And now Hagaren Gao's AMVs!

Hagaren Gao

Guess I'm fired now
And now for my biggest project yet, one that combines every season, every main Digidestined, Tamer and their Digimon, and many of their best moments. Madness? This isn't madness, this is....

Digital Phenomenon: The Remake

Download availible soon, in both h.246 (Oh, whatever the crap it's called) and avi formats!


AMV Freak
Hagaren Gao;47750 said:
Thats no excuse! And man, that freeway is awfully close, we should move.

Yes it is! You know I was working on it since November! Plus, it's a very busy road not a freeway...also a train close by too..... besides, I really wanna release *train horn* but I can't just yet! XDD