[DATS] Bakegyamon - 01 [B4442803].mkv
File Size: 167.61MB
Torrent: Click Here
Release Date: October 31, 2010
Translation: Futamaru
Editing: celestial_sacred & Koroku
Timing: Kaitou_Yahiko
Typesetting: Koroku
Encoding: Futamaru
Raw Provider: jpwong
QC: Skr & August & megumi & Matze & Futamaru & celestial_sacred & Umino & Dash
Thought this might be a good release to celebrate Halloween with.
Have a fun day!
We might v2 this if people see things they'd like done differently for rest of the series. Let us know~
Just to note, we're using the old TV source because we don't have the money to buy the DVDs.
File Size: 167.61MB
Torrent: Click Here
Release Date: October 31, 2010
Translation: Futamaru
Editing: celestial_sacred & Koroku
Timing: Kaitou_Yahiko
Typesetting: Koroku
Encoding: Futamaru
Raw Provider: jpwong
QC: Skr & August & megumi & Matze & Futamaru & celestial_sacred & Umino & Dash
Thought this might be a good release to celebrate Halloween with.

Have a fun day!
We might v2 this if people see things they'd like done differently for rest of the series. Let us know~
Just to note, we're using the old TV source because we don't have the money to buy the DVDs.