Burst Help


New Member
Burst Help

Hey Airdra, I just got myself a Burst, raised a Shinegreymon and then got a Belphemon on it. Thought I'd help you out with some info for File Island.

Coliseum X (Fee: 1500P)

Rank 11: Boltmon 60P
Rank 10: Queenchessmon 60P
Rank 09: Kingchessmon 60P
Rank 08: Miragegaogamon 60P
Rank 07: Shinegreymon 60P
Rank 06: Belphemon 60P
Rank 05: Lilithmon 60P
Rank 04: Leviamon 60P
Rank 03: Beelzebumon 60P
Rank 02: Lucemon Satan Mode 6000P and W-Master (A sword)

Coliseum 7 (Fee: 1000P)

Rank 9: Shawujinmon 50P
Rank 8: Qilinmon 50P
Rank 7: Megaseadramon 50P
Rank 6: Monzaemon 50P
Rank 5: Vamdemon 50P
Rank 4: Jumbogamemon 50P
Rank 3: Sleipmon 50P
Rank 2: Ravemon 3000P (When you clear this Coliseum for the first time, you will unlock Coliseum X.)

Coliseum 6 (Fee: 500P)

Rank 7: Mammon 40P
Rank 6: Rookchessmon 40P
Rank 5: Bishopchessmon 40P
Rank 4: Lilamon 40P
Rank 3: Yatagaramon 40P
Rank 2: Risegreymon 1500P

Air Signal (Taken from the manual)

Signal Effect Points consumed


||| Evasion rate up 5

|||||| Strength up 10

|||||||| Strength up 15
||||||||| "Just" attack fired

|||||||||| Burst evolve 1 level up
||||||||||| Strength up 20
|||||||||||| "Just" attack fired

||||||||||||| Burst evolve 1 level up
|||||||||||||| Strength up 20
||||||||||||||| "Just" attack fired

F-BURST! Burst evolve 2 levels up
Strength up 30
"Just" attack fired

Note: "Just" attack is a special attack where 8 life points are deducted from the enemy Digimon. Normal attacks only deduct 1-4 life points (when items are not used to boost their damage), so the Air Signal makes your Digimon very powerful indeed.

How battle works:

Before beginning battle, you will be asked to choose between using the Air Signal or the Normal Port to power up your Digimon.

If you've played with a US or Bandai Asia D-Tector before, then you can probably master Air Signal almost immediately. The Air Signal is a light sensor, not a motion sensor. When you wave your hand over it, you block out the light and the light sensor in the Burst registers this input as one line in the power meter. The more you wave your hand over the Air Signal, the more input the light sensor receives and the more lines appear in the power meter, up to the point where you reach Full Burst (you cannot go further than Full Burst). As a cautionary measure, always play in an area with plenty of light. Once, when I was in the bus in Tokyo, I was in Coliseum X and was about to finish it for the very first time. However, as I activated Air Signal, the bus suddenly entered a tunnel, and I was unable to activate Full Burst. You can probably guess what happened next. Lesson: Always make sure there's plenty of light when activating Air Signal!

The Normal Port works alot like the Accel Grip in the Digimon Acclerator. You have to press the middle button of the Burst repeatedly in order to get the RPM to reach the maximum and the power meter to fill up. In the Accel, you could just press the Accel Grip really fast to reach the maximum RPM, but here, pressing the middle button of the Burst really fast will only fill about half of the power bar, which is not enough when you're facing the Demon Lords. Rhythm counts for more, so the middle button should be pressed at a steady, slightly fast pace in order to attain the maximum RPM. As a side note about the differences between Accel Grip and Normal Port, in the Accel, you had to reach a certain RPM, which was not necessarily the maximum, in order to activate your Digimon's Tera Hit and Blast Evolution mode. Timing was very important. However, in the Burst, all you have to do is maintain a steady pace and reach the maximum RPM, which is alot simpler and easier to accomplish.

Items (In progress)

Item Price Effect

"Berenheena" 9900P Evolves you to Beelzebumon
Sleep S 7000P Evolves you to Belphemon Rage Mode
Royal Ticket 3000P Fight Craniummon
Forest Ticket 3000P Fight TyrantKabuterimon

Note: Evolving into a Demon Lord has immense benefits. I evolved into a Belphemon, and tried battling, and I was immensely surprised at its attack power. All of its attacks do 3 points more damage, so its "Just" attack does a whopping 11 points of damage. I haven't lost once since getting him, as his hit rate is nearly 100%, so he rarely gets hit, while he almost always kills the opponent. Hooray for Demon Lords!

I'm still working on this, but I hope it's helpful, Airdra. I'll be adding a game guide tomorrow and finishing the items list.

Now for some questions of my own:

1. I've fought both Craniummon and TyrantKabuterimon using the tickets, and I got a weird 8 digit number from the scrap tickets. What is the number for?

2. The stuff in the manual about Air Signal raising your Digimon's evasion rate is bullshit right? It's still the same battle system as before! If your Digimon attacks and scores a hit, you won't be hit. However, if your attack misses, then you'll be hit. Air Signal doesn't do a thing to help your Digimon evade attacks at all! What a bummer. All that hand waving for nothing. I was hoping you would be able to evade almost all attacks, but in the end evasion still depends on luck and your attack. Stupid Bandai.

3. How long will a Ultimate Digimon live on average? I don't wanna lose my Belphemon too soon.


V-Pet Geek
Oh, hey, thanks. ^_^ You shall be credited for whatever we use. :)

As for your questions:

1. In the iCs, you'd get similar tickets with the numbers. The codes later unlocked wallpapers on the official Bandai Japan website. They haven't done one for the Burst yet.

2. I actually once had an Air Signal battle where I didn't get hit. ^^;; But yeah, half of it's luck anyway. In the first two iCs, a Perfect or Ultimate with high Reliability would get the "Just" attack and just be generally stronger--the Air Signal seems to have replaced this and opened it up for all the levels.

3. I usually have them die anywhere from 15-20 years. Somewhere in that range, less if you mistreat it. And if it does die too soon, you can reset the Burst and bring him back (though you might lose some items and money).


New Member
Coliseum 1 (Fee: 0P)

Rank 5: Koromon 10P
Rank 4: Wanyamon 10P
Rank 3: Pinamon 10P
Rank 2: Keramon 100P

Coliseum 4 (Fee: 200P)

Rank 7: Gaomon 20P
Rank 6: Falcomon 20P
Rank 5: Devidramon 20P
Rank 4: Sunflowmon 20P
Rank 3: KaratsukiNumemon 20P
Rank 2: DarkTyrannomon 500P (When you clear this coliseum for the first time, you'll receive a BP-Max and also unlock Coliseums 5-7. When you clear this coliseum subsequent times, you will no longer receive the BP-Max.)

Coliseum 5 (Fee: 300P)

Agumon 30P
Vegiemon 30P
GeoGreymon 30P
Rank 3: Peckmon 30P
Rank 2: Gaogamon 700P


New Member
Coliseum 2 (Fee: 50P)

Rank 5: Kokuwamon 10P
Rank 4: Demidevimon 10P
Rank 3: Pawnchessmon White 10P
Rank 2: Kamemon 100P

Coliseum 3 (Fee:100P)

Rank 5: Hagurumon 10P
Rank 4: Candmon 10P
Rank 3: Pawnchessmon Black 10P
Rank 2: Raramon 200P


New Member
Does anyone know what the W-Master is for? It's the sword thing you get after you clear Coliseum X. It's not a weapon though, as it's stored in items instead of weapons.

I find it great that Coliseum X lets us fight the Demon Lords (well, 4 of them anyway, and the evolved form of their leader AKA Lucemon Satan Mode), but I can't help wishing that they had one more Coliseum called Coliseum Royal or something, and let us fight all of the 10 known Royal Knights. The Royal Ticket just seems so cheap, since it only lets you fight Craniummon. If there was a Coliseum Royal, we could fight all the 10 known Knights and Yggdrasil's gigantic and humanoid (the one that appeared in the finale of Savers) forms. Plus, I'm disappointed that Banchouleomon, Mercurimon, Garudamon, the Bio-Digimon and the Gizmon were left out from the Coliseums and the Evolution Lines in the Burst.


I got a Beelzebumon after fighting alot to earn enough to buy Berenheena, and it's freaking weak. My Shinegreymon had a 60% hit rate on Ultimates during battles while Shinegreymon Burst Mode's accuracy was about 80&, and my Belphemon had close to 100% accuracy against Ultimates. I completely decimated Coliseum X with Belphemon using the Normal Port, simply because he was so strong that the AIr Signal wasn't needed. Plus all of his attacks have a permanent Metal Armor effect, i.e. all his attacks do 3 points more damage. So, with Belphemon already so strong, I assumed Beelzebumon would be stronger. Berenheena cost 2000P more than Sleep-S, so I logically thought that that meant Beelzebumon was more valuable and more powerful. Boy, was I wrong.

Beelzebumon has an extremely low hit ratio around 20% to 40%. I lost in Coliseum X twice, once using Full Burst against a Beelzebumon, and once against a Shinegreymon using Half Burst (An Aura Beelzebumon). I was completely shocked! But that's not the worst. I lost to a Gaogamon in Coliseum 5! I only hit him once, and he shot Tera Hits and injured me 4 times. If that wasn't bad enough, I attempted Coliseum 4, and lost to Falcomon! This time, I didn't even hit him! Right now, I'm so frustrated I'm in half a mind to delete Beelzebumon and restart. I fed him and cleared his poop, and his reliability is at max, and yet he's so weak. In fact, the reliability meter is a complete lie. He lost so many battles, and yet the meter still remains full. In what way is he reliable in battles? Speaking of poop, I noticed Beelzebumon poops a whole lot more than either Shinegreymon or Belphemon. While those 2 Digimon pooped like every 4 hours, Beelzebumon pooped twice in an hour, and he poops almost hourly. I think he poops so much to symbolise how shitty he is. I think I understand how Neo from V-Tamer feels about weak Digimon, because Beelzebumon freaking screwed my Win Ratio. It dropped from 90% to 80% (I've fought 534 battles). Darn it. Belphemon raised my Win Ratio and Beelzebumon screwed all his hard work. Oh yeah, for the price of Berenheena, I expected Beelzebumon's attacks to do even more damage. Belphemon's attacks had a permanent +3 effect, so I expected Beelzebumon to have a permanent +4 effect. I was very disappointed when I discovered that his attacks also had a +3 effect like Belphemon.

I really cannot see why the programmers made Berenheena so expensive, because Belphemon is superior to Beelzebumon. Belphemon's sprite is much nicer, his accuracy is awesome, and his attacks do the same amount of damage as Beelzebumon. Beelzebumon has a dumb looking sprite, his attacks are so inaccurate, and for the price to get him, I feel cheated that his attacks are of the same strength as Belphemon. Sheesh. No wonder Kurata used a Belphemon instead of a Beelzebumon. (Ok, that was because Kurata found a Belphemon egg and didn't manage to find a Beelzebumon egg, and also because a Beelzebumon already appeared in the anime, and Belphemon hadn't appeared in the anime before, but still, I'm so pissed with Beelzebumon I'm finding any reason to bash him further.) I hope he dies soon and gives me an egg. This time, I'm getting a Belphemon.

[/end rant]