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  1. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Oh no, no rain on Saturday. BAD OMEN. BAAAAAAAD OMEN.
  2. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Gawd, don't get me started on playing Pokemon on VBA again. I was so addicted to that. ;-; I would just spam play Emerald like crazy.
  3. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    What, VBA has DirectIP linkage? o_O
  4. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Okay... this is getting bad. Greg's blog, aRM, got blocked for "forums.blogs" ._. I dunno how long till DATS gets blocked. ;-; "" is getting a DNS error. But "" isn't. >_>
  5. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    God, ditto.
  6. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Event locatiopns
  7. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

  8. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Team numbers.
  9. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Note to self: Bus arrives at 5:45 Students should arrive sometime between 5 and 5:15. Bus is scheduled to return at 7:45... but... LAWLS. It never gets here.
  10. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Capacitance Meters (for future reference)
  11. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    hurr, ended up with the more expensive one. Oh wells. Cheap chinese crap is cheap.
  12. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

  13. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    At least... I think the teacher is buying bulk? Probably 8-10. Which means I think I found one. Of course, two weeks of shipping makes no one happy. I dunno how rushed he wants them, but he was like, "We need them in [#] of weeks." I'm like, "what?" half asleep... ;-;
  14. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Hurr, trying to find cheap capacitance meters is like hard. ;-;
  15. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    Let's see if I can open Photoshop on this computer without killing the computer. /crosses fingers/
  16. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

  17. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    I'm going to try to work on my Web Design project... ...if the comp cooperates, then I'll try working on the digidisc stuff again. Assuming I don't get engrossed in my lame project.
  18. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    School computers are weird. 'nuff said.
  19. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?

    As for why my computer would start sounding like it was dying when I was trying to edit a text file... I HAVE NO EFFING CLUE.
  20. suikun245

    ...what happened to Pages?
