Deltora Quest 62: Lief Keeps His Promise! -Discussion-
So, i got the title from Google TL, once i see Pazuzu, our Translator for the anime, I'll ask for a literal translation.
Lief Keeps His Promise!
Not sure when this will air, will do some snooping.
Screenshot Link
I wonder what happens in this episode, to be quite honest i haven't read the books, but it seems like Lief is getting something. Barda falls also, probably has something to do with what happened in the previous episode, for those of you that saw it. DX
Enjoy the Veoh Video:
<embed src="http
/www.veoh.com/videodetails2.swf?permalinkId=v63073608NXDcRhn&id=2377926&player=videodetailsembedded&videoAutoPlay=0" allowFullScreen="true" width="540" height="438" bgcolor="#000000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http
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So, i got the title from Google TL, once i see Pazuzu, our Translator for the anime, I'll ask for a literal translation.
Lief Keeps His Promise!
Not sure when this will air, will do some snooping.
Screenshot Link

I wonder what happens in this episode, to be quite honest i haven't read the books, but it seems like Lief is getting something. Barda falls also, probably has something to do with what happened in the previous episode, for those of you that saw it. DX
Enjoy the Veoh Video:
<embed src="http