Anyone here plays Yu-Gi-Oh?


Active Member
Evil Incarnate?
nope not anymore, i'm in the processes of selling my cards that i no longer want (list can be made available here if wanted)


New Member
Takato Fanboy of '86;35996 said:
I tottaly would, if i had someone to play with O_O. I even dueled people over AIM and the phone O_O

I feel your pain. Wanna duel over posting?

@Jognzaloog: Cool! What's in your deck?


Stalking [you]
Hub;36039 said:
I feel your pain. Wanna duel over posting?

I could get some cards again, but i think that dueling over posting would just be a tiny bit of spam :D.

If you had a messenger, i tottaly would go buy cards again. *would love to play again*


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
I run emulators over the internet with friends to play. Always the easiest and least-cheatable way (except for getting a proper connection >_<)


Why dont you play the yu gi oh yamachi gam thingy. you can pick all the cards and make a deck from it right?

I use a First cards deck in other words I only use the oldest cxards there are. And my best cards were stolen dutch people are greedy.


Well people once created a core game program. that lets you battle people on a network which you should create with Hamachi. It should have all cards available so if you still need a certain card you can just add it.


New Member
Okay guys, were off topicing a little here. Let's just talk about Yu-Gi-Oh in my other thread.