wan't to go to the digital world but his mum insisted to make him see the wonderful things in digimon because he despised digimon and calls them good for nothing monsters.
He has became attached to his impmon while in the digital world and cares for him deeply same goes for impmon. Impmon is a reincarnation of Beelzebumon one of the seven demon lords. He holds the crest of Friendship.