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  1. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

  2. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    I erpsonally would go with White, even though i played Black...
  3. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    whatmywowimplieswasthatyoufinishedmoregamesthatihave. nospacekeycausemyspacekeyisreallyloudandi'msupposedtobepayingattentiontoclass
  4. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    The server derped at that point, and I had to go to bed. D:
  5. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Class ending soon. D:
  6. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

  7. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

  8. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Okay, going to goof off the rest of a period doing something else.
  9. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    But I doubt I'll be allowed to make explosions.
  10. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    :O Gonna try to remember these. Might become some ideas for my final Chemistry lab (make our own xD).
  11. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    But it was derping so hard. I couldn't even post my usual good night post. D<
  12. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Probably not what you want. >_>;
  13. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    If you look at any thread that is longer than... like 3 pages that was imported from vB, the first page and last page is preserved, but all the middle4 pages went *poof*. :(
  14. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    :O Happy birthday! Should we make a birthday thread?
  15. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Save some of that money in case of whatever. D<
  16. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Yesss. I just hate bringing gel pens to school because I have a habit of losing them. >_>;;
  17. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    :( Suggestions with the Xen peoples?
  18. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Lige is back!
  19. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Getting offfff
  20. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?
