Digimon Dawn/Dusk


The New Guy
Digimon Dawn/Dusk

Plot: The digital world has changed, it's not as nice as it's use to be.As soon as the game 'V-Tamers' were announced, 10 Chosen tamers were hand picked by professor Tohma himself to be beta testers.As they arrived, they didn't get the warm welcome that they expected.In front of them were two fierce Wendigomon, but then the chosen partners came out from the shelter of the bushes and engaged the enemies and defeated them but that was only the beginning.

Prologue: The seven demon lords are plotting to destroy the digimon sovereigns in order to control the north,south,east,west and the center of the digital world and are doing everything in their power to make that happen.They are planning to awaken Arkadimon with the chrono core and the 10 crests which are being kept by each of the royal knights.


Digimon Partner:

(pictures if available)

BTW:i know the last digimon rpg was a while ago but give this a go please.

Heres my application:

Name: Kazuya Kurosaki
Age: 15

Digimon Partner:


Personality/Bio: Shy kid, a lone wolf pretty much.He's a smart A grade student but hot headed and arrogant, also the son of Miki Kurosaki. He didn't wan't to go to the digital world but his mum insisted to make him see the wonderful things in digimon because he despised digimon and calls them good for nothing monsters.

He has became attached to his impmon while in the digital world and cares for him deeply same goes for impmon. Impmon is a reincarnation of Beelzebumon one of the seven demon lords. He holds the crest of Friendship.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
((OOC: What's with the DRAGONLESS goggleboy? Doesn't that go against Digimon standards? Have you forgotten that Goggleboys also have a general FIRE theme about them, rather than a theme of Darkness? You AIN'T a goggleboy.))

So then, are we just following the story from the games? That seems... kinda meh-ish. I mean, haven't we all already played the games? The point of an RP is to tell your own story, not to follow a different one.

I'll be entering two entries, but only playing one. Which one that is depends on which one I think will best fit into the Chosen Children compared with other entries, once everone is all said and done.

First option is my usual: Iwakami Shinju.

Name: Iwakami Shinju
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Partner: PicoDevimon

Personality: She seems a bit cold at first, and can be harsh to others. She doesn't tolerate either Good or Evil, and despises those who associate darkness with evil. Since the death of her brother, though, she's actually become very lonely, and doesn't seem to smile much. Because of this, the others tend to make a big deal out of it when she does smile, much to her embarrassment.

Bio: The first of the ten to come to the digital world, Shinju and her brother, Yuujin arrived nine years ago. Yuujin, worried about how to survive first and foremost, enlisted the aid of their new friends, Pagumon and Beelzebumon to help find food and shelter. Soon, they were taken in by Circuit Village, a village that renounced both good and evil, and stood for peace instead.

The first year and a half was indeed peaceful. Shinju made many new friends with the young digimon in the village, while Yuujin searched nearby ruins for clues in how to get home. Though looking for a way home, Yuujin was the first to learn about the ten blessings and their effect on evolution, which he taught to Shinju.

Not long afterward, though, the Olympus Twelve, self-proclaimed champions of light and justice, attacked the town. The initial strike was a success - the town was caught completely off guard, and many digimon were reformatted as a result. Seeing this Yuujin used what knowledge he had to devise traps and ambushes against the returning army, and successfully driving them back. Though the hope was that they'd give up and leave them alone, the Olympus Twelve instead declared war.

After several conflicts, resulting in many casualties on both sides, the Olympus Twelve sent three of their twelve members to put an end to the fight. They took Shinju hostage, in order to lure out Yuujin, who they saw as the biggest threat. The ploy worked, and in hearing them say they would leave his sister unharmed, Yuujin allowed them to take his life.

With Yuujin gone, the remaining inhabitants of the village evacuated, and rebuilt their town in a different location. Yuujin was buried on the edge of town, and a statue was built in the town's square in his memory. Shinju was deeply scarred by the event, and grew to see the light as evil, and resent it. She vowed to continue her brother's search for a way home, and continued studying the ruins that her brother had once frequented. Accompanied by Beelzebumon and PicoDevimon, who had evolved to his child stage, for protection, she eventually encounters the rest of the group, and though after a few misunderstandings, becomes the final member to join.

Additional Notes: As Shinju was only 6 when she came to the digital world, she lacks the education of the others, and thus cannot read or write Japanese, and doesn't know much about Earth's or Japan's history. She doesn't understand many references the others make and sometimes needs someone to read her their notes. She is, however, the only one fluent in DigiCode. She also was taught math and science by the digimon who helped raise her after the death of her brother.
Second is an alt I use if Shinju won't work out:

Name: Asada Chieko
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Partner: KoKabuterimon

Personality: Analytical and precise, Chieko tends to come across as harsh. She tends to try to plan out everything, though this often leads to situations in which she doesn't have time. When she can't make sense of a situation, she tends to reject it. Because of this, she is often at odds with the goggleboy, whom seems to just go with the situation regardless of the circumstances. Unlike the goggleboy, whom excels at improvising, but lacks the ability to plan ahead, Chieko is the opposite. She tries to plan everything in advance, but when something goes wrong, she tends to freeze up.

Bio: Chieko grew up in Isumi, in the Chiba prefecture of the Kanto Region of Japan. She was at home in the middle of an online Shogi game when the scenery suddenly changed and she found herself in a forest. Confused, she began to panic, claiming it wasn't possible, stopping only to try to brace herself against a tree, only to fall into it. She began to believe that it was a dream and that none of it was real. She decided she'd stay in the fake tree until she woke up.

A few hours later, she abandoned that idea and began to wander off. Eventually she made her way to the region outside of Disc City, where she met Frimon. She had seen these various creatures in her wandering, but had never come face to face with one. After a little discussion, she reluctantly followed it to FlaWizardmon's orphanage.

A few months later Demon arrived. The events that followed shook her. It seemed this place was very real. Just like back home, there were people who tried to hurt others. She begrudgingly accepted that this world was real, with its own problems... As well as its own version of death. She had watched as Demon reformatted many digimon, and could only stand trembling with fear. She was surprised that she had survived the incident, and together with the other digimon of the orphanage left. However, before they left town, she spotted something. Of all things, it was a shogi piece. A King. She picked it up without thinking, though it became the source of a lot of thought as her travels went on.

She couldn't help but think: Were the Digital World and Earth connected somehow?

Additional Notes: Somewhat of a prodigy, she serves as a strategist of sorts for the Chosen Children, and so long as she has the time to plan and information to work with, her strategies can rival that of a trained strategist. She is an avid player of several strategy games, including Chess, Go, and Shogi.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
((OOC you're giving up already? Sad... Though, I do find it amusing: You're opposing the Seven Demon Lords... with one of the seven Demon Lords... Riiiight... How does that work?))


The New Guy
Beelzebumon got killed by one of the royal knights and lost his memory, that better?.
And i said that because this isn't a really active forum as i hoped.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
((That's because this isn't RPoL, and it's also summer. Summer is the bane of RPs: Everything is slow as hell. You have to have at least a shred of patience, and a TON of storytelling ability if you're going to RP. Hope you do well, sir GM. Oh, by the way. Digimon don't die, they Reformat. Though technically you could go with that, be careful with terminology, 'k?))