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  1. Role

    Firefox 3 Download Day

    Well, if your compy sucks, it may take a little bit longer than FF2 to load, but it's still better than IE and kicks AOL's ass as far as my experience goes. Haven't tried Opera, so no comment here. Still, I love FF3, so I highly recommend it.
  2. Role

    Firefox 3 Download Day

    What, you prefer IE? Opera? God forbid AOL...
  3. Role

    Ryuusei no Rockman RPG

    Who cares. From what I saw, she can't RP worth a damn. I'll show ya how it's done. We're using Japanese terms and what not, right? In that case: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character - Name: Shinseimori Anisa Gender: Female...
  4. Role

    Subaru... Overrated?

    He has an affair with Cepheus. Anywho, please, no shipping here. This wasn't meant for that. It was made to make fun of it.
  5. Role

    Subaru... Overrated?

    XD Misora x Cancer! That'd probably make an excellent sitcom or something! I vote for that if nothing more than for lulz! XD
  6. Role

    Subaru... Overrated?

    Hmm... Am I the only one who gets a kick out of reading that thread? I mean, I'm all for shipping. It makes me laugh. Quite hard, sometimes. I mean, come one, try reading just a bit of it. You can't help but snicker at some of the silly reasoning they use! I mean, sure, it's all...
  7. Role

    Subaru... Overrated?

    I just get a kick out of reading the newest reason why 'this pairing's better than that one!'. Some of them are really silly, yet I love them. ^-^ As for this thing, it was just a set up to get me mad at him. He was doing it for kicks, and didn't really mean it. And Rocknote... I MEAN...
  8. Role

    Subaru... Overrated?

    Subaru... Overrated? I was looking at new SubaruXMisora vs SubaruXLuna stuffs earlier, and my brother happened to be looking over my shoulder. He eventually just blurted out "You know, Subaru's way too overrated..." I had to ask, so I turned and asked him how come. He explained to me how...
  9. Role

    Fanfiction Idea...

    Too Late. Blessing - Element - Role/Title - Name [Gender] - Partner - 'Why they fight' Courage - Fire - The Leader - Wada Satoru [♂] - Agumon - FlaWizardmon's Goggles Friendship - Ice - The Loner - Kanda Hideo [♂] - ??? - ??? Love - Air - The Keeper - Miyazaki Aki [♀] - ??? - ??? Kindness -...
  10. Role

    Fanfiction Idea...

    Okay... Updates time, woo... Name: Iwakami Shinju Age: 15 Gender: Female Blessing: Logic (Darkness) Role: The Thief Partner: PicoDevimon Adversary: Olympus Twelve (Minervamon) Personality: She seems a bit cold at first, and can be harsh to others. She doesn't tolerate either...
  11. Role

    [Game] Corrupted wish

    Granted, but it's only a picture... I wish for a cure for boredom...
  12. Role

    Fanfiction Idea...

    That's an image I made for the crest of logic a long time ago. However, the computer I made it on decided to take up smoking, so I lost all that data. I just finished re-creating it in MS Paint. Fear my Leet MS Paint (lack of) skills...
  13. Role

    Fanfiction Idea...

    Sorry for the double post. I looked up a few of the digimentals you mentioned earlier, and the only one that has an image seems to be the Digimental of Darkness. But it has no symbol. So I don't think I can use that... The reason I used the canons was so I didn't have to make a symbol for...
  14. Role

    (Digimon) Prelude to Doubt

    (Digimon) Prelude to Doubt ((Note from writer - This is a one shot Fic that takes place from Minervamon's point of view for a larger fanfic that I plan on writing. It takes place immediately after the prelude that will be written, seven years before the fanfic begins. And yes, it's supposed...
  15. Role

    Digimon Adventure 3.0 - Fate

    Ah, please ignore my PM... Evidently I was confused on how to apply, and wasn't sure about how to ask if 2.5 is still open... Apparently it's not, but hey, we've got 3.0 now! ...Hmm... Who to be... Well, I chose Moonlight because I thought Lunamon was cuter than Coronamon, sooo... Lunamon it...
  16. Role

    [Game] Stupid questions deserve stupid answers

    Because you have a vowel deficiency. You need some Vitamin G, fast! Why do I like light blue so much?
  17. Role

    [Game] Stupid questions deserve stupid answers

    Because you have a vowel deficiency. You need some Vitamin G, fast! Why do I like light blue so much?
  18. Role

    [Game] Stupid questions deserve stupid answers

    Because you think that everything is quality. Why do I like the Black Mages so much?
  19. Role

    [Game] Stupid questions deserve stupid answers

    Because you think that everything is quality. Why do I like the Black Mages so much?
  20. Role

    [Game] Stupid questions deserve stupid answers

    Because there's nothing to be busy with. If science hates the whole God thing, then why do their theories only strengthen the appearance that he exists?