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  1. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Well this has been fun. I've been pressing the refresh button constantly over the past 48 hours. Why do I never get a connection to DATS ;_;
  2. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Makes me want to own a 3DS. Have a DSi and the original one. Should I get one?
  3. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Makes me want to own a 3DS. Have a DSi and the original one. Should I get one?
  4. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Ahh, sorry! I was performing in a jazz band all day. I got back at 4PM (Australian time) which is when nobody is on here. For me, DATS is deserted from 4pm to 2am. :/
  5. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    I'm here now... Am I too late?
  6. DQA

    Assassin's Creed series

    Assassin's Creed 2 still remains my favorite in the series. How about you?
  7. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Redstone is the only reason I still play MC. I was building a redstone computer kind of like this one with my friend on his server: (just not as powerful) But the save file got corrupted so we gave up. ;_; Also his server has been getting heaps of DDoS attacks recently so I haven't really...
  8. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    I'm from Australia; you're not alone ^_^
  9. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Same! I spent 3 years on this! Isn't it great?
  10. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Crap... :eek: how'd you know?! *runs away and never comes back*
  11. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    I've broken both my arms and my left leg. :confused:
  12. DQA

    Happy Birthday, Kaitou_Yahiko

    Haappy Birtthdaayy! Hopefully this gets sent, my internet is being crazy at the moment.
  13. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Wowowowowowow! I'm jealous. I can't draw for shit :/
  14. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

  15. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Yeah, it's really weird. Supposedly he/she said "Excellent answer, but if it's not difficult, you can do a bit more", whatever that means. I don't think it's a spambot...
  16. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    I have awoken from my eternal slumber. Can someone bring me up-to-date? :3
  17. DQA

    Happy Birthday Matze

    Woooo!! Another birthday! <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATZE <3
  18. DQA

    Happy Birthday, Megumi~

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ;) (I think I missed it, but I haven't been able to get a connection)
  19. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Alright, I'll make sure to read it.
  20. DQA

    Sorry, I killed Pages

    Want. Want. Want. Want. I've played half of the game on my DS and translated little parts out of pure boredom, so I'm really interested. Joint project perhaps? Too bad I have no experience with modifying DS roms. Only ever really done that with SNES roms. Meh, it's not the best JRPG ever, but...