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  1. Skr

    Dire need of QC'ers and Karaoke Artists

    Oh, we've already decided not to do karaoke for shows that don't have it... let me get a screenshot from Tamers for you. No ktime... just what an op/ed should have on it. Romaji will be in episode 2.
  2. Skr

    Dire need of QC'ers and Karaoke Artists

    Dire need of QC'ers and Karaoke Artists So we have a lot of projects here at DATS, eh? Way too many. But out of all our projects, we have more than a few that are waiting on karaokes... yes, karaokes! Seriously, what a stupid thing to be waiting on. So if anyone wants to effect some songs for...
  3. Skr

    Food... Italian? Something new.

    Food... Italian? Something new. So, for a little while Cael has been working on this series... not sure relaly for how long, but he has. And today, he's like "Here, release this." And I have no clue about manga and stuff, but since today is his birthday I thought it wouldn't hurt trying to do...
  4. Skr

    Ristorante Paradiso Chapter 01

    Chapter 01 [DATS] Ristorante Paradiso v01c01 [BC95F76F].zip File Size: 6.89MB Release Date: April 26, 2009 Trigger: !rispara01 (n/a) Credits RAW Provider: principedellacollina Translation: Hatsumi Cleaning: Cael Typesetting: Cael Proofreader: digiboy123 Special Thanks: Koroku...
  5. Skr

    More ways to watch Zero Two?!

    No, you can watch the episodes up to like 33 for free, and 'new' episodes are released weekly for free viewing. But if you buy a CR subscription, you can go ahead and watch all of the episodes, instead of just the 33 a free user would be able to see. And the pay to download thing is just another...
  6. Skr

    More ways to watch Zero Two?!

    More ways to watch Zero Two?! So... if you live in North America... and you want to watch ALL of Digimon Adventure Zero Two, then waddle on over to FUNimation's Video Portal. There you can watch all 50 episodes for free in their original, Japanese form with English subtitles. Of course...
  7. Skr

    Kuroshitsuji Dropped

    Oh, there's no doubt, I'm putting out Tsubasa 01 regardless of what goes on \o
  8. Skr

    Penguin 17 doesn't matter

    We have no source video for it. Not like there's a plot to this show and it makes every episode important.
  9. Skr

    Crunchy's got Chi!

    It's pretty sad that you don't realize we dropped the project after episode 10 aired since Yoro was doing it as well as we were...
  10. Skr

    [Game] Battle of the OPs and EDs! NEXT ROUND!

    11 3 2 10 5 9 18 104 20 51
  11. Skr

    [Game] Battle of the OPs and EDs! NEXT ROUND!

    85 4 32 16 (though Donten is awesome) 66 11 1 10
  12. Skr

    [Game] Battle of the OPs and EDs! NEXT ROUND!

    38 56 28 53 95 11 1 37 10 102
  13. Skr

    [Game] Battle of the OPs and EDs! NEXT ROUND!

    18 47 33 51 89 43 12 62 26 13 96 74 130