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  1. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Already in class. lol.
  2. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Dammit. So tired. @_@
  3. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Okay. That makes more sense. xD
  4. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    ...stage is ready yet it is not set?
  5. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Woah. Why is Youtube not blocked on these school comps?! D: Either way... :DDDDDDDDD Even though I can't listen to it right now. xD
  6. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Not to the IT people because they are too stupid to listen to students. But maybe to a Physics teacher that can't do anything about it anyway. xD
  7. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    I hope I get down time during fourth period because I am going to go complain or somethings.
  8. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    And Google Docs doesn't work either. D< Whoever is the genius behind this idea failed. Computers are now slower than last year. And last year was pretty damn slow, even on the better of the computers.
  9. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

  10. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    The computers in the English department used to actually work. As in... they were some of the fastest in the school. Well, sure, we were using XP last year and all, but heck, it worked. And I could do some pretty crazy things on them. But now...? Spamming is lagging. As in... SPAMMING IS...
  11. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Okay. Now these fucking computers are slower than there were before. FUCKING IDIOTS. I rather deal with slow computers because they were slow and old locally. Not deal with VMWare, overloaded network, and laggy server(s) because every other fucking person in the school is trying visit Facebook.
  12. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    I need to watch that. Done with the in-class assignment. >_>
  13. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    First period: Mac lab for photography Second period: English class with Linux build from Devon IT... that uses VMWare to log into Windows 7 that is running off of server. Can I have a normal computer at school like last year? kthxbai?
  14. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    getting off now. Just had to rant about it real quick.
  15. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

  16. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    new system is stupid. @_@
  17. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    lolwtf. linux build with vmware to access Windows 7 running off of server. WTF.
  18. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Getting off before the teacher notices me.
  19. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Okay. What the hell with last night. Could not load this site yesterday at home. Other people can just fine... Might be just my ISP or something? TTATT Hopefully it'll be fixed tonight. /is at school/
  20. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Okay, now they are complaining about how I'm not paying attention to what we're watching. That is annoying.